Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 277: Aversion to cold

After being silent for a while.

   Le Fulan couldn't help but recalled the tragic experience of the previous months!

Thinking about it, she couldn't help clenching her fists, the green veins on her neck were exposed, her body was trembling, her eyes were reddening, her delicate face showed anger, her nostrils suddenly enlarged, and she was gasping for "huhuhuhu". Obviously very angry!

   "Ah!!! The old lady is killing you!" After Le Bran yelled, she raised her fist, flexed her legs slightly, and kicked hard, and she jumped up and hit Arthur directly in the face.


   Arthur stretched out a hand expressionlessly, grabbed Le Bran’s little head, and pressed it down again when she was about to jump up.

   "Asshole, let go of my mother, my mother is going to kill you!" Le Fulan shouted and waved her fists frantically, trying to beat Arthur.

   But... useless!

   Because LeBlanc is too short!

   Appearing to be seven or eight years old, she is the same height as a seven or eight year old child, only 1.3 meters tall. Compared with Arthur, she is only half the height of Arthur.

Calculated according to the ratio of the height of a normal person to the length of the extended arms, Arthur’s hand is the same height as Le Blan, so he presses on Le Blan, taking the length of Le Blan’s arm, no matter what He couldn't be hit.

   "Hehe!" Arthur sneered his hand, and suddenly increased the strength of the palm of his hand that grabbed LeBlanc's head.


   Le Fulan was in pain, and suddenly she let out a scream, and quickly stretched her hands toward her head, trying to break Arthur's hand holding her head.

   It's a pity that under Arthur's powerful strength, she is like breaking a piece of steel, no matter how hard she is, it will not help.

   After a while.

   Le Fulan also gradually calmed down and chose to give up the struggle.

   Seeing this, Arthur also released his hand in time, smiled and asked, "Calm down?"

After calming down, Le Bran seemed to have become a real little girl, lowered her head, clutching the corner of her clothes, with a trace of grievance, as if Arthur had done something to her, and said weakly, "What are you doing?"

   Her face changed, even Arthur was amazed, and she joked, "Pretend, continue to pretend, you aunt in her early thirties, who insists on pretending to be an eight-year-old girl, don't you feel sick?"

   The Charlotte family’s intelligence network is comparable to that of the Navy. The information Arthur got from them is several times more detailed than the Navy’s. So the Navy doesn’t know LeBlanc’s age, but Arthur does.

   "What's fast 30? My old lady is only 28, OK, she's still a beautiful girl!" At the mention of age, Le Bran immediately lost her mind, danced with her hands and became furious.

   Although she is an underground bounty hunter by profession, she also has the common problems of normal women. The same age is a secret that cannot be said!

   "Okay, okay, whether it's twenty eight or thirty, I'm curious, why do you stop on this ocean?" Arthur frowned and asked.

As soon as he said this, LeBlanc's face sank again, her eyes widened, she looked at Arthur ferociously, and gritted her teeth and said: "The old lady was chased by CP's people and there was no way, so she stopped at sea. As for Why...you...say...?"

When    said the last few words, LeBlanc gritted her teeth and said word by word.

   Listening to LeBlanc's tone, combined with what she said before, Arthur guessed the reason almost instantly!

   "Ah...haha!" After Arthur laughed twice, he waved his hand and changed the subject, "Okay, don't care about the details, I invite you to dinner!"

   "Eat!?" LeBlanc's eyes lit up when she heard this word, she nodded her head hurriedly and said, "Okay, okay!"

When    talked, her saliva almost came out!

   During this period, she ate all dry food every day, and a bird was almost fading out of her mouth, so eating this kind of thing immediately attracted her attention, strength, and even the anger towards Arthur was forgotten!

   "That's all, Brian will go and order the kitchen to serve the food! The others are gone!" Arthur turned his head and ordered around.

   "Yes!" everyone around agreed in unison.

   After a while, a table appeared on the deck, and Hawkeye also left here silently, went to practice swords, and everyone else went away!

   There is still a hot pot on the table.

   But this time it’s a mandarin duck pot!

   For LeBlanc, Arthur was too embarrassed to entertain her like Karp. After all, did they give him a backdoor?

  恩, although I didn't dump it by myself!

After Arthur demonstrated how to eat, LeBlanc seemed to have not eaten for several years, picked up two plates of meat and couldn't wait to pour them down together, and then after waiting a few seconds, she quickly picked up the pot. The meat huffed up.

"Huhu...It's delicious...huhu...It's just a bit hot...Quick, give me a few more dishes!" Le Fulan held the bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other. Stepped on the deck with one foot, and on the chair with one foot, constantly picking up meat in the pot, eating very boldly.

   Moreover, the person has a small belly but he has eaten more than a dozen plates of meat without stopping.

   Of course, after the dozen or so plates of meat were lowered on her belly, her eating appearance has also converged a bit, at least now she is sitting on a chair and eating bite by bite!

   "Okay, you have eaten and eaten, now let's get to the point!" After seeing her eating slower, Arthur sat down for a while and said sternly.

   "Huh, what's the business?" Le Bran asked while eating.

   "I want to invite you to join our kingdom!" Arthur said solemnly.

   He has always been eager for talents!

   "Whooh, bastard, don't want to think, how could your old lady be so miserable? Originally, my old lady would have to retire!" Le Bran said disdainfully while eating.

   "Hehe, do you... do you think you have another choice?" Arthur said with a smile.


   As soon as I heard this~www.ltnovel.com~ LeBlanc raised her brows, immediately put down the dishes, and said vigilantly: "Why, if I disagree, will you kill me?"

"No, no, you misunderstood!" Arthur waved his hand and explained, "I mean, you are being chased by people from CP right now. If you don't join my kingdom and serve me, you must Be chased to death by the people of CP!"

   "Now my old lady has found you, the culprit, just explain, they will definitely not chase me!" Le Bran vowed.

   "Did you forget that you committed more than this, and the admiral's alternate red dog?" After Arthur asked rhetorically, he believed.

"Moreover, do you think the people who explain CP will listen to you? You have been chased for so long, don’t you understand their character? No matter if what you say is true or not, they will definitely catch you first! So, you simply No choice, only I am willing to accept you and have the ability to accept you!"

After three seconds of contemplation, Le Bran looked up at Arthur, pretending to be innocent as a seven or eight-year-old girl, with a bright smile on her face, and pleased her, "Hehe, I will be yours in the future. !"

   Upon hearing this, Arthur shook his body and felt a deep chill!

   Is the decision I just solicited a bit too hasty?

   Should I think about it more carefully?

   Arthur touched his chin and thought with a serious look.


  :. :

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