Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 128: Accidentally found

?Outside Bell City

This is a large battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke and blood everywhere, with corpses crisscrossing all the surrounding land.

"Huh huh!"

Hornby knelt on one knee, his right hand holding a big knife, his left hand dropped weakly, panting heavily, and there were only less than three hundred Hall Kingdom soldiers around him supporting each other.

In the end, Hornby won!

And Duford was lying not far from him, his head and body were completely separated, and his steel shield was quietly lying beside his corpse, but it was already full of knife marks!

Although Duford used the trick of exploding the death squad to cause heavy losses to the army of the Kingdom of Hall, the miscellaneous army is a miscellaneous army, even if it is fifteen thousand to five thousand.

If it wasn't for the soldiers of the Hall Kingdom to run out of ammunition later, and as a last resort, they could only engage in hand-to-hand combat, and at least more than a thousand soldiers would remain.

However, even if he won, Hornby didn't have any happy thoughts. He knew that the real problem had just come, and although he was prepared, he still had no bottom in his heart.

"Wraith, ghost fire, now that the war is over, your fox tail should also be exposed. What is the purpose, should it appear now?" Hornby murmured.

However, before he waited for the ghost fire news, another bad news came.


A soldier showed anxious expression and ran over in a hurry.

This sound made Hornby's heart beat, and suddenly he had a bad feeling. Could it be that the tail of the ghost fired the fox?

"Say!" Hornby said quickly.

"General, it's not good. The Kingdom of Saint Martin has attacked. Now it has occupied Port Dusi and is heading towards the royal city!" the soldier hurriedly said.

"What!?" Hornby said in shock, it wasn't news of ghost fire. 35xs, but this news is obviously more serious than the ghost fire news!

and many more!

The Kingdom of Saint Martin

A series of information is connected in his brain.

At this moment, he cleared his mind, and the man behind the scenes was not a wildfire!

The wildfire is just one of them, the real behind the scenes is the Kingdom of Saint Martin!

"Haha!" Hornby slumped directly on the ground, with a sorrowful smile on his face, "St. Martin, St. Martin, what a St. Martin!!!"

If it is a wildfire, he is confident, and his preparations are definitely useful. At least he can bite off a piece of the wildfire, but in the case of Saint Martin, he has no confidence at all!

After sitting paralyzed on the ground for a while, Hornby's mood finally eased, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Go, go back to Hall City!"

"General, what about this Bell City?" an officer asked unwillingly.

The officer did not know the importance of Hall City, but now that all the troops in the Bell Kingdom have been defeated, all that is left is to receive the fruits of victory. In this case, it is really difficult to choose!

"I said, go back!" Hornby stared at the officer and said in a heavy tone.

"Yes!" the officer said helplessly.

After a while, the team with less than three hundred people left regrouped and headed back toward Hall City.

On the wall of Bell City in the distance, the princes and kings of the Bell Kingdom saw this scene. They were a bit unclear, but they were a little secretive. The war was lost, but the other party retreated. There was such a good thing. !

But soon, they couldn't laugh.


A soldier hurried over.

After a while, the princes and kings who had received the news slumped directly on the ground and understood why Hornby retreated after winning. After all, the kingdom is not preserved. What is the use of occupying Bell City?


Port Dusi

Beyond Lelis' expectations.

Attacking the two kingdoms was easier than he thought. The entire process from docking to occupying the port took less than ten minutes. During this period, there was no resistance at all.

"Da da da!"

Teams of naval soldiers from the Kingdom of Saint Martin went from the streets to the ports.

Rilis wandered the streets of this port and watched this scene. He originally wanted to be happy, but now he can't be happy anymore, and he feels very strange.

Because they did not encounter any resistance!

What's even more weird is that the people in the entire port didn't seem to see them, doing their own things for themselves, and even the army ran over without any response.

"The eldest sister, can you please ask?" Leslie asked with a smile on his face, who was holding the washbasin and was going to wash the clothes.

