Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 397: Mysterious drawings

  The Study Room of King St. Martin’s Palace

After Uinohana Onitomaru and Asakura Ichiro explained the reasons for the matter, Arthur was not concerned about Kaido's problem at first, but with a strange look on his face, and asked euphemistically: "You said you were chased. After four years of killing, I would like to ask, how did you keep this fat, sturdy body in the pursuit?"

   Hearing this, Asakura Ichiro was stunned on the spot!

  ? ? ?

   Aren’t you talking about Kaido now?

   Why do you pay so much attention to my figure?

  Besides, obesity is obesity, so why bother?

However, he quickly reacted and quickly explained, "This is because I ate animal-based domestic pig fruits! Although domestic pig fruits do not have any side effects, I use this fruit to develop the fruit. The greatest strength, I often learn the behavior of domestic pigs, eat more and sleep more like it, that's why this is the case!"

   What the hell?

   In order to understand the fruit of domestic pigs and maximize the ability of the fruit, eat more and sleep more?

   If it’s a Teddy fruit, don’t you want the sun every day?

   Arthur’s first reaction was not to believe it!

   But he changed his mind, it seemed that there was some sense in doing so!

   This is similar to the principle he used to develop the Fruit of Thunder!

   It is because he understands thunder and lightning that he can develop the fruit of thunder to awakening so quickly!

But the difference is that Asakura Ichiro cannot learn about domestic pigs through science like Arthur, and there is no book about pigs in this world, so he can only learn about pigs’ behaviors to understand it, so as to achieve the fruits of development. Effect!


   Did he think of this method himself?

   Arthur carefully looked at the middle-aged fat man in front of him. He didn't look like the kind of person who could develop fruit abilities!

   Seeing Arthur's eyes, Asakura Ichiro understood what he was thinking just a little bit!

   So, he added and explained, "This was given to me by a friend of my former animal demon fruit ability!"

   "Oh!" Arthur suddenly!

   Immediately, he put the matter down and began to ask about the business, "By the way, what kind of weapon design drawings did you take on Kaido? Why did he pursue you like this?"

   Arthur is most concerned about this matter!

   The reason is not only curiosity, but also because it relates to whether Asakura Ichiro has the value for him to protect!

After all, Kaido is also one of the four emperors in the future, and it is also known as the strongest creature in the world, and for the other four emperors, he who likes to walk alone is obviously troublesome, so if you offend him, Ya Se will have some headaches!

   Of course, I am not afraid of him, but Arthur hates trouble!

   But if Asakura Ichiro's drawings are of great value, he doesn't mind causing this trouble!

   "I can't understand even some drawings!" Asakura Ichiro told the truth.

   After all, he is just a businessman. It is normal for him not to understand the weapon drawings. If he understands, then there is a ghost!

"Yeah" Arthur groaned for a moment, and said with a serious tone, "In this way, you will show me all the drawings. If the drawings are of value, you can live in Saint Martin in the future, and the Kaido thing, We will help you solve it too! Of course, if the drawings are very ordinary, then we have nothing to do!"

After all, Asakura Ichiro’s father is a good friend with his cheap father-in-law, Unohana Onitomaru. Although Unohana Onitomaru said, they have not seen each other for decades, and their relationship is actually very weak. How to say it is also a good friend!

   So Arthur stated his purpose straightforwardly, without circumstance, and did not want to use any means to deceive the drawings in his hand!

   "This" Asakura Ichiro showed a struggling look on his face. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and nodded, saying, "Yes!"

Before he found it, he was mentally prepared. He would have to pay something to get the help of Uunohana Onitomaru. After all, he is Uncle Uonohana Onitomaru, but he is not related by blood. Uncle, just a friend's kind of uncle!

   And there must be a difference between friends and friends!

   If you are close friends like Uunohana Onitomaru and Yamamoto Motoyanyusai Shigekuni, you will definitely help without hesitation in the face of problems like Kaido!

However, his father and Uunohana Guitomaru only became friends because his father once provided some small help to Uunohana Guitomaru, and this kind of help is naturally not enough. How much to pay for it!

   Let’s put it this way, in terms of data, the favorability is limited to one hundred, and fifty is the favorability of strangers as the benchmark!

   卯之花Kitomaru and Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni have a good impression of at least 90. Although they can't depend on life and death, they can do it anyway, they will support the brothers!

   And Asakura Ichiro’s father and Unohana Kitomaru’s initial goodwill is equivalent to seventy. You can help if you can, or you can help if you can’t, but it’s your own interests!

   But after so many years, the favorability has naturally declined, so there are only sixty left, which is a little stronger than strangers. You can help as much as you can. If you can't help, then forget it!

"However, my drawings and my people are not here now. Before I came, I hid them on a hidden island and brought them away by myself. If you want to get the drawings, you must wait. A few days!" Asakura Ichiro said sternly.

"Okay!" Arthur nodded, and then he thought that Asakura Ichiro was still being hunted down, so he added, "Well, I'll send someone to get the drawing with you, and by the way, take your people Come here, and during this time he will be responsible for the safety of your people!"

Speaking of this, Arthur remembered something again and added, "Yes, after all, your father and my father-in-law are also former friends. If the final drawings are not worth enough, I also allow you to rest in the kingdom for one year. And protect your safety during this period!"

   Hearing this, Asakura Ichiro was even more relieved!

   Before this, although he agreed to show the drawings to Arthur, he still had concerns in his heart. If the drawings were not enough for Arthur to protect them, what should they do afterwards?

   But now with Arthur's words~www.ltnovel.com~ they will be safe in safety at least for the next year!

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!" Asakura Ichiro said thankfully with a bow.

   "Well, you go take a rest first, don't worry about getting the drawings!" Arthur said sternly.

   "Yes!" Asakura Ichiro nodded.

   "Then I'll take him away first!" After Uinohana Guitomaru said, she took Asakura Ichiro and left here!

   And just after they left, Devon immediately walked in from the house next to the study!

   "How about your side?" Arthur asked.

"No problem, the results of the interrogation are basically the same as what he said. The only difference is that there is a very important drawing among those drawings, and Kaido also values ​​it, but this should be unknown to Asakura Ichiro. That's why I didn't say it!" German said sternly.

   "What drawing?" Arthur asked, frowning.

   "I don't know, neither do those two people!" Devin shook his head and said.

   Hearing this, Arthur didn't ask any more questions, anyway, as long as the drawing arrived, he would know by then!


   I really look forward to it!

  Kaido also values ​​the drawings!

   The corners of Arthur's mouth raised involuntarily.

   Above the King of Pirates 

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