Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1177: Kaizhi


Accompanied by a earth-shaking sound, a strong shock wave swept out of the battlefield!

Suddenly, from the battlefield to the small side of the battlefield near Mariagioa, on the site more than ten kilometers, whether it is flowers, trees, rocks, soil, or city walls, all are under the strong impact of this shock wave. Be swept away, destroyed!

a long time!

When the aftermath dissipated, the battlefield was left with nothing but a large piece of white ground and three standing people---the five old stars in glasses and two CP members with general-level combat power!

Among them, the five elder star in embarrassed spectacles, after scanning the battlefield, his eyes were red, his fists were clenched, his whole body trembled, and the anger on his face could not be suppressed!

He was very angry!

In the end, after gritting his teeth and enduring it for a while, the five old stars in his eyes were still unwilling and angry, roaring and shouting the name of the culprit who caused all this!



The next day!

"Marijoa was attacked, and the smaller half of Marjoa was in ruins! "---Le Monde!

"That man---Matekai's past and present life! "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

"A deep investigation into the attack on Mary Joa --- Unfathomable Konoha! "---New World Newspaper!


As the battle came to an end last night, Mary Gioia was destroyed for a fraction of the time. The people in the world's major newspapers were like cats that smelled the fishy smell. They couldn't wait to rush forward and report the matter!

Among them, in addition to reporting on what is the reason for the destruction of Mary Joa, more newspapers are reporting information about Kay and information about Konoha.

"Matekai!? Who is this!"

"It's too fierce, even Mary Joa was destroyed for a little while!"

"Yes! But what's even more fierce is that he finally ran away unscathed!"

"I remember, the person who did this last time seemed to belong to Saint Martin!"


People are discussing!

And there is no doubt...Kay, famous!


at the same time!

Inside a ward of Konoha Hospital!

"Ah Kai, look, look, you are famous!!!" A sturdy female medical ninja rushed into the room excitedly and handed the newspaper in her hand to Kai who was lying on the hospital bed. !

"I...famous!?" Kai was stunned, but he still didn't react, but subconsciously took the newspaper and read it!

After playing Ye Kai last night, he quickly got away with the last little power of the Eight Gate Dunjia and caught up with Tsunade and his party who were escorting Alurita away!

After that, the group of them went directly to the fisherman island, and through the teleportation array of the fisherman island, sent Elulita to Saint Martin, and then returned to Konoha!

In the meantime, although the side effects of Bamen Dunjia have been exerted, because he swallowed the fairy beans in the last time of Bamen Dunjia, the physical loss was made up in time, so he was fine!

However, because the dead gate of Bamen Dunjia appeared in reality for the first time, Kai was only used in the Tower of Trial in the past, so everyone is not sure whether there will be any hidden dangers left after the fairy beans are eaten. So after returning, Kai was sent directly to the hospital by Tsunade, and he was going to observe for a few days before talking!

"I'm famous... I'm famous!!!"

Kai looked at the newspaper, and after a long pause, he jumped out of the bed happily.

In fact, he doesn't care that he is not famous, but he likes the feeling of being recognized.

Like now, the main reason why he is happy is because he feels that more people will agree with him after he is in the newspaper!

Happily, Kai directly picked up the sturdy female medical ninja next to him, and began to circle in the ward.

After a while!

When the excitement in his mind dissipated, Kay looked at the female medical ninja being held, and then reacted...he seemed to have done something terrible! ?

So, he quickly put down the female medical ninja!

"Uh... sorry, sorry, I'm so excited!" Kai scratched his head awkwardly, and repeatedly apologized.

"it's okay!"

After the female medical ninja waved her hand, her cheeks flushed and she couldn't help but lower her head!

While watching this scene, Kai was taken aback for a moment, and then he slammed his head up!

It just so happens!

At this time, the female medical ninja raised her head without knowing what happened!


The two kissed like this!


New world!

"Kay? I didn't expect that there would be such a person in Konoha!" Kaido looked at the newspaper, and a hint of excitement flashed across his face!

Kaido, who is addicted to death, likes to challenge the strong!

Although there have been several painful lessons from Saint Martin before, this does not prevent him from challenging the strong.

Until now, he is still dying everywhere, challenging the strong everywhere!

However, on the question of whether to go to Kai, Kaido shook his head after hesitating for a moment.

"The things in Wano Country are more important, this can only be put aside first!"

Kaido likes to die, but he himself is also a hero. The development of the Pirates is also very important to him. He will not delay business because of his personal preferences!


Big touch M Pirates!

"Kay?" Charlotte Lingling didn't care after glancing at the green Kay on the news!

She is not Kaido, and she doesn't like to challenge any strong people!

In addition to desserts, her favorite is men!


She is not invariable to men!

Otherwise, with her strength and identity, there are not only dozens of husbands, but at least hundreds, thousands of them!

And Kay's strange green look really didn't catch her, and it didn't even interest her at all, so after she glanced at Kay's appearance in the newspaper, she didn't care!

Well, it's not dessert, and it's not the type she likes. What does she care about?


Blackbeard Pirates!

"Jie Jie Jie... Another strong man has emerged!" Black beard watched the latest news, UU reading www. uukanshu.com laughed with interest!

However, after taking a closer look and discovering that Kay turned out to be Konoha's, Blackbeard's face became stiff, and he smashed the newspaper in his hand!

Although he has developed very well over the years, he has always had a mortal enemy!

New Whitebeard Pirates!

The predecessor of the new Whitebeard Pirate Group was his former Pirate Group, the Whitebeard Pirate Group that he calculated almost collapsed!

In the past two years, he has tried many times to destroy this mortal enemy!

But because the strength of the new Whitebeard Pirate Group is not weak, he has never succeeded!

As the new Whitebeard Pirates have made good friends, Konoha and his two parties also had conflicts because of the whitebeard's post-mortem site!

In this situation, Konoha has such a fierce person as Kay again, why is he happy?

"Damn it! How could it be Konoha?" Blackbeard became a little grumpy!

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