Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 121: Position transfer

? The dawn breaks.

The Kingdom of Saint Martin, the palace hall!

Arthur sat on the throne.

"See His Majesty the King!" The ministers knelt on one knee.

"Free!" Arthur waved his hand.

"Thank you!" The ministers got up.

"What's the matter today?" Arthur said lightly.

"Your Majesty, this year's financial report is out!" Ishihara Ken Saburo took a step forward, walked out of the crowd, and bowed to report.

"Is another year going by?" Arthur sighed inwardly. Compared with previous years, the entire Kingdom of St. Martin has changed incredible.

"Say it!" Arthur said solemnly.

"Yes! Your Majesty" Senzaburo Ishihara nodded and said sternly, "This year's total national income is 9.353 billion Saint Martins Saint Martins! Compared with last year, it has increased by more than 300%. !"

"Among them, military expenditures, including army salaries, ordnance production, army logistics, army welfare, etc., add up to about 2 billion Saint Martins!"

Military expenditures have risen three times faster than last year. The main reason is that this year's large-scale refurbishment of the army and the establishment of the navy have caused these expenditures to soar!

At present, the Kingdom’s first army has been fully recruited, and preparations for the establishment of the second army are already under way. Moreover, all the warships of the first navy fleet have been built, and the ships of the second navy fleet are being prepared.

"The expenditure of the Ministry of Industry, including infrastructure construction in various places, road repairs, and scientific research expenditures of the Academy of Sciences, etc., is about 1.5 billion Saint Martins!"

With Mei Ke's joining, the Kingdom invested a lot of financial resources in scientific research in order to study more things.

"The royal family's income is 10% of the country's total income, which is 933,300,000 Saint Martins!"

"To sum up, the total expenditure this year is 8.53 billion St. Martins, with a surplus of 823 million St. Martins, plus the surplus from previous years. Now the remaining money in the treasury is 23. Seventy million St. Martin's coins, and fifty-nine billion Pele reserves!"

Although the surplus has increased and the income of Bloodport Town is very large, the remaining money is less. The main reason is that Arthur's recruitment notice for recruiting workers and talents. After these people are recruited, factories and houses will be built. , Arrange everything for them, which cost a lot.

After all, more than 300,000 people have been enrolled. This is not a small number. It is not too much to arrange for one person, but if it is multiplied by more than 300,000 times, it is incredible!

The population of the kingdom has now reached more than 830,000. Without the expansion of the territory, the current population is close to the limit that the kingdom can bear. If there is more, it will be a drag on the development of the kingdom.

The recruitment notice for recruiting workers has also been withdrawn. Currently, only recruiting talents is left. Naturally, the more talents are the better, and it is impossible to withdraw them in the future.

"En, good!" Arthur nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and let Ishihara Kensaburo return to his position.

Although the remaining money is less, the development of the country is still visible. Money is what is spent, and what is not spent is just waste paper.

"Next, I will announce some new job adjustments. If you have any objections or doubts, you can raise them, and let's discuss them on the spot!" Arthur said seriously.

Upon hearing this, all the ministers were attentive and listened.

"First, abolish the original military ministerial post and change to the secretary of the army and the minister of the navy!"

As soon as Arthur's voice fell, Ishihara Kensaburo frowned, walked out and asked, "Your Majesty, where is the original military minister Shigekuni Yamamoto?"

"The position of Shigekuni Yamamoto was changed to the captain of the Gotei 13th team!" Arthur said in a deep voice.

"Gotei 13th team?" Ishihara Ken Saburo looked at Arthur with some confusion.

"Yes, Gotei Thirteen Team!" Arthur thought for a while, and explained, "Gotei Thirteen Team is a secret army newly formed in the kingdom. It is mainly responsible for the safety of an important place. It will not be dispatched in normal times, only It will only be dispatched during the war!"

He can only explain this, he can't say that you can see Gotei 13 after you die, right?

Doesn't that mean that Shigekuni Yamamoto is dead?

Well, although he is really dead, it doesn't seem very good to say that!

"En!" Ishihara Kensaburo nodded and returned to his position. Although he was still a little puzzled, he was pressed down in his heart. When he stepped back, he would ask Arthur again. After all, he belongs to Arthur. Father-in-law, Arthur will explain this to him. 35xs

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, then I will continue?" Arthur scanned the inside of the hall, and no one raised objections, so he continued.

"Bruce, the former commander of the First Army of the Army, was promoted to Secretary of the Army, commanding the entire army. The former Commander of the First Division of the Army, Joyce, was promoted to Commander of the First Army, the former First Army Corps."

"Former Navy First Fleet Commander Lelis was promoted to Minister of the Navy and commanded the entire navy. The former Navy First Division Commander Uesugi Kenka was promoted to First Fleet Commander, the former Navy First Fleet First Division First Regiment"

After speaking, Arthur slowed down and took a closer look at the people in the hall. No one raised any objections, so he continued, "Next is the former Sora Island Security Team Captain Gan Fuer, who is promoted to Security. The Minister, the former Deputy Captain of the Sky Island Security Team, Barton, was promoted to the Captain of the Sky Island Security Team!"

