Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 609: absurd

   was the first to board?

   Arthur thought subconsciously.

   Don't blame him for thinking this way. After a normal person has found the treasure after untold hardships, just when he thinks he is about to harvest, he suddenly finds that there is already someone in the treasure.

   "The traces at the entrance of the laboratory are still very new! People should still be in the laboratory, sneak in and observe, you will know if it is!" Arthur murmured.

   said, he quickly lowered his height!

   If you continue to stand there, as long as someone comes out, it is easy to be spotted!

   After descending, Arthur turned his body into a shadow for the first time, and quietly touched it towards the laboratory!

   In a while!

   Arthur passed by the hive quietly and touched the door of the laboratory!

The location of the laboratory is in a small mountain bag, and the door of the laboratory is green, about two meters wide and three meters high, it is inlaid at the bottom of the small mountain bag, and there are many flowers and trees growing around. There is a huge hive right in front of you. If you don't pay attention or your eyes are bad, you will even ignore the past!

   Simply, Arthur's eyes were pretty good, so he found the door and touched it!

   However, he did not choose to enter through the door!

   Because there is an introduction in the diary that the laboratory is not big, if he wants to go in through the door, as long as there is someone in it, he will immediately find Arthur!

   So, after thinking about it, he finally chose to use the vent to enter!

  Compared with the gate, the vent entry is undoubtedly a lot concealed, and it is not easy to be found.

   And, like this kind of laboratory in the mountain bag, there are more vent entrances, because there is basically no air circulation in this place. If there are fewer vents, it will cause suffocation!

   As for where to find the vent...

   Arthur subconsciously touched the hillside of the small hill.

  Considering that the ventilation ducts are generally on the top of the room, and based on the laboratory door, the top of the laboratory is exactly half a mountainside, so the vent is most likely to be half a mountainside!

as predicted!

   After searching a little bit, Arthur was under a nearby bush and found a dusty vent.


   The vent is still running, and the fan blades of the exhaust fan are turning quickly, sucking all the nearby air into the vent.

   "The exhaust fan should have been replaced by someone!"

   Arthur looked at the brand new exhaust fan and the very old ventilation duct around the exhaust fan, and a thought flashed through his mind.

   Immediately, he didn't care!

   Regardless of whether it is changed or not, it should be right to enter from here anyway!

   Thinking so, Arthur touched it in again!

   Now as a shadow, the exhaust fan, which almost closes the entire vent, didn't play a role. He got in directly from the gap in the fan blades of the exhaust fan!

   After moving in around the pipe, Arthur soon came to the top of a room!

   "I will succeed soon!"

   "This one gram plus this three grams"

   "It’s coming, it’s coming!"


   As soon as he got here, Arthur heard a pleasant sound from below, which came into his ears.


   is still a woman!

   While judging, Arthur stretched his head over the air outlet of the room to observe the situation inside!

   At this look, he was stunned on the spot!

I saw in his eyes a white coat outside, a bikini inside, and a pair of flip-flops on his snow-white delicate feet. The height was 1.7 meters, the front was raised and back, his skin was snow-white, golden yellow like golden waves. Beautiful woman with curly hair draped over her shoulders.

   What kind of ghost match is this?

   Arthur thought in a daze.

   But it is still not waiting for him to understand, the movement of this beauty makes him even more bewildered!

   "Yohouhou---it was successful!!!"

   The beauty screamed while holding a bottle of the pink potion that had just been made up and didn't know what effect it was.

   What the **** is this?

   Arthur thought so, the whole person was dumbfounded!

   And after a while, Arthur also recovered!

   Although the beauty in front of him feels very weird whether it is behavior or dressing, but the most important thing at the moment is not to care about her weird or weird things, but to figure out the origin of this beauty!

   Of course, if you can find what Charlotte wrote in the diary, it would be better to leave the experimental record here and not take it away!

   As for how to do it...

   Something simple and rude!

   He just wanted to find out who entered the laboratory through observation, but the scene before him made him realize something!

  In this laboratory, there is probably only a beautiful woman!

   He took a closer look at the laboratory and found that there is no shortage of beds, clothes, food, and water!

   But the bed is not a big single bed, the sheets and quilt are not big, it is enough for one person, and the color is all pink with a girlish feel.

  The clothes hanging in the corner of the room are all women's clothing. Although there are no cosmetics, Arthur saw that there are many natural skin care products for women on a table in the room.

  All the above signs indicate that this place is likely to be a beautiful woman!

   In this case, Arthur's previous method of obtaining information through observation was not a good choice!

   After all, when a normal person is alone, can he speak his own information to himself?

   completely impossible!

   Therefore, no matter how he observes, in the end, he must directly capture the beauty for interrogation~www.ltnovel.com~ so he chose to capture the beauty for interrogation from the beginning!

   Thinking like this, Arthur turned into a shadow and touched it out of the air outlet, then passed the top of the room, went around the wall of the room, finally got off the wall, reached the ground, and then touched the shadow of the beauty!

   During the whole process, the beauty did not notice, she still looked at the medicine in her hand with excitement!

next moment!

   Arthur floated up quietly from behind the beauty,

"do not move!"

   Arthur quietly put his hand on the beautiful woman's neck, and used the wooden fruit to extend the wooden thorn from the palm to press the beautiful woman's neck, and then shouted sharply.

   Suddenly, the beauty was excited, the excitement on her face disappeared immediately, and the potion in her hand almost fell without holding it firmly.

   Fortunately, her mental quality is not bad, and she reacted immediately, grasping the potion in her hand, so that the potion did not fall!

   However, she was not happy about it either!

  Because she had realized that she had been taken prisoner so inexplicably!

   What the hell?

   Where did this person come from?

   Why does he appear behind me?

   Why are you kidnapping me?

   Is it my enemy?

   Still from that kingdom?

With countless questions appearing in her mind, the beauty did not find the answer for the first time. Instead, she suppressed the panic in her heart and said very cooperatively, "I cooperate, I won't move, you just don't hurt me. !"

   And after Arthur heard her, he suddenly felt like a robber!

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