Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 384: Furious

West Sea

Sila Kingdom

This kingdom is located to the southeast of St. Martin and is currently the closest kingdom to St. Martin. If you set sail from the island where the Kingdom of Tiffusi was originally located just south of St. Martin, which is now the Perfume Island of St. Martin, it only takes two days. It can be reached!

The kingdom belongs to the archipelago, with more than a dozen islands of various sizes!

The country is in a relatively hot climate all year round. Although it is not suitable for growing food due to the soil and soil, it is rich in various fruits and is a famous fruit kingdom in the West Sea!

And this kingdom has 400,000 citizens and an army of about 30,000. Its combat power and equipment are among the best in the nearby kingdoms except Saint Martin. Therefore, although it is a non-participating country, it rarely receives pirates!

At this time, the palace of King Silas!

A middle-aged man wearing gorgeous clothes, a crown, a slightly raised belly, and a solemn face, frowned and walked around in the hall, as if thinking about something embarrassing!

He is the king of the Sila Kingdom, Ethelbert!

Compared with other kings of the kingdom, Ethelbert's origin is not very good. He is a side effect of the previous king after dating his lover outside-the bastard!

Originally from his background, the throne of the Kingdom of Silas was far away from him. What's more, the king at the time was not only his illegitimate son, but also three biological sons, which made the throne far away from him. Farther!

But it's a son after all!

The last king was still quite affectionate. He knew that this illegitimate child had little to do with the throne, so he was ready to find any reason to appoint him as a marquis, so that he could enjoy the glory and wealth of his life!

However, Ethelbert, who has been smart since he was young, is not willing to be just a Marquis!

He wants to be a king even more!

But how could an illegitimate son be a king?


When the last king had no other heirs! ! !

Therefore, he began to count his three brothers, that is, the three sons of the previous king who had inheritance rights and competed for power!

First, relying on the identity of his own illegitimate child and the lack of any possibility of succession to the throne, he approached the prince and joined his camp!

The eldest prince at that time faced him, a brother who had no possibility of inheriting the throne, and did not mind showing his brotherhood in front of outsiders, so he easily accepted him into his camp, and often took him everywhere to participate. At the banquet, showing a touching scene of brotherly respect in front of outsiders!

However, Ethelbert was not here to make the prince show off his brotherhood!

Therefore, under his design, he and the prince were unprepared, in a conflict between the prince and the second prince, the second prince’s people accidentally killed the prince!

The eldest prince died, and the second prince was also abolished by the previous king because of this, and he was directly exiled abroad!

In the end, the third prince fell from the sky and became the only heir to the throne!

But things will not end here!

After calculating the two brothers, Ethelbert turned his goal to the third prince!

Similarly, using his status as an illegitimate child and the possibility of no succession to the throne, he approached the third prince!

Similarly, the third prince was ready to use him to show his brotherhood, so he easily accepted Ethelbert's approach!

Afterwards, Ethelbert put a special poison into the three prince's daily diet by buying cooks and poisoning them, so that the three princes soon got a terminal illness and died of illness!

In the end, when all the princes died and only his own son was left, he had no choice but to pinch his nose and list him as his heir even if the king sensed something was wrong!

Then, after the king died, he successfully inherited the throne!

However, if his family knows his own affairs, his position is a bit wrong after all. If someone finds out what he has done before, it will be very troublesome even if he is already a king, and the royal family is more than just He is alone, so he is even in danger of being kicked out!

So since ascending to the throne, he began to be suspicious!

There are always people who want to harm me!

With this idea in mind, he began to eradicate some ministers who disobeyed orders, as well as royal relatives who threatened his throne!

It has only been 15 years since he took the throne, and he has executed hundreds of people, which means that an average of seven or eight ministers and royal family members die in his hands every year!

This allowed his authority to rise to the point that even if people discovered what he had done in the first place, it would not endanger the throne!

And it was his smart, suspicious, and fierce character that made him one of Arthur's goals!

Closer to home!

Today, he has no mood to care about the intrigue in the kingdom!

"What you said is true?" Ethelbert, who was walking back and forth, couldn't help asking again the burly man who was kneeling in front of him!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The stalwart man, with a respectful look, said affirmatively, "My people are indeed near Bloodport Town, and they saw the queen of the Wright Kingdom quietly going to St. Martin!"

Saint Martin can send people to other kingdoms as spies, and people from other kingdoms can naturally send people to Saint Martin as spies!

And the strong man is the immediate boss of the intelligence personnel responsible for this in the Kingdom of Sila!

"Queen Wright!!!" Ethelbert showed a frightened expression on his face!

To his surprise, Queen Wright appeared near St. Martin!

It was also the angry Queen Wright who appeared near St. Martin!

Queen Wright is also one of them who are preparing to unite against the Kingdom of Saint Martin, and it is the closest kingdom to their kingdom!

But now Queen Wright suddenly appeared near the island of St. Martin, still quietly, which made him feel bad in an instant!

After all, they had just finished discussing the union, and while they were all preparing, the queen of one of the kingdoms suddenly arrived quietly. They targeted the capital of the kingdom, St. Martin. In this case, he knew it was not a good thing with his butt!

at this time.

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" A soldier hurriedly ran into the hall, shouting anxiously as he ran.

Seeing the soldiers in such a hurry, Ethelbert's heart trembled and suddenly felt a bad feeling, so he hurriedly asked, "What's the matter!"

"No... good... not good... anymore! Abigail... General Abigail, found out that the army of Saint Martin... the army, assembled... assembled!" Soldier angry Breathlessly told the whole thing!


This thought flashed through Ethelbert's mind!

He received the news from the front foot that Queen Wright went quietly to Saint Martin~www.ltnovel.com~ and Saint Martin's army on the back foot began to assemble. If it was not betrayed, he would not believe it!

Of course, the main problem now is not to believe it!

It is Saint Martin's army that is gathering!

In other words, Saint Martin is ready to deal with the next goal!

So who will they choose?

Is it the kingdom of Silas that is closest to them, or another kingdom?

If you think about it in another way, if he is from Saint Martin, how would he choose?

When Ethelbert thought of the answers to these questions, he shrank and frightened!


at the same time!

Among the kingdoms preparing to unite, some kingdoms received the same but different information, so they showed different expressions!

Above the King of Pirates

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