Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 233: Ward Mac

Just when Seiya and the others touched into the King’s Treasury, on the other side, the battle between Shang Bin Qianhe and the ghost fire and Goodley was over!

   Under the ultra-long-range cannon, Goodley's fleet had no resistance at all and was completely destroyed!

Among them, Goodley, who has the strength of a major, struggled a bit when the fleet was destroyed. He swam towards Shangbin’s modest fleet by himself, intending to pull a few officers to die together, but in the end he was also given the strength of a major. His Shang Binqian was beaten to death with a finger tiger!

   And after getting the news, Rilis did not feel excited.

   In his opinion, this is just a normal battle!

   Can defeat the enemy with harmless results, the main credit is still Arthur. If it were not for Arthur to vigorously develop technology and let the country have more powerful cannons, victory would not come so easy!

   But the news afterwards surprised him, even a little dumbfounded!

   Ward Mike is dead!

   actually died like this?

   The news made him have to start discussing with Binken Inoue Usuke, what to do afterwards!

   There is no way, Ward Mike is dead. It must have some influence on their future plans.

   Of course, this kind of influence is good!

   Just like you are playing a dungeon, the big boss is dead before you clear the first level!

   The big BOSS dies, then the biggest danger is gone. All that is left is to clean up other mobs. The difficulty of the copy must have dropped a lot!

   And then, the news that I received gave Rilis new ideas.

   He didn't expect that Ward Mike had a stand-in!

   still has this kind of devil fruit!

   This manipulable space is huge!

  恩...The king of the enemy country is acting as an undercover agent, it looks very good!

   Even, Rilis had an idea to abandon this war altogether and let Wardbeck go directly, so that it would not conflict with their original purpose.

   But after thinking about it, he gave up!

   There are two reasons!

   First, it's like this now. If you give up again, it will be a bit bad and hurt the morale of the soldiers!

  Secondly, this fruit ability of Wardbeck, although it is useless in battle, it is still very useful in war!

It's good to sneak into an enemy country to search for intelligence, or to pretend to be a minister of the other party directly to interfere with their strategic actions. Moreover, he can control it with his sincere attitude. If it is wasted here, It always feels a bit worthless!

   After getting the news, Lillis immediately called Ue Inoue Usuke, Ue Binqian and many other officers came to a conference call!

After   , he thought for a while, and asked Inoue Yousuke to call Wardbeck!

   From the perspective of Rilis, Wardback must know more about the situation in the Ward Kingdom than them, so I called him to see if he could give any good advice!

   on the deck.

  Lelis sat on a chair, and on the table in front of him, there was a large circle of phone bugs!

   And Hathaway was standing behind him, her eyes were red, and she could see that she had cried just now!

   The news of the death of Ward Mack just now made her feel revenge, but also recalled her father and queen, she couldn't help crying on the spot!


   Just then, one of the phone bugs rang.





   Then all the phone bugs rang.

   Seeing this, Rilis picked up all the phone bugs one by one, and then all the microphones were placed in the middle.

  Lelis said to these microphones first: "Well, I think everyone knows what the purpose of the meeting is. I won't repeat it anymore. Let's start the meeting!"

After   , Inoue Yousuke's voice came from one of the microphones, "The current situation is that all the maritime power of the Ward Kingdom has been destroyed, and three thousand soldiers have died!"

   "And Jinhu Island and Colossal Elephant Island combined nearly three thousand soldiers because of their maritime power being destroyed and unable to support them, they can only trap the island, which is equivalent to abolishing all!"

   "So, now we have to face only two thousand garrisons led by Nande in Ward Port, the Ace Cavalry of the Ward Kingdom, 1,000 Golden Tiger Cavalry and 500 Elephant Cavalry!"

   "Although facing this kind of strength, if it is a frontal battle, our 4,500 people may not have been able to fight! But well... the enemy's king is his own!"

"Ha ha!"


   "Hee hee!"

   As soon as I heard the last sentence, all the phone bugs heard unanimous laughter!

   I heard that everyone is in a good mood!

  Of course, this is also normal. After all, the enemy's king is his own, and there is really no reason to lose!

   can't find a reason to lose, then you can definitely win!

   Happy to win!

   Smile when you are happy!

"Okay, let me start!" Shang Binqian's voice came from one of the microphones, suppressing all the laughter, "Now, although our advantage is great, we can't let the king surrender directly. , Shall we take over? This will definitely make the people of Ward Kingdom doubtful"

   "So, I think we should..."

"Wait!" At this time, Ward Baker's voice came out. After he interrupted Shang Binqian's words, he said weakly, "This lord, I think I can surrender directly. The people in the Ward Kingdom are actually also I don't doubt it!"

   "Uh... are you?" Shang Binqian couldn't help asking, listening to this strange voice.

   "He is Wardbeck!" Inoue Yusuke helped to explain.

   "Oh!" Shang Binqian and this suddenly realized, and then he changed his voice and said seriously, "Go on!"

   In Shang Binqianhe's opinion, Wardback's opinions are still very valuable!

   "Actually, Ward Mike doesn't like being a king very much, and even he used to be a general is not what he likes!" Wardback said surprisingly.


   Others felt a little surprised at this sentence, but they didn't interrupt Wardback, instead they raised their ears to listen to Wardback's explanation!

   "Ward Mike's dream when he was a child was to be an adventurer, go out on adventures, travel around to see the scenery! But life, there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things! Adventurer, he finally did not take it!"

"The reason is that more than 30 years ago, when he was thirteen years old, his father, who was once a general of the Whitby Kingdom, died young! And his father confessed to him before he died. Two things!"

   "The first thing is to protect the kingdom, protect the people, and become a general of the kingdom! Therefore, when he was young, he chose to join the army and eventually became the general of the kingdom!"