"What's the matter with you?" The aunt stopped, looked up and down Lelis, and asked.

"Auntie, we are the army of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, who are going to occupy your kingdom, aren't you angry?" Lelis asked curiously.

"Angry? What's your anger? You are not the **** of the Bell Kingdom. Occupy it, it doesn't matter!" The aunt said quite a bit self-defeating.

"Uh why?" Lelis said in a daze.

"My husband and my son all died for the kingdom, and the kingdom didn't even provide comfort. What good is it for such a kingdom?" The aunt said as she couldn't stop her tears.

This cry made Leliss a little difficult to deal with. If he was asked to kill, it would be fine, but if he was allowed to comfort others, it would be a difficult thing for him!

In desperation, Lillis could only pat the aunt's back with his hands, comforting her silently.

After a while, the aunt stopped.

"By the way, you belong to the Kingdom of Saint Martin. I heard that the workers in your place are living well?" The aunt stared at Rilis, hesitated and asked.

As soon as Lelis heard it, his mind moved, and he immediately had an idea!

"It's okay. Our kingdom has been recruiting workers. As long as you become a worker in our kingdom, you will have a monthly salary, as long as you work hard, your life will be richer!"

"As far as food is concerned, workers in our kingdom will basically have a bit of meat for three meals. If we wear them, our kingdom supplies most of the fabrics of the entire West Sea at a fairly cheap price.

If you are from your own kingdom, it’s cheaper to buy fabrics, so workers don’t worry about clothes, but at most worry about what clothes they wear every day! "

"and also"

Rilis talked about the benefits of St. Martin's Kingdom, and the aunt's face was quite moved.

"Well, can you let me take my daughter-in-law and granddaughter to be a worker in your kingdom?" The aunt hesitated for a while, finally asked, and then quickly said, "Don't worry, I'm very diligent!"

"No problem!" Lelis assured, patted his chest, and then asked, "But, eldest sister, you want to tell me why first?"

"This" the aunt hesitated for a while, and finally she said, "I don't want to stay in this kingdom anymore. I don't have anything but can eat and eat. I have been fighting all day long. I have had enough, I have had enough. Everything here, I just want to find a place where there is no war, where I can eat, and work hard to buy some decent clothes for my granddaughter!"

Hearing these words from the aunt, Rilis keenly realized one thing. Perhaps the wars over the past few months have caused the people of the two kingdoms on this island to hate each other's kingdom as well as their own country?

If it is true, then it is a good opportunity to buy people's hearts!

So, he held a few more people, using the temptation to go to the Kingdom of St. Martin as a worker, and successfully asked them the same answer as the aunt~www.ltnovel.com~Big sister, if our kingdom takes over here, and You have established a factory here, would you like to work here? "Lellis asked.

"Able to include food and shelter, meat for three meals, wages, and clothes to wear?" the aunt frowned and asked.

"No problem, what you said is all right!" Rilis patted his chest and promised.

"That's okay, as long as you can guarantee that we won't fight here!" The aunt said with a smile.

"That's OK, sister, you can go and inform those who have the same idea as you, tell them that after we occupy this place, we will build factories, farms and so on here, you can all enter into it as workers!"

"Furthermore, you can also include food and lodging. There is meat for three meals and wages. In addition, the kingdom can sell some of your fabrics at low prices. As long as your wages are paid, you can easily buy these things!" Riley Si said with a smile.

"Really!?" The aunt could not say anything.

"Really! I'm Leliss, Minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Saint Martin. If our kingdom fails to make these promises, come to me!" Lelis promised, patting his chest.

Soon, the aunt went back to inform people with a happy expression.

And Rilis also dialed everyone's phone, slightly changed the offensive strategy, and used the method of propagating and attacking to attack the two kingdoms.

Before the war, let these people who have been poor for many years see the benefits of joining the Kingdom of St. Martin can reduce their thoughts of resistance, and after that, as long as the Kingdom of St. Martin has fulfilled its promise, it can still conquer the people here.


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