Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 213: Fake wound


   Control room.

   Binjack looked at the purple face that Sebastian took over on the ground and the corpse with protruding eyes, his heart sank involuntarily.

   was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "What's the matter?"

   "Suicide!" Sebastian said concisely. After thinking about it, he added, "When I went, he was hanging in the room. There was no trace of struggle!"

   Binjie Ke nodded silently, looked at the corpse, pondered for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice. "Go and see if Naiqin is ready, tell her to come over!"

   "Yes!" Sebastian nodded, turned and left here.

   After a while, he walked back with Naqin.

   "What's the matter?" Naqin's first reaction when she saw the corpse on the ground was the same as Bin Jack.

   "Suicide!" Sebastian explained.

   "Then what should I do now?" Naiqin couldn't help looking at the think tank on the boat, Jack Bin.

   "Can you restore his appearance to the way he was before death?" Bingjieke asked instead instead of answering Naiqin's question.

Hearing this, Naiqin thought for a while, and finally nodded, and said, "Yes, I can use makeup and a little Chinese herbal medicine to restore his previous appearance, but only 70% to 80% of his previous appearance, and his face will still be pale !"

Binjack thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "Then tear his clothes a little bit, and then get some injuries out of his body, so that the Navy saw that he had been abused these days, so his face turned pale! "

   "Yes!" Naiqin nodded, turned around and went to her room to pick up many herbs.

   Then, she mixed some of them, boiled three bowls of water into a bowl, and then smeared the water on the face of Varta's corpse.

   Less than ten seconds passed!

The    potion gradually worked, and Warta's face gradually returned to its pre-death color, and his eyes changed back to their original shape from a prominent shape!

   But his face still looked a little pale, at first glance it seemed to be prostration, but a closer look still showed his dead color!

   "It's a bit short!" Naqin murmured while looking at the corpse in front of her.

   Then, after thinking about it, she took a whip out of her arms.


   "Pop, papa!"

   The whip fell on Warta's corpse like a storm.

   less than five seconds.

  The clothes on Warta's corpse have become tattered, and most of his skin can even be seen!

   At this time, Naiqin also stopped her whip, took a closer look at the corpse, and murmured as she touched her chin, "Is it always worse?"

   "Scar!" Bingjiek reminded.

   "Oh!" Naqin suddenly realized.

   Then she discovered that because Varta had died a long time ago and the blood did not circulate, the color of the wound caused by the whip fell on him was different from normal!

   thought about it.

   Naqin picked up several different herbs and mixed them together. Eight bowls of water were boiled into a bowl of dark purple potion.

   Then, she put the whip into the black-purple potion, soaked it for a while, and then waved it again.



   At the place where it was slapped, there were wounds like the wounds of the undead.

   "Well, it's almost this time!" Naiqin nodded in satisfaction!

the other side.

   On the naval warship main ship.

The Warring States, the Yellow Ape, and the Green Pheasant stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the Guloseyadi ahead, and on the deck behind them, there was a huge block of ice, which could still be seen through the ice. There is a huge figure inside.

   The mood of the Warring States Period is not so good now.

  Because another king was **** again!

  He is again in charge of this!

   The kidnapped pirate is ready to broadcast again!


   Can't you pirates stop?

   kidnapped the king every three to five times, and even tied it up under the nose of the navy, and even selected people before and after the world council. This is totally incompatible with the navy!

  If the world council is completely over, and the king is escorted back to the country by the navy, and then **** again, then it's totally nothing to do with their navy, that's the world government!

   But at this point in time, the navy is responsible for the transportation. If the king has an accident, the navy can only board!

   And he...

   There is no way, as the only general in the navy now, once a major incident occurs, it must be him who is responsible for solving the problem. You can't let the marshal go out in person, right?

  Thinking about it...

   It's better to be a marshal!

   Although the marshal is at the same level as the general, the main thing the marshal is responsible for is to sit in the navy headquarters, process some documents every day, and drink afternoon tea!

   As the hard-pressed generals, once something major happens, they must be the first to charge.

what! ?

   Sengoku suddenly thought that the **** Karp thought that way at the beginning, so he refused to be promoted to general?

  Think of that **** Kapu, who drinks tea, eats senbei, and fishes all day long.

   woo woo... so envious!

   Just as the Warring States was thinking about it, a navy soldier walked up to him, saluted, and said respectfully, "Warring States General, the other side sent a message saying that it is time to trade!"

   "Well, I know!" The Warring States nodded, then winked at the green pheasant on the side.

   Green Pheasant did not speak, but just nodded faintly, and then jumped and jumped directly off the boat.

   The moment he hit the sea.

"Ice Age!"


   An extremely cold air filled the feet of the blue pheasant, quickly freezing all the surrounding sea water.

   Within ten seconds, there was an ice field in a radius of ten miles.

Of course, the blue pheasant still kept an eye on it. It did not freeze the sea water on the Goloseadi, but only the sea water between the two sides and the sea around the navy warship, so as to prevent the Ward Pirates from mistakenly thinking of the navy. I don't want to trade, so I tear up the ticket!

   Afterwards, the serious-faced Zeng Guo and the lazy-faced Yellow Ape also jumped down, and behind them, a group of naval soldiers carried the frozen Wald off the ship and followed them.

   On the Guro Saidi.

   control room

   Binjak stared at the tall figure faintly visible in the huge ice block not far away, tears in his eyes could not help, and trembled and said, "Wald, I'm here to save you!"

  Although the other three people in the control room did not shed tears, they were all excited.

   After a while.

Binjak took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, turned around, and said to the three people behind him, "Guyram, you stay on the boat and prepare to sail. Once we bring Wald back, immediately sail!"

"Naqin, go to negotiate with the other side ~ www.ltnovel.com~ live with the surveillance phone bug! Remember, you must never let go. The other party must release the person first, and must wait until the ship is on the ship before handing it over! Because this is even true It was the opposite that found something wrong, but as long as they didn't get anyone and saw evidence, they wouldn't dare to do it!"

   "Sebastian, you are carrying Varta's body behind. Be careful, don't stand too close, stand far away, don't let the navy look carefully!"

   Bin Jack didn't arrange any tasks for himself, because he knew that he couldn't do anything with his weak body, so he might as well sit and command in the control room!

   "Yes!" the three agreed in unison.

   "Then, let's go!!!" Bin Jack shouted.

   Soon, Naqin and Sebastian got off the boat and stood on the ice sheet formed by the frozen sea of ​​the blue pheasant.

at the same time

  Chambord Islands.

   The black screen lit up again, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the people of Chambord Islands. People who had experienced it all spontaneously gathered in front of the black screen and watched.

   "There is another live broadcast!"

   "What's the matter this time?"

   "I don't know! Any brother who knows tell me!"

   "Hey, I know!"

   "Oh? Brother tell me?"

   "Do you know, world destroyer?"


  :. :

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