Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1191: Unexpected attack, airborne!

   "With Saint Martin's defense, it is almost impossible for us to directly break through! This is not a problem of more ships than fewer ships. Where are the conditions for the inverted mountain? We cannot pass too many ships at once!"

   Green Pheasant said faintly, "So, we can only find another way and attack in a way that St. Martin did not expect!"


   All the people present listened to this word and subconsciously squinted their eyes. Several of them couldn't help but murmured and repeated it!

   "Yes, unexpected!"

At this time, the green pheasant nodded and continued, "Although Saint Martin's defense looks indestructible and shocking, after all, they only use normal thinking to think about the possibility of our attack, so the indestructible defense is just For a normal offense!"

   "Then what unexpected offensive method should be used to attack?" A kingdom general couldn't help but ask.


   Green Pheasant categorically said the answer he had already thought of.

   Airborne! ?

   Listening to this answer, everyone present showed a surprised expression!

   They are all navy!

   Although there are many people who can fly, there are only so few!

   How do you airborne?

   Is it hard to make those few people go?

   What is the difference between that and delivery!

   You know, according to the news, St. Martin blocked the entrance of the North Sea Upside Down Mountain, but there are a million people!

   Not to mention that there are many strong Saint Martins among them!

As if seeing the doubts of the people present, the green pheasant faintly explained, "After the instrument sent by the world government is activated, the ocean current of the inverted mountain will reverse, and the ocean current on the great channel will be like The whole world is upside-down like a mountain, going backwards!"

   "At that time, I can take advantage of this ocean current to create a cross in mid-air on the top of the upside-down mountain, leading to the North Sea, able to withstand the sailing of ships, and sail to the ice slide behind the huge wall!"

   Speaking of this, Qing Pheasant did not say anything!

   But after everyone at the scene imagined the scene in their minds, they probably understood how to airborne!

  The principle is the same as the slide in the water park!

   It’s just that the slides of the water park are people who slide down, and the ice slides made by the blue pheasant are boats!

   When the time comes, the ice slide will directly cross the giant wall made by Saint Martin, so that the ships of the world government can "airborne" from the top of the mountain to the camp of Saint Martin!

   "But... there is something wrong with it, right?" a Youth Kingdom general frowned and asked.

  Although the green pheasant did not say, the young general is also a man who has experienced many battles, and you can probably perceive the danger in it!


The green pheasant shrugged without denying it, and said directly, "First of all, the upside-down mountain is very high. If you descend from the peak, the speed is faster than the normal upside-down mountain speed. Once it rushes down, the ship is very likely. Smashed directly into the water, and can't get up again, or just break!"

"Secondly, on the premise of a safe landing, the one that rushes down the front is definitely the most dangerous, because the battleship of Saint Martin is parked behind the huge wall, and the one that rushes down the front will face the siege of thousands of warships!" Starting www. (x81zw)m./x81zw/

"Finally, the strong on St. Martin's side will definitely not watch us "airborne" their positions, and will find ways to stop them. At that time, the ice slide is likely to be cut off, and the ships that are just down the ice slide may directly Fall out of the air!"

   Listening to this, everyone present frowned involuntarily!

  From the words of the green pheasant, they can judge that according to the "airborne" method proposed by the green pheasant, although it is possible to cross the giant wall of St. Martin, the person at the front can almost be said to be dead!

no way!

   The one who rushed down the front, Saint Martin must fight first!

   Although the survival rate of those who rushed down afterwards increased, but it did not improve much. After all, the height of the upside-down mountain was there, and the speed at which they rushed straight down was absolutely terrifying!

   However, with a frontal attack on the giant wall, the winning side of this method is countless times higher!

   It can be said that this is a very good way to face a huge wall!

"I have some questions!"

   After thinking about it for a while, the middle-aged general who had come forward to deny the retreat said in a deep voice, "First of all, who will charge first? The navy or a certain kingdom, or something else?"

"Secondly, since the speed of rushing down is so fast, can you make some rotating ice slides, extend the distance of the ice slides, reduce the buffer descending slope, delay the buffering speed, or we can open the sails, When rushing down, how about using the resistance of the wind to slow down the speed of the shock?"

   "Finally, if Saint Martin's strong man makes a move, who will be responsible for blocking it then!?"

   Listening to the first paragraph of the middle-aged general, everyone present nodded in agreement.

   These are indeed problems!

   Especially the first one!

  Who will charge first?

   This is a proposition... well, literally!

   Judging from the current situation, the first rush basically cannot survive!

   In this case, no one wants to charge first!

Faced with these problems, the green pheasant took a deep look at the middle-aged generals, and silently sighed in his heart that these kingdom generals were indeed not built, but explained, "The first question! It will not be the navy that rushes first. , It will not be everyone here! It is a robot developed by the world government!"

   "The name of this robot is a pacifist. It has certain intelligence and strong combat power. It is the most suitable for the task!"

  Before proposing a solution, the green pheasant had already foreseen it. Regarding who would attack this issue first, it is impossible for the kingdom generals present to take the initiative!

   Because this is a mission to die!

   Therefore, the blue pheasant does not want the navy to go!

   So, in the end, the green pheasant chose to let the pacifists sent by the world government go!

  Pacifists are robots. It doesn't matter if they are damaged. There is no danger to their lives. Moreover, the pacifists have self-destruct procedures. It would be great to be the first to rush down!

   can’t be beaten, or when it’s about to be destroyed, you can directly explode, take away some St. Martin’s people, some ships, and open up some space for the army behind the world government!

"The second question... After the upside-down mountain to the huge wall, there is a long distance, and there is a possibility that the strong of St. Martin may interfere with it, so I must maintain good physical strength, that is to say , The spinning ice slide is impossible!"

   "As for opening the sails, use the resistance of the wind to reduce the speed of the cushioning attack... This is a good note. In addition to the sails, you can also take some cloth behind the boat to slow down the speed!"

  Using the rotating ice slide to reduce the speed of the buffer hit~www.ltnovel.com~ It's not that Qing Pheasant has thought about it, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea!

   On the one hand, such a long ice slide itself requires a lot of physical strength, on the other hand, because he is afraid of St. Martin’s trouble, he must reserve some spare energy, and therefore he did not say to make an ice slide.

   However, the blue pheasant really didn't expect to open the sails to reduce the speed of the cushioning!

   By this point, he also had to admit in his heart that these kingdom generals were indeed not built!

   "Finally, who will deal with the strong of St. Martin... Our navy and the strong sent by the world government will deal with it. You only need to deal with the soldiers of St. Martin!"

   Originally, the green pheasant did not expect the people of these kingdoms to deal with the strong of Saint Martin!

   Of course, it's not that the blue pheasants look down on them!

   but reality is like this!

  The powers of these kingdoms are powers that can't compare to the world government, both in terms of quantity and quality! First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   While listening to Qing Pheasant's words, all the kingdom generals in the audience looked at each other for a while, and nodded one after another, agreeing with Qing Pheasant's thoughts!

   For now, the idea of ​​a green pheasant is the best!

   "Are there any questions? No questions?"

   In the end, Qing Pheasant asked again, and after seeing the others had no problems, he settled down, "Okay, then do it!"

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