Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 678: Go straight to the topic

On the second day after thinking of impersonating Moria, Arthur made Moria’s body, which was controlled by the ghost army ninja, appeared in public view, and made a look of escape from prison. A fishing boat disappeared in the vast sea!

   At the same time, Arthur himself also made a furious look, and in the name of Saint Martin, Moria was directly wanted for 500 million!

   Well, after all, when Moria was arrested, it was not seen by one or two people, so these methods are still very necessary.

   Of course, after the fishing boat disappeared from the sight of everyone, Moria's body was quickly received in the ice coffin, to avoid exploding under the sun for too long, causing the body to rot!

Then, Arthur directly sent his shadow to the ice coffin with Moria’s corpse, and took some people from St. Martin to Murloc Island, and then set off from Murloc Island to the first half of the Great Channel to the Devil’s Triangle. Find the terrifying three-masted sailing ship!

   Just as all this was done, Arthur received a message!

  Mihawk and Grommash are coming!


   Three days later!

  Sint Maarten Island Harbour Town Port

   "Is this Saint Martin?" Grommash couldn't help asking as he scanned the people around, the bustling scene, and the bustling scene.

   Such a prosperous port is also ranked top among all the ports encountered in Grommash's life!

"Yeah!" After Mihawk nodded, he couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at the bustling scene around Zhou, "However, when I came last time, in the first two years, there was no So prosperous!"

   Hearing these words, Grommash said with emotion, "Then it seems that Saint Martin is developing very fast!"

   Just as the two were chatting, they suddenly heard a few passers-by in work clothes next to them and talked about some things they care about.

   "By the way, have you heard that? The one called Moonlight Moriah ran away!"

"I heard! I heard that after the Moonlight Moria committed a crime in our kingdom, within a few days, he was arrested by the golden saint of Capricorn, Lord Shura, and put in prison, but later because of a guard The soldiers were greedy for the gold jewelry promised by Moriah, so they secretly let him go!"

   "Oh~ these **** assholes!"

   "There is no way, our kingdom is so big and there are so many people, even if His Majesty the King is holy, it is impossible to be completely free of moths, at most it is to make those moths dare not emerge!

"Yes, it is very sage that His Majesty the King can do this now! Look at other kingdoms, the borers are almost visible to the naked eye! In contrast, our kingdom is definitely the best in the world in this respect. Kingdom is gone!"

   "To live in this kind of kingdom is definitely the luckiest thing in our life!"

   "Yes! And then the guard soldier had no good end, and was killed by Moria who escaped on the spot!"

   "Even if he is not killed, he will not end well by then. His Majesty the King hates these assholes!"

   "But, having said that, the escaped Moriah was angered by his majesty, and he offered a reward of 500 million Baileys!"

   "If I didn't know myself and knew that if I went to die, I might have to look for Moria! After all, I won't have to worry about it for the rest of my life!"

   "Forget it, forget it! Then it shouldn't be the idea of ​​ordinary people like us, let's go to work honestly!"

   "Also, let's go, let's go to work!"

   "Go, go!"


   After listening patiently to the chats of a few passers-by, Mihawk and Gromash looked at each other, and subconsciously glanced at each other!

   "Unexpectedly, Saint Martin really has such a strong strength! It's just a pity, and finally let Moria run away!" Grommash looked at Hawkeye and exclaimed.

   "Yeah! It's a pity that Moria ran away in the end!" Mihawk couldn't help sighing.

   Both of them didn't think much about it at this time, thinking that it was really Saint Martin who was not careful, so Moria was run away!

"Da da da!"

   At this moment, with the sound of neat footsteps, a small group of soldiers came to the two of them from far to near.

   "Mr. Mihawk, your Majesty asks you to have the next Mr. Grommash go over!" the leading soldier said respectfully.

   After Mihawk and Gromash looked at each other, they nodded and said, "Okay, lead the way!"

   "Please here, the carriage is already waiting there!" The leading soldier turned sideways, and gestured to the carriage not far away.

  Although St. Martin already has such things as steam buses, horse-drawn carriages and the like have not been completely banned!

Compared with the steam buses that can only take fixed roads, there are still a lot of people. The horse-drawn carriages also have their own advantages. For example, they are more free when they are traveling. car!

   Therefore, there have been carriages until now, and there are still quite a few!

   And in Arthur's prediction, even if the car that he has included in the research list is researched, it is estimated that the horse carriage will not be replaced immediately, at most it will be suppressed!

"let's go!"

   Seeing this, Mihawk and Gromash walked over without hesitation.


   Soon, under the leadership of the soldiers, Mihawk and Gromash rode in a carriage specially arranged for them to arrive at the palace of Saint Martin, and to the place where Arthur was, the palace study!


   With a sound of pushing the door, a waiter led Mihawk and appeared in front of Arthur.

   "Your Majesty, the man is here!" The waiter said respectfully.

   "Okay, you go down first!" Arthur said with a smile.

   "Yes!" The waiter nodded, turned and left the study!

   "Sit down, please!" Arthur looked at them, smiled and gestured to the chair beside him.

   "Thank your Majesty!" After the two politely agreed, they sat down in their respective positions!

   "Mihawk, the purpose of getting you back this time is to have something good for you to try!" Arthur looked at Mihawk and went straight to the subject.


  Mihawk asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what is it?"

"Uh, how should I put it..." Arthur said after hesitating for a while, "If I say that, I won't be able to say it clearly for a while! Let's go and try it directly~www.ltnovel.com ~Just try it!"

   "Try it directly?" Mihawk asked puzzled.

"Yes! That thing is now in the palace’s school grounds, you can just go and try it!" After Arthur said in a deep voice, he turned to look at Grommash, and said, "As for this Gro Mr. Marsh...I want to tell him something alone!"

   "This..." Mihawk looked at Gromash a little hesitantly!

   Grommash is the person he brought, if you leave him here alone, it doesn’t seem very good!

   "Go! I'm fine by myself!" Grommash saw the hesitation in Mihawk's eyes and said boldly.

   I don’t know how many winds and rains he has experienced in this life. At the moment, this situation is just a small scene for him, and there is no problem for him alone!

   "Okay!" Mihawk nodded after thinking for a moment.

   In his opinion, even if it is for his face, Grommash will have no problem!

   Then, Mihawk got up, left the study, and walked toward the palace campus that Arthur said!

But after he left, Arthur turned his gaze to Grommash, with a faint smile on his face, and said sternly, "Nonsense, I won't say more, just go to the topic! I just want to ask. Ask, is Mr. Gromash interested in joining our kingdom?"

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