Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 296: Daydreaming

   Servo Krott is only the son of the president of the Servo Chamber of Commerce, but his name is even louder in the South China Sea than his father's.

   There is no other reason!

   From the time he was fourteen to twenty-four now, he was responsible for all the external battles of the Seward Chamber of Commerce over the years!

   And because of his fierce attack, he never kept alive, he was called the killer, Klot!

   As soon as he saw him disembark, everyone in the harbor became quiet and stopped talking, and the atmosphere of the entire harbor instantly condensed.

   "Tsk tusk, there are a lot of people here!" Clotte scanned the surroundings with a smile, his eyes gleaming with danger.

  His eyes are very eye-catching, and people will be horrified when they see it!

   So, when he saw something, the people there would subconsciously bow their heads and avoid his gaze.

   "Hey, I still have to load the goods over there, so I won't accompany you!"

   At this time, a voice that didn't know who it was came from the crowd.

   "Yes, I have to load the goods over there too, I will check it out and I won't accompany you anymore!"

   "Oh, I don't know what's wrong, I'm so hungry! I'm leaving now!"

   "Brother, wait for me, I'm hungry too, let's go eat together!"

   "And me, and me, I just saw a shop called Laju over there, and the delicious smell comes from it, let's go eat together!"

   "Sure, no problem! I just smelled the fragrance of that store, let's go together!"


   Suddenly, the people in the port scattered and left here!

   "Hehe!" Seeing this scene, Clotte sneered and said nothing.

   Just right, at this time, on the boat behind him, there were about twenty burly men in white suits like him.

   "Okay, let's go!" After Crotte turned his head and gave an order, he beckoned, and then took the lead to leave here, and their goal was a building in the middle of the harbor!


at this time.

  In the top office of the building in the middle of the port.

   The person in charge of this port, the commander of the army, Byrne is standing on the balcony of the office, holding a cup of hot coffee, drinking and looking at the whole port!

   Now, St. Martin has two armies, the First Army of the Army and the Second Army, which is adapted from the army of the Kingdom of Oga, led by General Stankey of the Kingdom of Oga.

   Among them, Byrne is the commander of the First Division of the Army's First Army, which is also the boss of the regiment commander Lloyd!

   After the capture of Bena Island, Arthur ordered the first division of the army to enter here!

  On the one hand, it is to maintain order in this port!

   is also to protect this port!

no way!

   Bena Island is in the South China Sea after all, and it still exists in the name of the Deer Spirit Kingdom. There is no prestige in the South China Sea. Once the things here start to sell, it will inevitably attract some people who covet or want to suppress it!

  This is not the first time that St. Martin has experienced this kind of thing. In the former Blood Harbor Town, a group of cloth merchants gathered 50,000 soldiers and horses for their own benefit to attack Blood Harbor Town!

   That is because 50,000 people were easily dealt with by Hoover and Reiner that time, so no one dared to fight for the gold in the blood port town!


   Just then, the offices were knocked out!

   "Come in!" Bourne said without looking back.


   The door was opened!

   What came in was a soldier in a green uniform with a deer head printed on it!

   This is a soldier of Saint Martin!

The reason why    wears such a costume is to act as a soldier of the Deer Spirit Kingdom!

  Although Byrne did not wear such a military uniform, he only wore a casual black suit, but he now hangs at the door the doorplate of the great general of the Deer Spirit Kingdom!

   "Report to the teacher..." When the soldier saluted a military salute and was about to say something, he was interrupted by Berne's cold look!

   Fortunately, this soldier reacted quickly and quickly realized what had happened, so he immediately changed his words, "Report to the general!"

   "En!" Byrne was satisfied with his cold eyes and said with a smile, "What's the matter!"

   "A man who claims to be the son of the president of the Sewo Chamber of Commerce, please see me!" The soldier reported respectfully.

   "Sewo Chamber of Commerce..." After murmured a few words, Byrne showed a clear expression.

   When the port of Bena Island was about to start selling things, Arthur had anticipated that this would happen a long time ago, and at the same time asked Devin to send a large number of his men into the South China Sea to inquire about the news!

   Among them, the Sewo Chamber of Commerce was inquired by the intelligence personnel. It has the strength, experience, and is quite grumpy. It is most likely to attack the Chamber of Commerce on Bena Island!

  This chamber of commerce, unlike other chambers of commerce, will first choose to use commercial means to solve problems after encountering a problem or having enemies. If commercial means cannot solve it, it will use weak means!

   For this Chamber of Commerce, no matter who the enemy or opponent is, as long as it infringes on their interests and becomes their opponent, there is only one word, kill! ! !

   and their own strength is also very strong!

   Therefore, over the years, there are only two South China Sea Chambers of Commerce specializing in fabrics!

   One is a chamber of commerce that has cooperation with them and becomes part of their interest chain, and the other is a chamber of commerce that has support behind it, has a strong strength and background, and they cannot move!

   "Bring him here!" Byrne said with a slight smile.

   "Yes!" After a respectful salute, the soldier turned and left here!

   After a short while, he came back, and at the same time there was also the son of the president of the Seward Chamber of Commerce, Crot!

   Then, the soldier left here at Bourne's sign again, leaving the office with two people!

   "Hello!" Even if it is possible to become an enemy, Byrne politely stretched out his hand and prepared to shake his hand!

   "Haha!" Crotte smiled slightly, and also stretched out his hand.

   Just when Byrne thought he was about to shake hands, Crot's hand passed by Byrne's hand, reached out to his head, and dialed his mohican hairstyle!

   Then he walked by Bourne and walked to Bourne's desk, pulled the chair away, and sat down, like a big boss!

   Upon seeing this, Byrne's smiling face suddenly froze!

   A trace of murderous aura flashed in his eyes!

   But he soon hid the murderous aura again, turned around kindly, pulled the chair in front of the desk and sat down by himself.

   "You are the general of the Deer Spirit Kingdom?" Crotte put his legs on the desk ~www.ltnovel.com~ asked casually.

   "Yes!" Byrne smiled and nodded.

   "That's good!" Crowe nodded and said lightly, "Now, our Sewo Chamber of Commerce gives you two choices!"

   "First, your kingdom will be surrendered to our Sewo Chamber of Commerce in the future, and all the fabrics produced will be sold by our Sewo Chamber of Commerce! Of course, we are not in vain, and every piece of cloth will give you 100 Baileys in profit!"

   "Secondly, hand over your technology, hand over your technology to make cloth so cheap, and then we grant you permission to produce and sell cloth around here!"

   "Heh!" Byrne was instantly angry and laughed!

  A kingdom submits to a chamber of commerce?

   One hundred Baileys and one piece of cloth?

   Hand over technology?

  You still have a good chance?

   Every bit of this made his anger go straight to his head!

   However, he didn't lose his reason, the expression on his face was still smiling, but the murderous look in his eyes was even worse!

   Byrne looked up at the sun outside the ship, and whispered loudly, "It's still daytime, how can anyone dream!"


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