After the sky island was conquered, the original god, Ganfor and Sandia's chief Patton, served as the captain and deputy captain of the sky island security team.

It was originally Barton who was the captain, but he himself refused and insisted on letting Gan Fuer serve, so Gan Fuer became the captain.

The security team assumes the responsibility of the police in the kingdom, but it has always been a security team in every place. For example, there is a security team in St. Maarten on St. Martin, and a security team in Bloodport Town in Bloodport Town. They are not under each other. .

Now, Arthur appoints Ganfor as the Minister of Public Security, which is to command all the security teams in the kingdom!

There is also a reason for choosing Ganfor. The security team is undoubtedly the official who has the most contact with civilians. In addition to maintaining public security and arresting criminals, it is also responsible for the reconciliation of contradictions among civilians.

To this end, it is necessary to choose a person who has a certain strength, a sense of responsibility, and is fair and just. Ganfor is undoubtedly the best choice.

And Ganfor, who came to the meeting of the Kingdom of Saint Martin for the first time, heard Arthur's words and stunned. He did not expect that he would be promoted to the Minister of Public Security.

After all, in terms of merit, Patton is the best candidate to be the Minister of Security. If he becomes the Minister of Security, what does Patton think?

He immediately stood up and hurriedly said, "Please take your majesty back and take his life. How can the minister take on this important task?"

"Haha!" Arthur smiled and said, "Do you think that if you become Minister of Security, Patton will be angry, don't worry, before the appointment, I have asked Patton carefully, and he prefers to stay empty Island, protect your tribe! He also recommended you to me!"

"This" Ganfor was speechless for a while, he didn't expect that it was Barton recommended himself.

"The king will ask you, do you have the confidence to be a minister of peace?" Arthur stared at Ganfor and asked in a deep voice.

"This minister, have confidence!" In the end, Gan Fuer accepted the appointment.

Arthur is still confident about Gan Fuer being Minister of Security. After all, Gan Fuer used to be a **** and later became the captain of the Sky Island Security Team. He has no shortage of experience and strength!

"Okay, the next thing is the Kingdom Prosecutor's Office. The former Kingdom Attorney General retired three days ago. Now, the former Kingdom Deputy Prosecutor Kazusuke Takahashi is appointed and promoted to the Chief Prosecutor!"

The procuratorate is mainly responsible for the investigation and arrest of officials within the kingdom. When the kingdom is developing rapidly, it is inevitable that there will be some greedy and corrupt officials, and the procuratorate is to find out the existence of these officials.

"The former kingdom official died of illness one month ago, and now he has been promoted to the official by the former first-level judge of the kingdom, Pendragon Rafael!"

Next, Arthur announced a series of promotions and transfers. After discussing with the ministers, the meeting ended in the evening.

"Well, today's meeting is over. I have asked people to prepare the dinner in the side hall. After you finish eating, go back!" Arthur said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, thank you!" The ministers said respectfully in unison, and then gathered in twos and threes, and went to dinner while discussing.

And Arthur also turned to leave.

At this moment, Ishihara Kensaburo stopped him.

"Arthur, I want to ask you something!" Ishihara said with a frown.

Now the meeting was over, so he started calling Arthur by name.

Arthur knew what Ishihara Kensaburo wanted to ask, it was nothing more than his grandfather’s business, so he smiled and said, "Father-in-law, then, go to my study. It just so happened that we haven’t eaten together for a long time. I asked people to go over the hot pot. We talked while eating in the study!"

"En! Good!" Ishihara Kensaburo nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ Soon, the two came to the study, and the boiling hot pot was placed in front of them.

Ishihara Kensaburo couldn't wait to ask, "Arthur, what's the matter with that Gotei 13 team? Uncle Yamamoto, I haven't seen him for a while, how is he?"

Arthur picked up the sake on the side and poured a glass of Senzaburo Ishihara before slowly opening his mouth, "This is how things are."

Arthur carefully explained to Ishihara Kensaburo about Seireitei, the Gotei 13 team, and Yamamoto Shigekuni.

After hearing this, Ishihara Kensaburo was stunned, but after a while, he suddenly woke up and said in disbelief, "So, Uncle Yamamoto is dead?"

"En!" Arthur nodded solemnly.

For a while, Ishihara Kensaburo was completely entangled, and he was like Arthur before, not knowing what kind of emotion he should use to face this matter, if he is sad, his soul is still alive! If you are happy, your body is dead!

Arthur looked at the constantly changing expressions on Ken Saburo Ishihara's face, and did not enlighten him. After all, Arthur himself was still entangled.

For a meal, Ishihara Kensaburo absent-mindedly ate, and he was really messed up by the news.

After eating, Arthur sent Ishihara Kensaburo out of the palace, and also gave him the life-enhancing potion.

After all, Yamamoto Genryuzhai Shigekuni died, so he couldn't use it anymore, so he gave it to him.

After the delivery, Arthur looked at the moon in the sky and muttered, "After the Chinese New Year, the three kingdoms should also be finished. Get them done before going to the World Council!"


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