Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 292: The three levels of devil fruit

   late at night

   Moonlight Stars

   Although Arthur, who had just returned to the palace, was a bit tired from the fight with Uozhihuareel for the day, he did not fall asleep for the first time. Instead, he was ready to check the reason for his throbbing this morning!

  Bailegang. Ruisenbang!

   Just when Arthur and Uozhihuareel finished having dinner together, he received the news of Bairegang Ruisenbang in his mind and he also knew his birth!

   But, because I was eating just now, Arthur didn't check it out for the first time!

   In the study of the palace, Arthur sat on a chair, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in Seireitei!

   Yes, it is Seireitei!

   The current Balegang Ruisembang is not in the Xuye Palace, but entered the Seireitei through the intersection of the Xuye Palace and the Seireitei!

   As for what the meeting point is, Arthur just knew it!

   It turned out that the entrance to the Xuye Palace that was created when he drew to the Xuye Palace that day, and the entrance to the Seireing Palace that originally existed. The place where the edges of the two entrance vortices meet is the intersection of the two places where they pass through each other!

  The **** of death can enter the Xuye Palace through the junction, and the Xu can also enter the Seireitei through the junction!

   Of course, this also has a premise!

   That is Arthur agreed and the strength must be up to the standard!

   Whenever there is a virtual or dead nerve passing the junction and entering another place, Arthur will feel it. If he disagrees, then the junction will not let the death or the virtual pass!

In addition, whether it is a **** of death or a virtual, the strength must reach a certain level, at least the level of the thirteenth deputy captain can enter, otherwise once you enter the intersection, you will be attracted by the vortex of this world outside the intersection. past!



   Arthur suddenly appeared above this place.

   After a simple induction, in the next second, Arthur appeared at the door of the head of the thirteenth division, which is the door of Yamamoto Motoryusai Shigekuni!


   As soon as he got here, Arthur heard a laughter that was different from that of Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni.


   Arthur pushed open the door.

   The laughter stopped abruptly, and the two people sitting in the living room directly opposite the door drinking tea, looked at the door differently.

   At the same time, Arthur's eyes also saw Balegang Ruisenbang in the living room!

   His first image is aging, lifeless, as if dying!

   At first he was still wondering why Bairegang Ruisenbang was like this, but then he reacted!

   What is Bairegang Ruisenbang?

   is one of the ten blades!

   The ten blades in the virtual world are not something that can be taken carelessly!

   Each ten blade has its own death form that represents the main cause of human death. They are loneliness, aging, sacrifice, nothingness, despair, destruction, intoxication, madness, greed, and anger!

   Among them, Bairegang Ruisenbang is the second one, dominating the death form of aging!

   So, when I saw him, it was right to feel aging and lifelessness!

the other side.

   When he saw that the person coming was Arthur, Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni just nodded, and said faintly, "Smelly boy, here!" Then he said nothing!

   And Bairegang Ruisembang immediately stood up and said respectfully, "Your Majesty Arthur!"

From here, it can be seen that although the main soul of the soul of Balegun Ruisembang is the golden lion, he is not the golden lion, he is just a soul mixture dominated by the soul of Shiji. Just one Yachukas!

   The real Shiji, even if he was subdued, would not have this attitude!

   "Don't be polite, sit down!" Arthur said with a smile.

   Byregon Ruisembang nodded, and sat down again!

   Then, Arthur also took a mat and sat cross-legged at the table where the two of them were drinking tea!

   As soon as he sat down, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni poured him a cup of hot tea.

   After Arthur picked up the hot tea and took a sip, he started chatting with the two of them.

   About half an hour later, Arthur got into the topic and asked what he really cared about, "Ruizumbang, how do you remember the memory of Golden Lion Shiji?"

This is an important point!

   Arthur remembered that there is a special note in the attributes of the Xuye Palace, where the soul will be erased from the memory and become a basic void!

   If there is a way to not erase the memory, Arthur can choose some strong players such as kendo and physique, kill them, let them enter the virtual night palace and become virtual!

   And these kendo and physique powerhouses with their own memories and rich combat experience can definitely become the main force in the virtual world, and may even be better than the ten blades without the inheritance of the ten blades!

   After all, no one who can become a kendo or physique expert is a fuel-efficient lamp!

"Back to your Majesty, I can remember what happened to Shiji's memory. I don't know too well, but I already have an uncertain answer in my heart!" Bairegon Ruisenbang thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice. Tao.

