Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1186: Sincerity


   With a ringing, the call was connected again!

   "Hey!" A dull voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Hello, I am the King of Saint Martin, Arthur, Pendragon Arthur!" Arthur said with a serious face after hearing the voice on the other end of the phone.

   "Hello, I am NEO Marine Marshal, Zefa!" Zefa's deep voice returned immediately!


   Both of them fell into silence!

   I don’t know how to continue...

   Arthur thought so, but first spoke, and said dryly, "Do you have any conditions?"

   After speaking, Arthur regretted it!

   It’s a bit direct!

   But there is no way!

After all, the two are not familiar with each other. Although Arthur had contacted Zefa before, the people below contacted Zefa, but he himself had not even contacted him. This is the first time the two have talked. !

   I’m not familiar with it, and after the first call, Arthur didn’t know what to say. This is so straightforward!


  Zefa is also a relatively straightforward person, and he doesn't care too much about it, but he said in a deep voice, "If you want me to join Saint Martin, first of all, our NEO Navy, you have to take over!"

   Listening, Arthur agreed without hesitation, "No problem!"

   In addition to Zefa, there are many talents in the NEO navy. Arthur didn't want to let them go. Now that Zefa himself made this request, he naturally agreed immediately!

   "Secondly, Saint Martin must provide us with warships, and in the future our military expenditures must also be borne by Saint Martin, and must be paid on time, not in arrears!" Zefa once again made a condition!

   There is a saying that you don’t know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive!

   Zefa is in such a state now!

   When he was still in the navy, he never thought about the issue of military expenses. Anyway, he would spend it when it was posted, but now that he became a marshal, he somewhat understood why the navy often compromised with the participating countries!

   The cost of an army is really outrageous!

   Even if many of the NEO navies he created are his disciples, they don't need any salary at all, but normal eating and drinking, military uniforms, weapons, ships, and warships are a big expenditure!

   His savings for many years were thrown into this army, and it was just a little splash!

   If it were not for the "friendship" of the surrounding pirates who contributed all his wealth and ships, the NEO navy might not be able to be established now!

   And so he promised Arthur's solicitation for some reason---he really can't afford the NEO navy!

   Because of this, he made such a request!

   "No problem!" Arthur agreed with a smile!

  The condition proposed by Zefa is not a condition at all!

  If he doesn't use NEO Navy, then why does he recruit them?

   And if they want to use them, can Arthur not pay the warships or military expenses?


   Military expenditure is a problem for Zefa, but it is not a problem for Arthur at all!

  He sits on the West Sea and the North Sea. Isn’t it a simple matter to raise a NEO navy?

   Therefore, this condition is not a condition at all!

   "Finally, I hope that all the pirates we catch will be killed in the future!" Zefa solemnly stated the last condition!

While    was talking, there was a hint of hatred in Zefa's tone!

   The last condition is Zefa's last condition, and it is also his original intention to establish the NEO Navy!

   After experiencing the tragic death of his family and students, Zefa is no longer the old general who was called non-killing, but an avenger full of hatred for pirates!

   For the rest of his life, his only wish is to kill all the pirates!

   Facing his condition, Arthur hesitated!

   According to reason, he should agree to this condition.

   After all, pirates really deserve to die!

   However, considering the huge number of pirates in this world full of pirates, Arthur didn't want to agree!

   Of course, he didn't want to let the pirates go!

   He just thinks that not all pirates deserve to die!

If all the pirates are killed indiscriminately, then there must be many of them who are not guilty of death, but are ultimately wronged. Based on the number of pirates in this world, I am afraid that more than one or two people have been wronged, at least Tens of thousands!

   So one or two, or even dozens of them, OK, no problem, Arthur can accept it!

   After all, they are all pirates. Although they have been wronged, they are not innocent.

   But if tens of thousands of people were wronged at once, he couldn't accept it!

After thinking about it, Arthur pondered for a moment and said, "It stands to reason that I should agree to your condition. After all, pirates are basically damned, but have you ever thought about a problem... the pirates in this world have How many?"

   After hearing this, Zefa was silent!

   How many pirates are there in this world?

   He can't answer this question!

   However, as a senior in the navy, he still knows the number of internal navy investigations. He said that tens of millions is not enough, but there must be millions of words!

   The direct pirates and affiliated pirate groups under the Four Emperors of Light add up to hundreds of thousands, let alone other pirates?

   "I think as a senior in the navy, you should have a general idea of ​​this psychology?"

   Arthur said in a deep voice, "Do you think that if so many people are killed, how many of them are wronged for their crimes? At least tens of thousands, right?"

   "If there are only one or two wronged, then I don't care. Anyway, I will have this consciousness when I become a pirate, but once the wronged people reach tens of thousands, I can't help it!"

   Zefa listened, and after a long silence, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"You can catch or kill, but while ensuring your own safety, I still hope that you can put them on trial and convict them of their crimes. Those who are not guilty of the crime will be sent to the labor camp and let them do Pay for your mistakes!" Arthur said solemnly.

  , he said, "Of course, the premise is to ensure your own safety. If the other party intends to attack you, it doesn't matter even if you are not accused of killing, I can understand!"

   Listening, after a long silence, Zefa slowly said, "Yes!"

   Although his heart was full of killing intent against the pirates, the thought of the tens of thousands of people who might be wronged to death, Zefa, who had been upright, inevitably moved a trace of compassion!

   That is tens of thousands of people!

   He is full of hatred, yes, but he is not a lunatic!

   So, after struggling in his heart for a long time, he still agreed to this request!

   "That's great, let's do it!" Hearing Zefa's answer, Arthur laughed too!

   Zefa can be used if you want!

   Otherwise, a Zefa and tens of thousands of pirates who may be wronged, he is really a little hard to choose!

At this time, Zefa seemed to think of something general, adding, "I just read the news and found out that you are going to war with the world government? Let me explain in advance... I don't want to participate in this battle, and I don't want to fight the navy. enemy!"


   After Arthur turned his mind a little, he probably understood Zefa's thoughts!

  As a former navy, he certainly didn't want to confront his former colleagues, nor would he want to kill the former students himself!


   Arthur agreed without hesitation~www.ltnovel.com~ He is not so unkind!

   Let a teacher deal with his students!

   "However, I will announce in the newspaper that you have joined our St. Martin!" Arthur said again.

   "This...Yes! I already promised you anyway!"

  Zefa hesitated for a while, but still agreed!

   Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't know why Arthur did this, but thinking that Arthur had promised him so many requests, if he didn't even agree to this simple request, it would appear too insincere!

the other side!

   Arthur laughed!

   The reason why he made this request, of course, is not random!

   Although this requirement is simple, it is a very effective blow to the morale of the navy!

   After all, Zefa was once a general of the navy, and he is now a teacher of many high-level navy!

  Think about it, a war has not yet begun, but you have discovered that your former boss and former teacher are now joining the enemy’s camp. What would you think of being you?


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