   "Wait!" At this moment, Hathaway interrupted him, and she couldn't help asking, "Since he wants to protect the kingdom and the people, why does he usurp the throne?"

"Oh, it's Princess Hathaway!" Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Wardback sighed a little. Back then, when he was playing Ward Mack, he met Hathaway several times, so he was very angry with her. The sound is fairly familiar!

Afterwards, Wardbeck said with a deep meaning, "As for why he usurped the throne, there are many reasons. For example, his subordinates wanted to make him king. For example, at that time, his power had reached the peak, so he wanted to go further. Can only board that position!"

   "But those are not the main reasons, there are two main reasons! The first is that his mother was about to die at that time! The second is that if he didn't reverse it, then he would be dead!"


   These two reasons have puzzled everyone, but fortunately, everyone has this patience, so everyone is waiting for Wardback's explanation!

   "Since his father passed away, his mother has been losing weight because he missed his father too much. In less than sixty years, she started to lose weight, and finally fell down one night five years ago!"

   "Fortunately, at the time, Ward Mack hired the best doctor to take care of her, and this barely helped her live for a few days, but what's the use of just a few days?"

   At this time, in the King Ward's palace, the king's bedroom!

   "No, doesn't he have the remnants of the phoenix?" While Wardback was talking on the phone, the three of Seiya were also listening behind him, and Seiya couldn't help but question.

   "It's useless, Phoenix's things can only cure the injury, this kind of oily lamp will not cure!" Wardback covered the phone, explained to Seiya in a low voice, then picked up the phone and continued.

   "And at this time, he thought of something, that is, the national treasure of the Whitney Kingdom, the Pearl of Life! Such a thing can force a person who runs out of oil to live for a while!"

   "So, at that time, he asked the then king of the Whitney Kingdom, that is, Hathaway's father, but in the end, he was rejected for the absurd reason that the national treasure is precious!"

"And the second reason is that the former King of the Kingdom of Whitney wanted to kill him very much, because he controlled most of the country's troops and had a high reputation among the people, which has threatened the status of the king! "

   "When he first became the general of the kingdom more than ten years ago, the king had already planned to kill him. Therefore, he issued some extremely dangerous missions to him many times, and wanted him to die in the mission!"

   "However, relying on his strong strength, strong will, and the legacy of the phoenix, he persisted, and his power and strength became stronger! This also caused the king to become more flustered, and the idea of ​​killing him became stronger!"

"Finally, five years ago, the king contacted some powerful underground assassins and attacked him! Fortunately, he was so powerful that he repelled the assassins, but he was seriously injured as a result! However, he also knew that as long as he was in one day , The king will definitely not give up the idea of ​​killing him, next time he can be so lucky or not!"

"So combining these two reasons, coupled with the promotion of his men at the time, and the second last words his father left to him. Take care of his mother. This last word conflicts with the first last word. Because of this, he broke out!"

   "The final result, as you all know, he won! And his mother also ate the Pearl of Life, but unfortunately he passed away a year later!"

   "Impossible, impossible, my father can never be like this!" Hathaway said in disbelief, clutching her head after listening.

   The king in Wardbeck’s words and the father king in her memory are completely two people, so she can’t accept it!

   Lylis looked at her and said nothing.

  Lelis knew that Hathaway, who had survived five years of hardship, could not understand the human mind, the world, and the conspiracy and tricks?

   The reason why she can't accept it now is just because that is her father, the father who is very stalwart in her heart!

   "By the way, how do you know so much?" Shang Binqian couldn't help asking.

   Although Wardback is a stand-in for Ward Mike, it is impossible to know so many?

   "Don't think that I am just his stand-in, but in fact, I, who have been living in his palace, know him better than his princess, and his princess is just a political marriage with him!"

   "Even after so many years of feelings between the two people! But I can't compare myself with someone who was adopted by him 15 years ago when he was five, and got along every day!"

"I play him every day, pondering him, and I, who is imprisoned in his palace, is also the object of his confession, so I know him very well! This is also the reason why I said before, even if he surrenders !"

"I know him. Since his mother died four years ago, his heart is no longer in the kingdom. In the past four years, I have played him more and more times, and sometimes I haven't watched it for more than half a month. Go to other people's shadows! I know that he is going to sea, going to sea to pursue his childhood dreams, to take risks!"

"And his situation was naturally noticed by his cronies and the princess. As the cronies who have worked hard with Wardmac until now, they also know that Wardmac has never been a king. Not a general! It’s just that I got to this point by mistake for various reasons!"

"Before his mother was here ~www.ltnovel.com~ in order to take care of his mother. He can still be, but now his mother has gone, and he has no children, so his heart will naturally not stay here! So, just take There is no doubt in the kingdom for the reason of going out to sea and surrendering!"

Speaking of which, Wardbeck originally wanted to stop, but in the end he hesitated to add and said, "Actually... although you killed His Majesty the King, I think there is also a trace of the King. Your Majesty wants to find the cause of death!"

   "He should be tired, he doesn't want to be king anymore!"

   "But the king is not improper or improper. Those who support him, as well as the civilians who support him, have placed their expectations on him, making him have to be and have to stay!"

"Therefore, he also wants to use your hands to find death. If you die, you will be a hundred. He no longer has to carry so many things on his back. He no longer has to struggle between dreams and reality! Otherwise, with the strength of His Majesty, If you really want to run, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep him!"

   Hearing this, the three Seiya beside him were silent!

   Indeed, if you want to run with Ward Mike's strength, I am afraid that a few people really can't keep him!

   After learning about the Ward Kingdom, a group of people discussed it and decided to proceed with Wardback’s ideas!

   directly let him surrender!

  :. :

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