Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1199: Suffocatingly powerful

   As a king!

   Arthur has always felt that his style of painting is a bit crooked!

  The kings of other people are gentlemen who do not stand under dangerous walls and do not easily go to the battlefield. They only do remote command in the palace, and all the rest is given to the generals of the kingdom.

   And he?

  It’s usually okay!

   But every time when there is a big war, they are the first to take the lead, not like a king should be!

   But there is no way!

  Who called him so strong? His opponent is so strong!

  If he doesn't go in person, he will not worry about it himself!


   His rebirth cross is still useless, and there are still a lot of fairy beans and rejuvenation potions on his body. It is not that easy to die!

   "Forget it, don't think about it so much!" Arthur thought, returning his attention!

   Say it is too fast!

   Although his brain is full of activities, in fact, the outside time has only passed for less than one second, and Arthur is still on the way to charge at this time!

   However, after pulling his attention back, Arthur soon came to the enemy!

   "Let's have a meeting ceremony first!" Arthur murmured, and a dangerous light began to flash in his eyes!

next moment!

   "Wooden Fruit. The Art of Woodman!"

   "The fruit of thunder. Two hundred million volts. Thor!"

   "Armed and domineering!"

   "Fusion Skills. Thunder Titans!!!"


All kinds of moves were released instantly, and Arthur, who was charging in midair against the warship of the world government from the ice slide in the sky, suddenly transformed into a black that was thousands of meters high and flashed with thunder and lightning. giant!


   Arthur threw a punch!

   is hundreds of meters high, and a fist that is hundreds of meters long, with the power of thunder and lightning, struck towards the Warring States and others!


the other side!

   Facing the attack of the strong Saint Martin, the Warring States and others were not surprised!

   When they rushed towards Saint Martin's position in a boat, they had this psychological preparation!

   However, they originally guessed that Motoyanagi Yamamoto was the first to attack!

  Because the ice slide is ice, and Yamamoto Motoyagisai Shigekuni’s attack carried flames, the two sides are a bit restrained!

   What I didn't expect was that Arthur was the first to attack!

   What I didn't expect was that as soon as Arthur came on the field, he launched such a powerful attack!

   This made the Warring States period and the strong men who came over this time a little bit by surprise!

   However, the Warring States Period also keenly realized at this time, this is a good opportunity!

  Who is Arthur?

   In addition to the world's top powerhouses, they are also the core figures of the Kingdom of Saint Martin who can oppose the world government. It can be said that without Arthur, Saint Martin would not be able to develop to the present level!

   But because of this, once Arthur is caught or killed, the problem for St. Martin will be big!

   analyze in two ways!

   From a long distance, if Arthur is gone, relying on Arthur's development of St. Martin, the overall operation will definitely have some problems in a short time!

   And according to the intelligence, the excellent degree of Arthur's children, St. Martin's Kingdom is also likely to be contended for a family. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, the St. Martin's Kingdom is likely to split!

   Nearly speaking, if Arthur was gone or was arrested, then Saint Martin was naturally lost in this war, and the world government could at least regain control of the North Sea! The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   Warring States thought this way, his eyes gradually heated, and a decision was already made in his heart, "Catch him or... kill him!"

   Just catch Arthur, or kill him, then everything is over!


  The soldiers of the navy will not be killed or injured by this war.

   Thinking, the Warring States took a deep breath, began to transport all the strength of the whole body, and activated its own devil fruit ability!

   Suddenly, a golden Buddha appeared on the warship!

   Well, although he had just thought about it a lot, in fact, the time has not passed too long, that is, it was a short time!

   Because of this, after the Warring States incarnation became a golden Buddha, Arthur's huge fist was able to attack him!

   Facing the huge fist of Arthur, the Warring States on the warship, and many powerful men, while feeling a deadly danger, they also made their own responses!

   "The impact of the Buddha!!!"

   "Armed and domineering!"

   "Snow wolf fruit. Tearing wolf claws!"

   "The nightmare is coming!"

   "One sword flow. Raptors slash!" First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   "Plastic fruit. Plastic giant punch!"


   Suddenly, countless powerful attacks hit Arthur's fist!


   After the attacks of the two parties collided, the sound of the shocking collision rang out one after another, and wave after wave of strong shock waves also swept out!

   "Squeeze me over!"

   And feeling the constant rushing force on his fist, as if to press his fist back, Arthur, who turned into a giant, roared, exhausted his whole body strength, and pushed it back!


   The attacks of both sides were deadlocked for about three seconds!


   With a loud noise, the people of the world government and the ship they were on were blasted out by Arthur!

   "Strong! Too strong!"

   "Who is this person? Can he issue such a powerful attack?"

   "The attacks of so many of us didn't suppress his attacks?"

   "Is this the king of the Kingdom of Saint Martin?"

   "In the past, people said that the king of the Kingdom of Saint Martin was very strong~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't believe it, but today I believe it!"


   Although everyone on the warship was blasted out, they did not suffer much damage!

   Arthur’s attack was first reduced by hundreds of attacks, and then he was assigned to the 300 lieutenant generals, 30 generals of the level of combat power, such reductions in layers, there is not much strength!

   However, even though the attack did not have much strength and no one was hurt, everyone present was shocked!

   You know, there are 300 lieutenant generals and 30 generals here!

   Arthur's fist just now faced the collective attack of so many people!

   Although the attacks of so many powerful people have not merged together, the light energy suppresses all of these attacks, which has already explained a lot!

   At the very least, Arthur's combat power is definitely above all of them!

   Everyone thought like this, and they didn’t have time to control the warships under them, and because of Arthur’s fist, they were still flying backwards, but their hearts gradually sank!

   Faced with Arthur’s amazing strength, everyone in their presence, even the Warring States Period, were not sure they could win!

   In this case, when they thought of meeting Arthur, they felt choked for a while, but they were also at a loss!

   Such a strong person, who will deal with it?

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