Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 658: Platinum lead disease


Seeing the bomber weeping in front of him, Arthur secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Blood Harbor Town is considered safe now, as long as you work harder, you can take down the bomber!

Thinking about this, Arthur squinted his eyes and asked with a deep meaning, "Do you want to save your wife and children?"

After hearing these words from Arthur, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Arthur, and said, "Think, think, I think!"

Hearing these words, the bomber who gradually fell into despair in Arthur's words, was like a drowning man seeing a straw, desperately trying to catch it!

When Arthur heard this, after smiling, he deliberately said, "However, the fact that you installed a bomb here makes me very embarrassed!"

When the bomber heard it, his face showed hesitation. After struggling in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will tell you where the bomb is installed. I only ask you to save my wife and children and let them go. !"

Once a person's psychological defense line is broken, his downline will be horribly low.

If it were before, the bomber would definitely not say that, because it was equivalent to putting his life in the hands of others, but after Arthur broke through his psychological defenses, he hesitated, but also said Up!

As long as he can save his wife and children, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he wants to catch it!

"Tell me your story, and then tell me where the bomb is. As for if you can't let it go, let me think about it again!" Arthur smiled, and did not directly agree to the bomb geek.

After the bomber hesitated, he gritted his teeth and agreed, "Okay!"

Although agreeing is to put the lives of himself and his wife and children in Arthur's hands, what else can he do if he doesn't agree?

Couldn't you fight Arthur?

Then his wife and children would be dead!

Now he can only bet on Arthur's kindness!

"I, was born in the famous white kingdom Frefans in the North Sea." With a deep voice, the bomber slowly told his story!

And with his words, Arthur gradually understood the bomber in front of him!

His name is Trafalgar Lee and he is a doctor!

That's right!

As a terrorist, he who committed a crime with a bomb turned out to be a doctor!

He is not from Xihai, but from Beihai!

Born in Frefans, the White Kingdom, the hometown of Trafalgaro!

Four years ago, one year before the fall of Frevans, as a doctor, he was aware of the existence of platinum-lead disease and secretly collected information about platinum-lead disease and the royal family and the world government to conceal evidence of platinum-lead disease. Tell the other civilians and the outside world.

But in the end, because of the betrayal of his friends, his success fell short, and he was discovered by the royal family and the world government and secretly ordered the pursuit!

Simply, his mind turned quickly. After he noticed something wrong with his friend, he immediately reacted and knew that he had been betrayed!

So he contacted a pirate friend who had been rescued by him in the past, who was more loyal, and with his help, just before the hunt came, he took his pregnant wife and escaped from Frefans!

However, to escape from Frefans is to escape, but the matter has not been resolved!

Because he has the evidence that the world government and the Frevans royal family conceal platinum lead disease, the world government has never stopped chasing him!

Less than three months after escaping from Frefans, the pirate friend who helped him was killed in order to save him, and the entire pirate group more than twenty people were destroyed!

After that, he and his wife embarked on a journey of escape, and have been wandering around the North Sea. They dare not stop at all, for fear of being overtaken by people sent by the world government!

During this period, they also encountered countless dangers!

Fortunately, his wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp. From a family of pyrotechnics, she has an extraordinary liking for explosions since she was a child, especially the feeling of explosions!

Therefore, she often plays and even mixes explosives herself, until she accidentally blows herself up, and meets Trafalgar Lee as a doctor when she goes to the hospital, and when she wants to marry him at first sight, she puts down this hobby!

But because of being hunted down, she had to pick up this craft again and began to make all kinds of unique explosives!

With the help of the unique explosives she made and the alertness of Trafalgar Lee, they were able to evade countless dangers along the way!

However, fleeing, they also feel that this is not the way to go on!

First of all, Trafalgar Lee's wife is about to give birth!

They must find a safe place to be born!

Secondly, after their children are born, they definitely need a place to live a stable life!

After thinking about the three generations, they changed their faces and came to the West Sea through the merchant ships of the Chamber of Commerce. They settled down in a remote village in the West Sea, and they were welcomed by this small village by virtue of their own medical skills!

And within a few days of staying, his wife gave birth to a boy, his son!

But at the time, he and his wife were very happy!

Originally they thought that they would live like this until death!

But after his son was born, he didn't have a few days of effort. As a doctor, he found something was wrong!

His son got platinum lead disease!

The news was like a bolt from the blue, causing him and his wife to fall into despair, but what made him even more desperate was that soon after his son was diagnosed with platinum lead disease, he found it and his wife also had it. Platinum lead disease!

In the end, even platinum lead disease was found in his body!

Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ their happy little home was plunged into endless darkness like a major disaster!

What is the scariest part of platinum lead disease?

It is not that it will shorten the life span, but that she will inherit the offspring, and even the offspring will have their lifespans from generation to generation. Until the end, when the child is not an adult, it will completely die, leading to end!


As a doctor, he quickly discovered that although he and his wife and son were suffering from serious illnesses, they would not die immediately. They still had time!

Therefore, he began to go crazy and study the treatment of platinum lead disease!

In the end, after studying for nearly three years, he finally came up with a treatment!

But here comes the problem!

This treatment method has been researched out. The materials needed for treatment are too much and too wide. As a doctor, although he is wealthy and has some savings, he is still far behind the materials needed. , With his income at least for several years without eating or drinking to raise enough!

But did he still have his wife and children in those years?

he does not know!

Don't dare to gamble!

no way!

After being forced to a dead end, after discussing with his wife, he drew up a plan and set his goal on Saint Martin!

Finally, there is this scene!

And listening to what he said, Arthur frowned, but he asked Trafalgar Lee an unexpected question, "You mean your name is Trafalgar Lee? Then do you know someone called Trafalgar Lee? Trafalgarro?"

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