Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 130: The most disgusting fruit (please don't order it during dinner!!!...

? If people say what the strongest fruit of the devil is, no one can tell. 35xs

Because there has never been any strongest fruit, only the strongest users!

But if people were to name the most disgusting fruit in the Devil Fruit, everyone would say the name in unison.

Poop fruit!

This is a devil fruit that makes people feel disgusting just to hear the name, but is very powerful.

Duzibshufu is the one who is capable of pooping fruits of this generation!

Moreover, with this fruit ability, he has made a reputation on the great channel, known as the stinker, Bushufu!

He is a very small number. Although the Navy has offered a reward, he does not want to arrest people at all!

No way, it's disgusting!

Therefore, he has also become one of the few pirates who can retreat with his whole body, and even return to his hometown for pension!

"The whole army retreat!" After smelling the smell, Rilis knew that there was a person with the Devil Fruit ability on the opposite side, and that this ability person had a wide range of offensive capabilities. The best way.

"Da da!"

After hearing his order, the army, who had been so stinky and unbearable, quickly turned their heads and trot to retreat in an orderly manner.

Afterwards, Rilis drew the platinum spear behind him, bent his legs slightly, and dashed directly towards the walls of Hall City.

After a while, the city wall entered his range.

He stopped immediately.

Raise the gun, aim, pull the trigger, all in one go.


A bullet shot out quickly, directly at the tall figure on the wall. 35xs

Rilis recognized at a glance that he was the fruitful person.

No way, the soldiers around were far away from the area around him.

Hall city wall.

At this time, Bushufu had taken off his clothes, revealing his sturdy body, and a disgusting stench continuously radiated from his body, spreading towards the army of the Kingdom of Saint Martin.

Seeing the bullet fired by Rilis, Buschover didn't move at all, even to resist.

next moment.

The bullet directly penetrated his body.

And he has nothing to do!

This is the ability of his fruit, the special superhuman ability to **** fruit, poop!

This is a natural-type ability that is immune to physical attacks.

Upon seeing this, Lillis' eyes narrowed.

Raise the gun again.

"Armed and domineering!"

Aim, pull the trigger!


Seeing the fast approaching black bullet, Bushufu moved this time, and he turned his head slightly to avoid the bullet.

Then, he raised his fist and slammed it out.

"Poop Fruit Flying Fist!"

A fist of feces, accompanied by the stench, flew out and flew directly towards Lelis.

But the distance between the two is too far. Leliss bullets can hit Buschever at a very fast speed, but Buschever’s flying fist flies in front of him very slowly. Can easily escape.

But I don't know why, but Rilis felt an ominous premonition!

However, let's avoid this attack first!

With force with his left leg, he gently climbed to the right to avoid the attack.

Next second.

The flying fist hit the place where he was just now, then splashed, and even a little splashed on Rilis.

At this moment, he finally knew why he had a premonition not to "xiang"!

I am grass! ! !

It's shit! ! !

At this moment, Rilis felt that his emotions were about to collapse completely!

There is such a **** fruit?

How to do? How to do?

He swears that this is the hardest decision he has ever encountered in his life!

let's hit

Not to mention that you can't beat it, but you must be in **** in the end!

Don't fight

This is war!

Finally, gritted his teeth, he still went for the kingdom!

Rilis raised the gun again and fired a bullet.




Three consecutive black bullets flew out in a fringe shape, heading towards Buschever.

But Bushufu looked at the black bullets flying over, and the corners of his mouth with sunglasses on his face raised slightly, and then raised his fists and shot out frantically!

"Poop fruit, send flying fists!"

In an instant, hundreds of shit-yellow flying fists headed towards Rilis, and shot down the bullet that Rilis fired in the middle.

Lelis saw this scene and immediately changed his face.

Of course, he was not because of the bullets shot down, but the hundreds of flying fists!


He quickly turned around and stepped on the ground with his feet continuously at high speed, leaving the place.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the next second he left, hundreds of flying fists landed where he stood, and within a few hundred meters, they were covered with shit!

Lillis watched this scene with lingering fears, pained.

How does this call him?

After thinking about it, he simply looked at Arudiba not far away with a look for help!

"Today's sky is so blue!" Upon seeing this, Arudiba quickly pretended not to see, looked up at the sky, and exclaimed.

Although he is a brave saint, it doesn't mean he wants to face this stuff and become a saint shit!

"Yeah, yeah! Naive!" Joyce was also afraid of being called to help by Rilis, and learned that Arudiba looked up at the sky.

"Don't look at me, I'm just a scientific staff, I can't help you, and my mecha has been wiped out, and I have nothing to do!" Meike spread his hands and said helplessly.

I said! ! !

These bastards!

Asking for help to no avail, Rilis could only face these things again.

How to do?

Rilis' thinking about his head almost exploded!

Time passed by one minute after another~www.ltnovel.com~ He stood there thinking for more than ten minutes, but there is still no good way!

But Buschever didn't move. His task was just to hold the army of the Kingdom of Saint Martin. If Lelis didn't move, he would be happier.

If possible, he hopes to keep going like this and spend this half an hour slowly!

However, Rilis did not do what he wanted. After thinking about it for a while, suddenly an inspiration flashed and he had an idea!

"Quickly, pull a few cannons over!" Lelis shouted to the soldiers.

The soldiers didn't know why, but they still pulled a few doors!

"Master Meke, please, how about using your ability to change these cannons into a big shield?" Lelis asked towards Meke.

"Good idea!" Meke nodded, and he immediately understood what Lelis wanted to do.

Meke walked to these cannons, closed his eyes, and activated the fruit ability.


These cannons twisted, then merged together, and finally turned into a large shield five meters long and five meters wide.

Lillis took the shield happily and stroked it up and down.

With this big shield that can protect the whole body, he finally has the confidence to face these fists!

Then, he turned his head and looked at Buschever on the far wall, a little eager to try!

With a large shield in front of him in one hand and a gun in the other, Lelis walked slowly towards the city wall.


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