Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 687: Find location

   After returning to the study, Arthur sat in a chair and began to calm down.

"Now my mind is very confused, and my thoughts are very mixed. If I just think about it, I will only get more and more confused. So I have to sort out my thoughts first, and then list the important known conditions, and then analyze and find The breakthrough!"

   After calming down, Arthur thought about what he needed to do next, and took a pen and paper from the side, and started to record!

   "First of all, the only thing that is certain now is that there is something above the Saint Martin's Palace, and it is constantly sending signals!" Arthur murmured, writing down the known conditions on the paper.

   "Secondly, it is basically certain that Archibald put this thing, and Archibald himself is very likely to be where the signal was launched!"

   "Finally, this thing cannot be found by ordinary means! At least at an altitude of 30,000 meters and below, it cannot be found with the naked eye!" While thinking, Arthur wrote out two known conditions!

   After recording these three known conditions, Arthur did not record it again!

   Because these three are basically the most critical three known now, based on these three known conditions, Arthur can easily draw some conclusions!

   First of all, he is basically certain that if he finds the so-called signal launch site, he is very likely to find Archibald directly, even if he does not find it, it is very close!

Secondly, the place where the signal is emitted should not be a normal place. Although he has not found it yet, based on his previous experience in the 30,000-meter altitude and the previously known important conditions, there are three possibilities for the location of the signal. Sex.

   One is the location in outer space!

   Although he thought it was impossible to be in a place that was too high before, because the environment and temperature in those places were very bad, even the machinery couldn't stand it, and it might even be broken!

But now he calmed down and thought about it carefully. He thought it was possible. After all, there were people in this world who could go to the moon thousands of years ago, and later came back and turned into a sky islander. Now the place where the signal was launched is in outer space. possible?

   Judging from the science and technology of the Tik Kingdom he had obtained before, the Tik Kingdom should be able to do this!

   And even if it can’t be done, there are still devil fruits in this world!

   Just find some special devil fruits, it is not impossible to send things to outer space!

   The second type may be caused by devil fruits!

This world has book fruits, fruits that can create a book world. It is inevitable that there is something similar, fruits that can create the world, and the entrance to the world created by this fruit is just above Saint Martin, so it appears. Signals are detected, but nothing is found.

   Or some special devil fruit that can hide things, hide things so that Arthur can't see them with the naked eye!

   The third type is caused by a certain technology!

   The place where the signal was emitted may be hidden by a technology that Arthur didn't understand.

   As for which one it is, Arthur has not yet confirmed.

   However, he already has a plan to determine where he is!

   That is to fly up again, and then take out the metal ball, according to the direction of the signal source said by the metal ball, determine which one is possible!

   If Arthur flies to an altitude of 30,000 meters and takes out a metal ball, and the metal ball tells him that the place where the signal is emitted is above, it is likely to be in outer space!

But if the metal ball tells him that the signal is below, then things should be in some kind of devil fruit similar to the fruit of a book, which can create space, in the space created, or by some special devil fruit, Some kind of technology is hidden!

   "It seems, I have to go to heaven!" Arthur murmured.

   At the moment, if you want to determine the best place to send the signal, it is also the easiest way. It is undoubtedly the metal ball in his hand that can search for the signal!

   As long as you use this metal ball to try again and again, try more at different positions and different angles, and you will soon be able to lock the place where the signal is emitted.

   And then, what kind of situation is, Arthur can also directly verify it!

   Thinking about it, Arthur didn't hesitate, got up and walked out of the room!





   With the sound of the air being trampled on, Arthur once again walked to the sky with a moonwalk!

   One hundred meters!

   two hundred meters!

   Five hundred meters!


   One kilometer!

  Three kilometers!

   Five kilometers!


   10,000 meters!

   20,000 meters!

  30,000 meters!


   Soon, Arthur came to an altitude of 30,000 meters again!

   Immediately, he didn't care about the evil of his surroundings at this time, but he couldn't wait to take out the metal ball from his portable space.

   "The bloodline of Tike Kingdom has been checked, the hidden mode is being developed, please be patient..."

   "Hidden mode is on!"


   Along with a faint sound of mechanical operation, a thin metal wire like an antenna stretched out from the metal ball.

   "Searching for signals, please be patient..."

   "Searching for signals, please be patient..."

   "Searching for signals, please be patient..."


   After repeating the cycle for about ten seconds, a harsh radio wave suddenly appeared in the metal ball.

   "Zi Zi---Zi Zi---Zi Zi---"

   "There is a strong signal below the search, it is being connected to the signal, please be patient..."


After another harsh radio wave, a familiar voice came from the metal ball, "I am Archibald, and my current location is Xihai. After receiving this news, Xihai came to me for the specific location. It’s the Kingdom of Saint Martin!"

"I'm sure, the location of the signal is under the altitude of 30,000 meters, that is to say, the place where the signal is emitted should be due to some kind of fruit or some kind of technology, and it cannot be seen directly now!" Arthur listened to the metal. The sound from the ball ~www.ltnovel.com~ my eyes lit up and I was overjoyed!

   as long as it is not in outer space!

   If it is caused by some special devil fruit or some kind of technology, Arthur can still find a way to get it, but if it is in outer space, I am afraid he has not wanted to get it for more than a decade in the past few years!

   After all, Saint Martin has no technology that can send him to outer space for the time being!

   Immediately afterwards, Arthur suppressed his joy, and after putting the metal ball into his pocket, he was ready to chase after victory. Try a few more times to lock the place where the signal was launched!

   Just do it!

   After making a decision in his mind, he immediately began to drop his body shape and tried repeatedly.

   An altitude of 20,000 meters!

   Well, it's low!

   28,000 meters in the sky!

   Well, it's high!

   24,000 high altitude!

   Well, it's low!


  During repeated tests, Arthur finally locked his goal at an altitude of 25,210 meters, and after many experiments, he came to the exact location of the signal launch.

   Right above the main hall of Saint Martin's Palace!

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