Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 689: The last straw

   Archibald got it!

   Arthur is overjoyed!

   This means that both parties are in contact!

   Although it is only a unilateral contact, only unilateral Archibald can speak, but that is enough!

   With this weak connection, it shouldn’t be difficult to meet Archibald!


the other side.

   Archibald looked at the signal, and keenly noticed something wrong.

   He wondered, "Something's wrong! The source of this signal doesn't seem to be the one I left in the Kingdom of Saint Martin! And...this signal source seems too close, right?"

   After he finished speaking, he was silent, as if he was thinking about this!

After a while, he suddenly said, "By the way, I remembered, isn't this signal the blood tester I left in the safe house in New World, waiting for the newcomers to discover? I remember I still I modified this instrument a bit and added a little more function!"

"The recorder used to record my daily life on the bright side. It is secretly that once it is obtained by the royal blood of the Kingdom of Tike, it will activate and automatically search for signals and connect to me! In other words, take it now Those who came here with this instrument are the descendants of Tike Kingdom!"

   At this point, his voice changed, as if he was asking Arthur who was holding the metal ball, and asked curiously, "This junior, are you a descendant of King Tik?"

   After speaking, Archibald quietly waited for Arthur's answer!

   And the other side!

   Listening to Archibald's words, Arthur felt a little painful while he was overjoyed!

  The happy thing is that Archibald knew about him, but the thing that hurts is that he can't reply!

   The metal ball in his hand, although it has the functions of signal search, signal connection, and voice listening, it has no dialogue function at all!

   Of course, it may be that he didn't find it!

   But anyway, he can't answer now!

   In this case, he will inevitably have some pain!

   Simply, Archibald reacted quickly!

   He suddenly said, "Oh, yes, I forgot, because time was too short, and I didn't expect to survive, so I only used half of the call function, and I can only make a unilateral call!"

   said, he apologized, "The junior over there, I'm sorry!"

Immediately, he changed his voice, pondered for a moment, and said, "Well...Let’s do it! If you want to answer me, you wrap the wire extending from the ball with both hands. I see the signal is strong. Weak, to confirm your words, can you? If you can, wrap it with your hands!"

   Listening to these words, Arthur hurriedly wrapped the iron wire extending from the metal ball with his hands!

   Immediately, Archibald reacted and said, "Well, the signal is a little weaker. It seems that you understand it. Then, I will ask you to answer!

As he said, he paused and said in deep thought, "The first question is, are you a descendant of King Tik’s royal family? If you do, wrap it with your hands, not twice. If you don’t know if it is, Wrap three times!"

   Arthur quickly wrapped it with his hands!

"It seems so!" Archibald didn't respond to this answer. The thing in Arthur's hand was modified by the bloodline detector. When the two can contact, Arthur must be Tick. The descendants of the kingdom are not wrong!

   And the reason why he asked this was just to confirm that Arthur didn't know his identity!

If it is clear, then Arthur may be a pure descendant of the Tik Kingdom. If it is not clear, it may be that the descendants of the Tik royal family who escaped from the beginning have accidentally lost their inheritance or accidentally lost in a certain generation. Descendants, blood shed outside!

   "Then your current position is at an altitude of 25,000 meters?" Archibald asked thoughtfully.

   Arthur wrapped it up again.

"That's it, I said why the signal is so strong, so close, so you are outside!" Archibald sighed, then asked, "Then the kingdom below your location is still holy. Martin Kingdom?"

   Arthur wrapped the wire with his hands.

   "Hoo---that's good!" Archibald let out a long sigh of relief.

   He has always cared about Saint Martin's affairs!

   But because he is always here, unable to go out, and unable to receive outside news, he does not understand the situation of Saint Martin, so he is inevitably worried!

   And now that Arthur confirms this, he is more relieved!

   Then, after thinking for a moment, he asked again, "So how is the situation in Saint Martin now?"

   Arthur heard the words and wrapped the wire again without hesitation!

   "Hoo---that's good!" Archibald sighed and said, "Then do you know who handled the original reef around Saint Martin?"

   When Arthur heard this question, his heart jumped.

   There is a feeling of being caught upright for doing bad things!

   But then, he still wrapped the wire with his hands!

  As long as this Archibald can come out, he will know sooner or later, so Arthur has no idea to hide it!

   "So is it from Saint Martin or from outside Saint Martin?" Archibald asked.

   Arthur wrapped the wire again.

"It turns out to be from San Martin! It seems that I didn't guess wrong before, but the people from San Martin did it!" Archibald said helplessly, then hesitated to ask, "Then you Do you know the current king of Saint Martin?"

   When he heard this, Arthur raised his brows.

   But then he wrapped the wire with his hands!

"That's good!" Archibald said with a hint of surprise. "Then can you help me tell him and let him let me out? The successive kings of the Kingdom of Saint Martin should have one that can turn me on. Here is the key!

   There are all kings in the past?

   Then why am I not?

   With some surprise, Arthur still wrapped the wire with his hands.

   Then, he wrapped it twice!

   "Huh!? A weak signal, and then two weak signals, what do you mean?" Archibald asked a little surprised, suddenly thought of a possibility.

   Immediately, he was shocked and said, "Wait, don't you mean it? You can help me tell him, but you know he doesn't have the key, right?"

   Arthur wrapped the wire!

"What!!!" Archibald said in horror, and asked in a flustered manner, "Is this ancestral thing that St. Martin's king can have? Is it lost? Or is it lost? Or is it a king? Didn't know this happened?"

   At the end, Archibald's voice ~www.ltnovel.com~ still trembles a little!

   Now his energy is seriously insufficient. If this continues, he will definitely die in the end. If he wants to save himself, it is nothing more than letting the King of Saint Martin hold the key to open the door for him!

   But if the current king of St. Martin doesn't know this, and doesn't know what the so-called key is, it would be bad!

   This means that the key is probably missing, or lost for some reason, or his news has been lost to a certain generation of kings!

   But soon, he accepted this fact with a wry smile!

   After Martin's death, the successive kings of the Kingdom of St. Martin have not contacted him for so many years, and even in this generation, even the wireless charging equipment he once installed can be destroyed.

   Judging from these two aspects, he actually guessed it in his heart, he has been forgotten, and his news has been lost!

   It’s just that he has been reluctant to think about it or admit it!

   Suddenly, Archibald thought of Arthur who was in contact with him now!

   Right now, the only person who can contact him is Arthur, which means that if he still wants a chance to be rescued and wants to go out, he must seize Arthur, the last straw, and ask him for help!

   Thinking, Archibald asked without hesitation, "This junior, can you please do me a favor?"

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