   "Oh!?" Arthur raised it with curiosity, so he looked at Bairegang Ruisenbang and asked seriously, "Talk about it!"

   "Your Majesty, have you heard of the triple realm of devil fruits?" Bailigan Ruisenbang asked hesitantly.

   "Triple Realm!?" A surprised expression appeared on Arthur's face. After a careful recollection, he shook his head and said, "I have never heard of Triple Realm, I have only heard of Fruit Awakening!"

   "Well, the fruit awakening is the second level of the triple realm!" After Bailegang Ruisenbang nodded, explained, "The so-called triple realms are the three realms after eating the devil fruit!"

   "The first state, use! A person with the Devil Fruit ability at this stage is equivalent to holding a weapon called Devil Fruit. How to use this weapon depends entirely on personal thoughts, so it is called use!"

   "The second realm, awakening! The devil fruit at this stage has been completely integrated into the body of the capable person, the devil fruit is no longer a weapon, but a part of the body!"

   "At this stage, the capable person can not only use the devil fruit like the first stage, but also fully develop the fruit's potential!"

"For example, the animal fruit in the first stage will increase the body's strength, speed, physical strength, etc., and the second stage can not only do everything that the first stage can do, but also develop the vitality of the animal system. , So that the resilience of the capable person will be greatly increased!"

   "And once the abilities of the superhuman system are awakened, they can have an impact on things "other than the capable person", and can make the surrounding things become part of their abilities, making their abilities stronger, and the scope of use and effects stronger!

  Speaking of this, Balegang Ruisembang hesitated for a moment, and said, "As for the nature...nothing!"

   "No?" Arthur wondered.

"Yes, no, the nature department is not awakened!" Bailigan Ruisenbang explained, "to be precise, the nature department itself is awakened, so there is no first state and second state. Difference!"

   "Of course, if you have to distinguish between the first and second stages of nature, there is also a way, and that is to see the strength of the fruit!"

   "Like natural bingbing fruits, those that can be quickly melted in an extremely hot environment are the first stage, and those that are difficult to melt are the second stage!"

   "What can't be removed?" Arthur asked abruptly.

   He remembered that in the battle between the green pheasant and the red dog for the marshal, the terrain and climate of Punk Hassad was completely changed!

"It can't be transformed... well, I don't know too well, Shiji doesn't have these in his memory!" After a hesitant explanation by Balegang Ruisenbang, the voice changed and said, "However, I guess It is at least the peak of the second stage!"

   Arthur nodded without embarrassing him, but asked, "What is the third level?"

"What the third realm is called, Shi Ji doesn’t know. He just touched the edge of this stage. However, in his memory, the only third realm he knows is known as the strongest man in the world. White beard, Edward Newgate!"

   "White Beard!?" Arthur whispered after writing down these things deeply, then he changed his voice and asked, "Then what do you have to do with your memory of Shiji?"

   "Hehe!" Balegang Ruisenbang smiled, did not speak, but directly raised his hand and pointed it at the teacup in front of Arthur!

   Following his hand, the eyes of Arthur and Motoyanagi Yamamoto in the house turned to the cup instantly!

next moment!

   The cup suddenly floated up,

   "This is...fluttering fruit!?" Arthur couldn't help but shouted out.

   "Yes, according to my current situation analysis, the so-called third realm should work on the soul, so now I can still use the power of the floating fruit!"

"And I guess ~www.ltnovel.com~ I can have Shiji's memory because the fruit acts on the soul, causing the strength of the soul to rise. Therefore, Shiji's memory has not been completely erased, but by It's just covered up! When I was promoted to Yachukas, the memory that was covered up reappeared!"

   Bailigan Ruisenbang explained seriously.

   makes sense!

   This is Arthur's first thought!

   But then there was another disappointment. This method can't be popularized at all!

   Those with the Devil Fruit ability are easy to find, but the ones in the third realm are completely rarer than the natural ones, and even those in the third realm are rarer than the natural ones.

   And at this stage, every one of them is so outrageous. If you want to turn them into imaginary or death gods, it’s difficult...hey!

   Thinking of this, Arthur couldn't help but shook his head.

   However, he quickly left these behind!

   Today just listen to the knowledge of these devil fruits, he has made a lot of money, these things can not be bought with money!

   Then, Arthur carefully asked Balegang Ruisenbong about Shiji’s understanding of devil fruits before leaving here!


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