Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1174: Seriously injured

"Above the King of Pirates (

People come first before they arrive!


Just as Kai was beating the brawny, a somber and loud voice came over!

Kai didn't want to bother!

He knew it was the support of the world government!

However, he is not a member of the world government, so what does he care about?

Killing the strong man first is the kingly way!

But at this moment!

"call out!"

A fierce slash that seemed to cut open even the space came and flew, but it directly forced him back, so he had to stop his hand, and quickly retreated two steps, and then the slash was flashed. Avoid it!

After avoiding it, Kai did not continue to beat the strong man, but stood still, frowning, and staring at the direction where Slash was flying!

next moment!

"Da da da!"

Along with the sound of footsteps, an old man with a sword, glasses and a kimono appeared in front of him with a group of people!

It is the five old star of glasses!

"who are you?"

Looking at Kai in front of him, the five old star in the glasses couldn't help asking.

As the top group of people in the world, although the five old star of the glasses knows Konoha, it is obviously impossible to know the role of Kay. At best, he knows who Kokage's Hokage is!

However, he did not know, but the person next to him did!

"He is from Konoha, he seems to be called Kai! Well, his characteristics are too obvious. When an intelligence officer reported the information last time, I accidentally remembered him!"

The side is tall, without a mask, looking thirty or forty years old, with a Chinese character face, a little stubble on the face, wearing square-frame glasses, and a serious face of the CP member leaned down and put it in the ears of the five old stars in the glasses. There was a soft explanation next to it!

Listening to what he said, the eyes of the five old stars in the glasses condensed, but they asked in a deep voice, "Alulita was taken away by Konoha? What is your purpose in taking her away?"

the other side!

Listening to their conversation, Metkay's heart throbbed.

You must know that Tsunade had previously told him to try not to reveal his identity as much as possible!

It's just that he didn't think that people in the world government would even know it was him!

Well, it’s not that Kay underestimates himself, it is that he has no reputation in the outside world at all!

As one of Konoha’s upper ninjas, although he has occasionally performed tasks, because of his usually slightly amused and passionate behavior, Tsunade generally wouldn’t let him perform any difficulties. What a complicated, what an amazing task!

In most cases, he just helps deliver goods to the village!

In this case, coupled with the fact that he is usually a training freak, he is rarely exposed to other people's vision, and there are very few people who know him, so he doesn't think anyone will recognize him!

This is one of the reasons why he exposes his appearance freely!

It's just that he didn't expect that someone from the world government actually knew him!

However, if he was discovered, he was discovered. Although Kay was nervous, he did not overreact!

Anyway, Tsunade said to try his best, but not necessarily!

In addition, Tsunade also gave a preliminary plan before --- if it is really exposed, then it is determined that they have accepted the Saint Martin mission!

"Of course, Elulita was taken away by us. As for the purpose of taking her away... What I have to say is that our village received a huge order from Saint Martin!" Kai said solemnly.

Perhaps it was because of the pressure, but Kai changed his normal at this time and did not make his speechless actions!

"Huge order?" The five old star of the glasses looked up and down Kai with suspicious eyes, and said, "I don't believe it!"

He did not believe that Konoha would take the risk for a huge order, risking offending the world government, and come to Mariagio to grab someone!

In his opinion, this is undoubtedly an extremely stupid thing!

After all, no matter how much money is, what's the use?

"Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Kai shook his head!

He doesn't care about the glasses, believe it or not!

As a result, he is Konoha's person, and there is no explanation for Wu Lao Xing!

Secondly... He also has a bit of B-number in his heart, knowing that his eloquence is not very good, and the explanation is probably not clear, so it is better not to explain!

And listening to Kai's answer, the face of the five old star in the glasses sank instantly. No one has ever dared to talk to him like this!

Thinking about it, he said viciously, "In this case...then I have to arrest you for a good interrogation!"

While speaking, the five old star of the glasses did not do it himself, but ordered the tall CP member who had just spoken to him next to him, "Ron, solve him, remember that I want to live!"

"Yes!" The CP member named Ron nodded and walked towards Kai without rush!


When Kai saw this, his eyes narrowed involuntarily!

He didn't know Ron's strength, but he was able to follow Wu Lao Xing, and when he saw a strong man being beaten by him, the glasses Wu Lao Xing dared to send him out, which already explained a lot!

At least, this CP member named Ron is much stronger than the strong guy!

Thinking about it, Kai didn't dare to be careless!

He is usually a little bit overwhelmed, and a little bit enthusiastic, but he can't get along with stupidity!


"Shut the door, open!"

"Shengmen, open!"

"Hurt the door, open!"

"Domen, open!"


In an increase in momentum, Kai opened four more doors in succession, directly from one door to five, and entered the danger zone where the eight-door Dunjia began to hurt his body!


And Ron, who was walking towards Kai without any urgency, was stunned!

What the hell?

He thought, he didn't seem to have done anything?

Why didn't you just walk on the opposite side?

But before he could think about it, Kay took the lead in launching an attack!

"Power Prelude!"

With a flying kick, Kay flew directly towards Ron!

When Ron saw this, his eyes narrowed, but he did not hide. Instead, he folded his hands on his chest and made a defensive posture!

next moment!


With a loud noise, the two collided, and Kay kicked Ron's arm!


Immediately, Ron's feet hit the ground, and his whole person was pushed by tremendous force, sliding more than 20 meters behind him, pulling two long ravines from the ground!

"The strongest standard I know is 100, and the average of many generals is 60. Your attack strength is about 70, a little more than the average generals. Your speed is about 80. , Stronger than ordinary generals!"

"So, in terms of your current strength, even if you are a navy admiral, there is no problem!" Ron stopped ~www.ltnovel.com~, pushing his glasses, and analyzing it in a hurry.

"What...what are you talking about?" Kay asked hesitantly while listening to Ron's words!

"However, your weaknesses are also obvious! The current situation is not your normal state, but just some kind of explosive move. Generally speaking, this kind of move has certain timeliness and side effects. As long as you delay it for a while, you must No doubt lose!"

"Furthermore, as a common problem of ninjas, your attack strength and movement speed are stronger than the general level, yes, but your body is also a bit weaker than the general general level! As long as you hit, you basically have no more The power of war!"

"Plus the fact that the ninja can't learn to be domineering, the natural fruit ability person somewhat restrains you!" Facing Kai's question, Ron did not answer, but analyzed it by himself.

As he said, a gleam flashed in his eyes, he pushed his glasses, and said, "In general, you...can't beat me now!!!"

After speaking, his body shape suddenly disappeared in place.

Next second!

"Pointing to the gun. Weak click to break!"

Ron suddenly appeared in Metkay's body and poked a finger towards his chest!

Kai was taken aback by the sudden attack, but the reaction was fairly timely!

Although he did not hide in the end, when his finger was about to enter his body, he forcibly twisted his body, causing the finger that had originally been poked in his chest to directly pierce into his stomach!


Blood gushing out!

A blood hole appeared in Kai's stomach!

But it's not over yet!


With the appearance of this blood hole, Kai only felt that his internal organs were severely shaken, and he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

Just this...

He was seriously injured!

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