Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 381: Angry King

In this world, there is a second generation of kings who inherited the throne like Arthur, and naturally also has a generation of kings who rely on their own efforts to become kings!

The king of the country of anger, the king of anger is an example!

The real name of the angry king is Angele, a famous legend in the West Sea!

Why do you say that?

Because he is an orphan!

An orphaned slave!

A slave who became a king!

Just listen to this and you know that he is a legend!

A slave became a king, let alone Xihai, placed in the entire world, and going back hundreds of years, it will not exceed the number of one hand, and it is hard to say whether there is even anyone else!

more importantly!

He is only fifty years old this year!

This is a middle-aged and old age in other worlds, but only a mature man in this world!

In other words, he is a living legend!

A legend that all Xihai civilians can see and touch!

Therefore, his experience of becoming a king from a slave has always been talked about by the people of Xihai. Some people even use this as an example and want to be like a king of anger!

However, no one has succeeded so far!

At this time, the palace of the King of Wrath!

One is three meters tall and only wears a pair of trousers. The upper body is not worn. The muscles are tangled, the hair is broken, the scum sighs, and there is a claw-shaped scar on his face. There is a biting gaze in his eyes. The young man was sitting on a simple bench, staring at the people of His Royal Highness!

He is the King of Fury, Angele!

"Your Majesty, this is the latest information!" A thin, white-haired old man handed over a piece of information!

He is the prime minister of the country of fury, Gerry!

Also a slave!

Of course, the dozens of people in this hall, that is, all the ministers of the kingdom of Wrath, are not only slaves, but more than half of them!

The reason why the proportion is so high is to start with the fortune of the angry king Angelie!

Not long after Angele was born, his parents both died of illness, and he naturally became an orphan.

However, instead of starving to death, he was caught by a slave trader and raised as a reserve slave.

Then when he was twelve years old, he was sold into the Colosseum of a kingdom and became a slave fighter!

Normally, it is not easy for a twenty-year-old slave fighter to survive in a place like the Colosseum, and even hopeless, let alone a twelve-year-old him?

But maybe it's born extraordinary, maybe it's talented!

At the age of twelve, after experiencing many gladiatorial fights, he unexpectedly survived miraculously, and has since become the ace of the Colosseum, and even has his own nickname, Slave King!

It means the king of slaves!

In this way, he slowly grew up in the Colosseum!

From twelve to twenty-four!

For twelve years, he has not left the Colosseum for half a step.

Originally, everyone thought that he would continue like this until he was old and was killed and replaced by a newcomer!

But on the day of his 24th birthday, things changed!

He didn't know why he became angry, killed all the staff in the Colosseum, and then went straight to the palace. Under the noses of thousands of soldiers, he killed all the king and the ministers who were meeting in the palace. go with!

This move immediately shocked the entire Xihai!

Only then did people know that in the past twelve years, he has grown not only his age, but also his combat power!

Since then, his title of slave king has changed!

Become an angry king!

It means to kill the king in anger!

Later, perhaps out of kindness, perhaps because he was also a slave!

After leaving the kingdom, he began to wander in the West Sea, relying on super powerful force to stop and kill the slave merchants in the whole West Sea, and saved countless slaves, and also placed the homeless in a building. On a warm island with a stable climate!

Later, with the passage of time, he rescued more and more slaves, and there were more and more slaves on the island, and even spontaneously formed a small country!

And because these slaves were grateful to Angele, but also because they were afraid of being enslaved again, they jointly elected their benefactor, and Angel, who possessed super powerful force, became the king!

At this point, the country of anger was established!

In other words, the establishment of the country of anger was based on the many slaves saved by Angele, so there are so many people from slavery in this hall!

Of course, there are fewer ministers from slaves in the country of anger than at the beginning!

Almost all the ministers of the kingdom were slaves!

But now it's different, half of them are not slaves!

And the reason is Angele!

Angele is better than everyone thought!

Originally, these slaves were just for protection by force, and did not expect Angel to manage much, but Angel's ability far exceeded their expectations!

Not only can he be a good king, he can manage affairs, but he also has the ability to lead the kingdom on the road to prosperity!

With his super power, the kingdom of anger, an ultra-small kingdom with only a few thousand slaves, has developed into a small kingdom with a population of 130,000 in just 20 years!

At the same time, it also attracted a large number of capable people to join this kingdom, which made the kingdom that was originally only a slave minister turned into a minister with a slave origin, and there are also capable ministers from outside!

Closer to home!

After the Prime Minister handed over the information, Angele took it over, and after turning a few glances, he set it aside!

"What do you think of this matter?" Angele asked Gerry in a deep voice.

"Yeah" Gerry pondered for a moment, organized his own language and said, "My Majesty, although our kingdom is not the closest to their kingdom, it is only a voyage of ten days, so pay special attention!"

Hearing this, Angeli thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Special attention is not enough, we must take the initiative!!!"

"Proactively attack!?" Gerry frowned, "Why?"

Angele said sternly, "Have you paid attention to the intelligence of the kingdom's strength when they first became famous in the West Sea and the current kingdom's strength?"

"The strength of the first time and the strength of the present" Gerry murmured, recalling carefully.

After a while, he suddenly said in surprise, "Too fast!!!"

"Yes!" Angele nodded affirmatively at first, then shook his head and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's too fast, St. Martin's development is so fast~www.ltnovel.com~ People are afraid of being fast! If we don’t act on them quickly, we will wait a year or two. It is estimated that they have acted on us. Do you think we have the ability to resist except me?"

Gree thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "No, we don't have any ability to resist! And even now, except for your Majesty, we don't have much ability to resist!"

Although their kingdom has developed very well over the years, it is after all a small kingdom that has been established for 20 years. It has no background. Until now, their army has only three thousand, and it is still an extremely ordinary kind of combat power! \\

In this case, if you want to resist Saint Martin, even the strength on the surface is not enough!

"That's why we have to take the initiative!" Angele said solemnly.

"But, how do we dispatch it?" Gerry frowned.

In terms of the strength of their current kingdom, taking the initiative to attack is no different from killing!

Angele saw Gerry's thoughts, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a deep meaning, "Proactively attacking does not mean that we rely solely on our strength!"

Upon hearing this, Gerry seemed to think of something, with a dazed expression on his face, saying, "Your Majesty said" div

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