Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 352: Thor Fury

One million ten consecutive draws!

[Congratulations on getting a dozen of giant potions]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Life Extension Potion]

[Congratulations on obtaining the Life Extension Potion]


[Congratulations on getting a fairy bean]

[Congratulations on getting Thor's Wrath. Yad Miller]


[Congratulations on getting a bag of Momotaro rice balls]

One hundred thousand consecutive draws!

[Congratulations on getting the bamboo dragonfly]

[Congratulations on getting the air cannon]

[Congratulations on getting the bamboo dragonfly]

[Congratulations on getting the air cannon]

[Congratulations on getting the bamboo dragonfly]


[Congratulations on getting the reduced tunnel]

The second 100,000 draw!

[Congratulations on getting the bamboo dragonfly]

[Congratulations on getting the air cannon]

[Congratulations on getting the bamboo dragonfly]


[Congratulations on getting the full set of steamship design drawings]


[Congratulations on getting the solar jet ski]

Three dozen giant potions, four bottles of longevity potions, nine bamboo dragonflies, eight air cannons, one fairy bean, one Thor Wrath. Yad Miller, one bag of Momotaro rice balls, one shrink tunnel, a full set of steamship design drawings, solar A jet ski!

Looking at these things, even though there were those good things before as a foreshadowing, Arthur couldn't help but ripple in his heart again!

To be honest, many of these things are good things. If they are usually drawn alone, he will definitely be completely excited, but now with the previous examples, the excitement in his heart will naturally not be that great!

After calming down a bit, Arthur also concentrated on looking at the harvest this time!

Three dozen giant potions!


In addition to being used to cheat people and play, Arthur really couldn't think of what use this thing was!

Life Extension Potion!

This is a good thing, and that's why he didn't draw 10 million directly in the end, but changed it to one million ten consecutive draws!

He just wants a potion for life extension!

Life-prolonging medicine can not only increase life expectancy, but also make people younger in proportion!

Among the six major generals of St. Martin, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, Uozhihuaretsu, Uozhihua Guitomaru, Balkan Ruisenbang, if it is a **** of death, or a virtual, has no life. problem!

And Arthur is also very young, so life span is not a problem for the time being!

But there is a problem with Uenohana Guitomaru!

Five years have passed!

His age is older than before the death of Yamamoto Genryuzhai Shigekuni, and he has reached seventy-three!

Although he still maintains the general level of combat power, as he ages, his strength has begun to linger on the edge of the general. If no measures are taken, his strength will definitely show an avalanche as age increases. Of falling!

That's why Arthur wanted to quickly draw out a bottle of life extension potion!

This will not only increase his lifespan, but also allow his body to return to the state of his prime of life. By that time, with his current experience and his body of prime of life, not only will his combat power not decline, but it will also increase further. !

Fairy beans!

This thing is a good thing!

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as one is swallowed into the abdomen, my life is up to me... Uh, that's wrong, as long as one is swallowed into the abdomen, it will heal immediately!

It's better than the rejuvenation potions he used to photograph billions of Baileys at auctions!

"By the way, I remember the news from the Academy of Sciences last time that the revival potion seems to have been made?" Thinking about this, Arthur dropped the fairy beans into the air and looked at the same thing!

Thor is angry. Yad Miller!

This is an armor-type equipment!

Like the flight of thousands of miles behind Arthur, it is one of the imperial tools!

Arthur remembers that his effect is to enhance the strike ability on his hand, be able to summon thunderclouds, manipulate thunder and lightning for heavy pressure attacks, strike through the air, and turn lightning into energy **** for long-range attacks!

After he opened the attribute, it was no different from his memory!


"I can't use this stuff!" A tangled expression appeared on Arthur's face!

He who owns the fruit of thunder, if he had such a piece of equipment, it would be like a tiger with more wings!

But the problem is that he used the power of the system to force Wanli to fly when he did not meet the conditions!

The side effect of this is that you can no longer use another Emperor!

So now for this imperial tool that is extremely suitable for him, he can only look at it, and there is no way to use it. He has the most, the most, and will find a user for this imperial tool in the future!

"Hey!" Looking at this armor, Arthur could only shook his head and sighed entangledly, and took it back into the space, ready to find him a master later!


at the same time!

In a house not far from the palace, a handsome young man with long earlobes looked towards the palace with a feeling of feeling!

He felt that something seemed to attract him!

After hesitating for a while, he said a few words to the young man in gold armor who was reading the newspaper next to him!

After listening to his words, the young man couldn't help but frowned and made a thoughtful look.

