Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1197: Army attack!





   With a loud explosion, the pacifists were under the siege of St. Martin's mecha troops, and the visible reduction became less visible to the naked eye!

   In less than an hour, there are only less than half of the original thousands of pacifists!

   But for this, Qing pheasant does not have much mood swings!

  Pacifists honestly, the cost is not low.!

   But no matter how high the cost is, it cannot conceal the nature of a weapon!

  As a weapon, it should be used by itself. If it is not used, no matter how expensive it is, it is worthless!


   The pacifists are not without their own results at the same time they lose!

   St. Martin’s Mecha Legion, as a result, nearly two hundred deaths and nearly eight hundred were affected by the pacifist blew up, unable to fight again!

  Following this trend, when the pacifists are all over, St. Martin’s mecha units will also be abolished!

  Of course, the reason why the green pheasant does not have much emotional fluctuations, in addition to the above reasons, the most important thing is that all the costs of this war are paid by the world government, and the pacifists will not be responsible for the high losses!

   It doesn’t matter if you don’t have to pay for it yourself!

   "According to the current trend, the remaining pacifists will hold on for at most half an hour!" Qing Pheasant murmured.

  Although it took a full hour when the pacifists were wiped out halfway from the past, the matter itself is not equal!

   With the passage of time, the gap between the two sides is slowly increasing!

   At first, the ratio of pacifists to mecha troops was one to three, but now it is one to four. In this case, of course, pacifists will be wiped out faster!

   And the pacifists were quickly wiped out, which also means one thing... The real army should be in!

  Well, once the pacifists are wiped out and no army enters the battlefield to maintain the current results, then the previous results will be spit out again, and the world government will fall short!

   "The army has entered the arena, so the strong must also follow along!" Muttered, Qing Pheasant also thought about it!

  Pacifists are machines and weapons. If they are used to exchange Saint Martin’s army, the green pheasant will not feel distressed.

   But, other armies are real people!

   The army of the world government itself is far less powerful than the army of Saint Martin. If at this time, the army enters the field and the strong does not enter, then there is only one ending waiting for the army-the group is destroyed!

   In this case, the green pheasant will naturally not just let the army in!

  He is very important to human life, not like the red dog, who can sacrifice everything else for the task!


   If it is for the mission, in order to defeat Saint Martin, this time he should let the strong into the arena!

  Only when the strong enter, can the world government have a chance to defeat Saint Martin!


   Twenty-five minutes passed!

   At this time, there are only less than a hundred pacifists that can be seen by the green pheasant! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  "Order to go down, the navy, the armies of the various kingdoms, enter the arena as previously discussed, and the whole army will attack!!!" Seeing this, the green pheasant flashed in his eyes, and took the walkie-talkie to give an order!

  Before, when discussing the plan, apart from discussing the plan with the generals of the kingdom, the Qing pheasant and the generals also briefly discussed the entry time and order of the navy and the army of each kingdom!

no way!

   Even if the upside-down mountain flows backwards, the width is still only a little bit wide. If they don’t negotiate in advance and squeeze in together, then they don’t have to do anything with Saint Martin, they will destroy themselves!

   Under the order of the Qing Pheasant, dozens of naval warships were quickly arranged, and they boarded the ocean current of the inverted mountain one by one, and started climbing along the ocean current! The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   In a while!

  These ships came to the top of the peak of Upside Down Mountain!





Subsequently, under the arrangement of the blue pheasants, one after another warships entered the tubular ice slide, and under the acceleration of gravity, at a very fast speed, towards the direction of Saint Martin's position. Rushed over!


  These warships have arrived in Saint Martin's position!

   With the entry of these warships and these fresh forces, the situation that became precarious because the pacifists were wiped out one by one, suddenly stabilized, and the army of the world government once again took a firm foothold in Saint Martin's position!

   However, watching the situation gradually stabilize, Qing Pheasant frowned!

   There is no other reason!

   The speed of the warship is too slow!

  Of course, this too slow does not refer to the time when warships use the slide to reach the Saint Martin position, but the time when warships line up to enter the ice slide!

There is only one tubular ice slide made by    green pheasant, and only one can pass each time. Although the speed of passing is very fast, it always takes some time to come one by one!

  Moreover, there are more than 5,000 warships in the world government!

   Even if a ship wastes a second, it will take more than an hour to completely send all the troops there!

   Of course, it’s impossible for a ship to be sent over in just a second!

   Taking into account the need to avoid rear-end ships, and considering that too many ships entering the ice slide at the same time may not be able to bear such a weight, it will take at least half a minute to send one ship in!

   One boat for half a minute, more than 5,000 boats add up to a full day, nearly two days!

   Two days!

   After sending the boats in, the day lily is cold!

   "How can you speed up?" Qing Pheasant murmured, frowning involuntarily!

   It stands to reason that wanting to speed up is nothing more than an ice slide~www.ltnovel.com~ As long as there are enough ice slides, the speed of the world government army can be increased!

   However, the stamina of the tubular ice slide is much more wasted than the previous ice slides. It can even be said that the ten previous ice slides are no better than a tubular ice slide!

   Well, the tubular ice slide needs to be able to resist the pressure brought by the deep sea all the time, so it has to be made extremely thick!

   In this case, it will naturally thicken a lot!

   Therefore, if the tubular ice slide is added, when the strong is about to fight, he is likely to have no physical strength!

   thinking, when the corner of the green pheasant's eyes saw the remnants of the ice slide, he suddenly had an idea!

   Let's just use the ice slide from before!

  Because of the existence of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sajukuni on the previous ice slide, the green pheasant did not dare to extend it, and could only secretly use the tubular ice slide to break the Saint Martin's line of defense and open the situation!

   But, that's what happened before!

Now the green pheasant is preparing to attack by the whole army, preparing to let the troops of the world government into the field, preparing to start the war with the strong. In this case, Motoyanagi Yamamoto will naturally be dragged by someone, and the ice slide will naturally not. Be destroyed again!


   Thinking, Qing Pheasant exhaled deeply, and folded his hands on his chest again!

   Next second!

   The devil fruit ability is activated!


   Accompanied by the freezing sound, the ten ice slides extend again!

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