Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 378: News and reaction

the next day.

"Shock! The two kingdoms of the West Sea are destroyed, the culprit Saint Martin's kingdom! "------Le Monde!

   "Cruel and Mercy! The destruction of 150,000 people and the special treatment after surrender! "------Western poster!

   "The Sea of ​​Scary Corpses! "------Xihai Entertainment News!



   Accompanied by the screaming of the newspaper delivery birds, newspapers were delivered to all parts of the Xihai and even the world!


   "Okay, terrible!"

   "It's really scary!"

   "Just looking at the newspaper, I feel cold all over!"

"That's right!"


   When the people of Xihai saw the newspaper, especially when they saw the picture of the Tutana Kingdom in the newspaper after being flooded, the whole area of ​​the sea was full of corpses, and they took a breath!

   Although it is not as horrible as they can see directly, the photos with a trace of association are enough to make them feel the horror of that kind of scene!


   The New World in the second half of the Great Channel.

   Moby Dick!

   Early this morning, Edward Newgate habitually bought a newspaper and read it!

   "St. Martin... This name seems to have been seen five years ago!"

   When he saw the headline in the newspaper, a memory flashed in his eyes!

   After thinking for a while, he slapped his head and muttered, "Oh, remember, this is not the kingdom that defeated the green pepper six or seven years ago!"

   After thinking about it, Baibeard didn't care about it anymore!

   Although many people died, it was a war between kingdoms after all, and it had nothing to do with their pirates!


  New world, all nations!

"My brother-in-law, seems a bit powerful!" After looking at the newspaper in his hand, Charlotte Katakuri sighed, then whispered, "However, it seems that I haven't seen Sri Lanka for a few years. Mu Ji, right?"

   "Well, it will be my mother's birthday after a while, so let's invite her back to the birthday party!" Thinking about this, Kata Kuri put down the newspaper in his hand!


   On an island in the first half of the Great Channel!

   Redhead Pirates!

   "Xihai, what a nostalgic place! I don't seem to have gone back to read it in a long time..." Looking at the newspaper in his hand, Shanks sighed!

   "The captain's barbecue is ready, and the beer is ready!" A voice came from not far away!

"I'm coming!"

   Shanks was happy on his face, put down the newspaper in his hand, immediately put the matter behind, and happily went to drink and eat meat!


   Navy Headquarters

   The Warring States, who has not yet become a marshal, and those who have been a marshal for many years sat in the marshal’s office and discussed today’s news!

   "It looks like this Saint Martin is about to start a new round of war!" Sora sat on the chair and narrowed his eyes.

   Zhan Guo, who was sitting on the side, pushed his glasses, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "Isn't this unexpected? How can a country like this be quiet?"

   "Hehe, too!" Kong chuckled twice, agreeing with the views of the Warring States Period.

   "And I guess, they are just the beginning, and their goal is definitely more than two kingdoms!" The Warring States sternly said.

   "I think so too!" Kong nodded and said solemnly, "but this is all about the world government. Our navy's main task is to catch pirates!"

   "Um...but I think we should call the naval base over the West Sea to pay attention!" The Warring States period pondered for a moment.

   Hearing this, he raised his empty brows, and after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Well, then you can tell the naval base over the West Sea to pay attention!"


  World Government, Mary Joa!

   The five old stars who are in a regular meeting have also received news about Saint Martin!

   "Everyone, what do you think?" The five old star with a long beard glanced around and asked faintly.

   "This ant is really a little restless!" A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the five old stars of the golden beard, and said calmly.

   "There has been no movement for five years, and I thought this ant was safe, but I didn't expect it to be accumulating strength and preparing to make greater movement!" Hu Wu Lao Xing exclaimed.

   "Well, now the most important thing is how to deal with this matter, rather than sighing whether these are there!" Scar Five Old Star waved his hand.

   "Yes, if you don't have to deal with it quickly, then another Germa 66 will really have a headache!" The five old star pushed his eyes and said faintly.

   "Five years ago, we had warned them, and now that they are still restless, then send someone to deal with the entire kingdom!" Golden Beard Five Old Star said with a slight murderous aura.

   "No!" The long beard five old star shook his head and said, "They have a good relationship with Elulita Palace, it would be inappropriate to do it directly!"

   "Hehe, the relationship is good!" A hint of sarcasm flashed in the eyes of the five old stars of the golden beard, and said, "I'm afraid it's not only good? As a Tianlong person, he would do such a thing...hehe!"

   "Huh!?" Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing frowned and said, "It hasn't been confirmed yet! And even if it is confirmed, as long as she doesn't give up, we can't easily deprive her of her identity as a dragon!"

   "Okay, let's not talk about it! Now our problem is how to deal with this kingdom!" Hearing this, the five old stars of the long beard flashed a gleam of light in their eyes, changed the subject, and said, "Who tells what to do?"

   "Warning first! If you are still restless, just send someone to do it!" The five old star of the glasses thought for a moment and suggested.


   "That's OK!"

   "Just do it!"



   After hearing his proposal, the other four did not object, and directly agreed!

   "Then ~www.ltnovel.com~The next issue is the next issue!" The long-bearded five old star paused, and said, "About the murloc Tom who built Roger!"

   "A few years ago, when he was arrested, he built a sea train for us on the condition that he was not guilty. After a few years, the sea train he presided over is almost completed. What do you think?"

   "I remember that there seemed to be news a few days ago, saying that Pluto's drawings are with him!?" Scar Five Old Star groaned for a moment.

   "Yes, but there is no evidence, and he doesn't know where he is hiding. There is only a fifty percent possibility!" Golden Beard Five Old Star nodded and said.

"That's it..." The five old star of Scar thought for a moment, and said, "50% is enough, let Spandam son of Spandain do it! I remember he has become CP5’s chief, it’s better for him to do this kind of thing!"

Having said that, Scar Five Old Star seemed to have thought of something, and added, "By the way, no matter if he has drawings or not, in the end, let Spandam find any reason to deal with him, and who would ask him to help? Roger is building a ship!"

   "Hmm! So let's do it!" Long Beard Wu Lao Xing nodded.



   "Not bad!"


   Just like that, a few people set Tom's ending with one word and one word, and they never thought about the innocence they promised before!

  :. :

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