After a while, he got up and took the boy out of the house and walked towards the palace!


Momotaro rice ball!

Looking at the bag of rice **** in his hand, Arthur carefully counted them!

Well, there are twelve in total!

This thing is also a good thing!

Once the beast eats it, it will completely obey the owner for a period of time. If you want to eat a few more, the effect will become permanent!

If there is a beast like Luling that is comparable to a general, this rice ball will come in handy!

Even if it doesn't, it's a good choice to subdue the super-large Neptune category!

Arthur opened its properties and looked at it!

【Momotaro Rice Ball】

[Introduction: After being eaten by a beast, the beast will completely obey for a period of time. If you eat six rice balls, the beast will obey you forever! 】

Well, there is no difference from what he remembered, so he put the rice ball into the space!

"Beasts, beasts, there seems to be no difference, what happens if Kaido eats this?" Such a strange thought suddenly appeared in Arthur's mind!

This thought, he did move a little!

But soon he shook his head and threw this strange idea out of his head!

Just kidding, if you really did this, maybe you would be beaten out of **** before Kaido could eat it?

Forget it, can't afford it!

Arthur thought about the appearance of being beaten out of shit, a chill in his heart, and quickly turned his eyes to the things below!

Needless to say bamboo dragonflies and air cannons!

The old things are old, he still has a lot of reserves here, so he just put these things into the space, and saw that there are three things left!

The first one, shrink the tunnel!

This thing is also a prop from Doraemon!

As long as people walk from the big entrance of the tunnel to the other side of the smaller entrance, it will become smaller!

Similarly, if you enter from a small entrance, and then exit from a large entrance, it will become bigger!

A little useful, but not very useful!

This is Arthur's first judgment!

It's not that the ability to become bigger and smaller is useless, but because the entrance of the tunnel is too small, only 1.5 meters in size, so it's not very useful!

"However, it should be good to use for scientific experiments or to reduce some precision parts?"

Arthur then thought, if this ability is used to enlarge or reduce some experimental objects, or to reduce some precision parts, it seems not bad!

You can carefully observe the small things, or you can shrink the finished product to a certain extent!

If it is used for precision parts, it will be even better!

Just build a big one and then shrink it to use, isn't it all right?

Among them, the difficulty has dropped countless times!

Thinking about it this way, he suddenly felt that the tunnel in front of him, like a children's toy, seemed very useful!

"Well, when I go to the Academy of Sciences tomorrow, give them this thing and let them use it themselves!"

Put things into space and look at the next thing!

This is a stack of drawings!

The entire design process of the steam airship is drawn on it!

"Unfortunately, this thing would be fine if it was taken out a few years earlier!" A pity expression appeared on Arthur's face!

Extracted a few years earlier, this steamship design is very useful!

But now...

That's it!

As for why?

Would a shrewd person like Arthur who developed sea weapons and land weapons not pay attention to the sky?

In this world, it is not impossible to get attention to the sky. Arthur has several ideas!

Like an airplane!

However, in the end he also rejected this idea, because it is relatively unrealistic to make airplanes, and there are many things that Saint Martin's technology can't do for the time being!

It might be possible to do it in a dozen years, but not now!

So, in the end, Arthur put his attention on the airship, something that can be done now!

And a year ago, it has been researched out!

It was researched by Meck, and steam power was also installed!

Compared with the hot air balloon developed by St. Martin for a long time, the airship is undoubtedly better than the hot air balloon in all aspects. No matter the difficulty of the control or the loading of weapons, the airship is much better than the hot air balloon!

And, the most important thing is that hot air balloons can only go downwind!

At this point, it basically killed its way as an aerial weapon!

What's the use of weapons that can only go downwind ~www.ltnovel.com~?

"Forget it, bring it to Meke at that time, let him use it as a reference, and see if he can improve the airship!" Arthur put away all the drawings and turned his attention to the last thing!

This is a bike that is about the same size as an ordinary jet ski, but with a cooler appearance and streamline!

The whole body is black, the motorcycle head is a wolf head, and the two scarlet eyes are motorcycle lights. When the horn is pressed, the sound of wolf howling will come out of the wolf's mouth, looking hideous and domineering!

【Solar Jet Ski】

[Introduction: The maximum speed can reach two hundred nautical miles per hour. After six hours of exposure to the sun, it can be used continuously for 24 hours at the maximum speed! 】

"However, it's useless, at best it's a toy to play with!" Arthur shook his head and murmured, then put the jet ski in front of him into the space.

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