Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 231: Li Da

People are always curious about the unknown!

   Seiya Four is no exception!

   After discovering the entrance of the cave, they discussed it, and decided that Seiya, Zilong, and Ikki should go in, while Ginga watched outside!

   Among them, Ikki is the one who the other three decided to enter!

  恩...There is no light inside!


   Ikki walked in the front, blazing flames constantly, illuminating the dim cave, while the other two followed him.

   "Why is this hole so long?" Seiya frowned as he walked.

   The three of them walked for at least ten minutes, but still didn't see the end of the passage, and the three of them deliberately increased the speed when they walked!

   "According to this distance and this direction, this passage should pass through Ward City. As for the way to get there, I can only walk around!" Zilong said for a moment.

   The three people walked for another half an hour before they came to the end of the passage.

   But the end is not a hole, but... an elevator! ?

   The three of them faced the cowardly, their eyes were a little bewildered!

  A rainforest kingdom, a kingdom that relies on hunting and selling beasts for a living, looks like an elevator, no matter what it sounds, or it seems to have a bit of technological content, it is totally unattainable, and even a bit contrary to it!

  Even if this elevator looks very old, there are only four iron chains and an iron cage!

   "Uh...what should I do?" Seiya pointed to the elevator and couldn't help asking.

   If the entrance is a door or something, they can open a gap to see the situation, but now it is an elevator, which makes them very painful!

  Elevators are usually very convenient, but for the three of them who are preparing to investigate the situation, they are very unfriendly!

  Because this kind of thing does not rise to the apex, it is impossible to know the situation there, but after it reaches the apex, there are layers of soldiers who surround the elevator when they go out. Isn't that exposed?

   Of course, if it's just exposure, it's still a trivial matter, and the three are not afraid!

   What they are afraid of is that now that Ward Mack is killed by them, they don't know the above decision. If this situation is discovered, what impact will the above decision have on it?

   That sin is great!

   "En..." Zilong and Ikki also hesitated, not knowing whether it would be better or not!

   "Go!" Seiya said after thinking for a while, and then added, "I'll go up and see by myself first, if nothing happens, I'll call you guys again!"

   "Okay!" Zilong and Ikki nodded together after thinking about it.

   Then, Seiya walked into the iron cage of the elevator.

   This elevator does not have any buttons, only a lever, which can be pushed forward and pulled back, so Seiya has no choice, just pull the lever over!


   Accompanied by the sound of machinery, the elevator slowly rises.

   "Thump thump thump!"

  In the ascending elevator, Seiya's heart jumped involuntarily, his brows frowned slightly, and he made a defensive posture, raising his vigilance to the apex.

   "Ding Dong!"

   Soon, the elevator reached its peak.

   "See Your Majesty!"

  As soon as he came up, Seiya heard a deep and respectful voice.

   This sound is so familiar!

   A thought flashed through Seiya's mind.

   After he took a closer look, he found that there was a big man at the elevator door who was kneeling on one knee with his head down, looking very respectful!

   At this time, the big man seemed to find something wrong.

   He raised his head abruptly and looked at Seiya.

Yep! ?

   When he saw Seiya, Seiya also saw his face, and Seiya's first reaction was...

   Damn it, hell! ?

   The big man in front of him looks almost the same as Ward Mike, without the slightest difference. At this moment, Seiya thought that Ward Mike was not dead!

   Just as Seiya wanted to punch out, he suddenly realized that this big guy in front of him is not Ward Mike?

   On him, Seiya did not feel any threat, as if he was just an ordinary person!

   And the big man in front of Seiya was also stunned!

   This person is not your majesty!

   The passage is only for your majesty's use, how come there are outsiders?

   But when he took a closer look at Seiya, and after seeing Seiya's whole body hurt, his mind turned wildly for a while, he came up with a result that he couldn't believe but had to believe!

   Ward Mike has an accident!

   And looking at Seiya's appearance, Ward Mike must have done nothing trivial!

  In an instant, his chills rose, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't help streaming down!

   Seiya looked at the big man in front of him, frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

   "My lord, my name is Wardback, I am a person who has the ability to imitate fruits. I can imitate his body shape, appearance, voice, etc. after 30 minutes of contact with someone!"

   "I have been an orphan since I was a child. After eating the devil fruit by mistake, he was adopted by His Majesty the King and trained me as his substitute. Once he has something to go out, I will pretend him!"

   Wardbeck did not hesitate, and explained his name, fruit ability, and origin from the heart!

  Because he understands that the person who can cause trouble to Ward Mike is definitely not someone he can provoke. If he doesn't explain it honestly, there will be no reason to be killed by then.

   Hearing this, most of the doubts in Seiya's mind were immediately resolved, then he glanced around and looked at Wardbeck with scorching eyes. Asked, "Where is this place?"

  The room where the elevator is located is a more traditional Ward Kingdom style room!

   The main body of the whole house is made of a mixture of wood and stone, and the room is decorated with various fur, bones, feathers, etc. everywhere.

   If there is anything different, except that the elevator is a bit out of order, the room is a bit bigger, and only fur, bones and feathers are rarer and more expensive than normal people use!

"This is the room of His Majesty King Wardmac. This elevator leads to the granary. It is also a special road for the king to go out secretly. Besides, the iron gate next to the elevator is where the King’s treasure house is located. Um... the key is with His Majesty the King. Body!"

   "By the way, because the king often goes out, in order to prevent being found out, so there is only me in this room, and there is no guard outside the door, you will not be discovered what you do here!"


   What should be said, what should not be said, Wardbeck said from the heart.

   After listening to it, Seiya couldn't help but carefully looked at the product with a surprised look. It was the first time he saw him from the heart to this point!

   But after another thought, it's okay, at least this product has solved a lot of his doubts from his heart and saved him a lot of trouble.

   thought about it!

   Seiya pushed the lever in the elevator first, and then walked out.


   With the sound of machinery operating, the elevator descended.

   After a while, the sound of mechanical operation rang again, and then Zilong and Ikki came up in the elevator!

   And when they saw Wardbeck, their first reaction was the same as Seiya, they were shocked and almost shot.

   Fortunately, Seiya had experienced it before and guessed their reaction~www.ltnovel.com~ so they stopped them in advance and explained it. They didn't miss Wardback!

After   , the three of them fumbled around in the room, and found nothing worthy of note, and finally turned their eyes to the treasure house that Wardback said.

  The treasure house is a large iron gate that is three meters high and two meters wide. It looks very heavy!

   Of course, this is nothing in the eyes of three people, it can be crushed with one punch!

   However, if you do it this way, it will inevitably cause a huge noise, which will lead to the discovery of the palace!

   So, after learning that the key to the treasure house was on Ward Mike's body, Ikki hurriedly turned around and left. After half an hour, he ran back.

   "Open the treasure vault!" Ikki handed the key to Seiya, with an excited smile on his face.

   This is the first time he has seen the treasure house of the country!

   Similarly, Seiya and Zilong are also the first time, so there is a hint of excitement in their eyes.

   Seiya walked to the big iron gate.

   Insert the key into the hole on the big iron door.



   Only one sound was heard, something seemed to bounce inside the iron gate.

After   , Seiya gently pushed the big iron gate.

   "Woo woo---"

   With the sound, the treasure house was completely opened!

  :. :

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