Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1165: Bold

  Mary Joa!

   "Bold, bold, really bold!!!"

   In the huge living room, the old star of the glasses walked back and forth while waving his arms, grinning.

   looked out, he is very angry now!

"Well, since things have already happened, then we should think of a way to deal with it. It's useless for you to talk like this now!" It seems that he can't stand his talk, the eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing sitting on the sofa. Persuaded.

   "Yes, let's sit down and discuss how to deal with it!" The long beard five old stars also echoed indifferently.


   While the two listeners said that, although the five old star of the glasses still had anger in his heart, he took a sigh of relief and sat down honestly!

"Although there are still so many countries in the North Sea on the bright side, according to the intelligence explored by the intelligence personnel, they are actually the territory of Saint Martin!" Scar Wu Lao Xing saw the glasses Wu Lao Xing sit down and began to explain Up.

   "However, judging from intelligence data, most of these sites were earned last year. Now the site is not stable. There are many rebels on it. We can use this opportunity to attack!"

   "As long as we launch an offensive, the rebels will certainly not let go of this opportunity, they will definitely take advantage of our offensive and St. Martin's attention is attracted to us, and start a war!"

   "At that time, we can be considered as an alternative inside and outside, double-sided flanking Saint Martin!"

  Negotiating or something, the five old stars never thought about it!

   In this situation, there is only one word in their minds, and that is... hit!

   I can’t fight without fighting!

   If there is a single West Sea, although the world government is uncomfortable, it can accept the face of so many strong people in St. Martin, but if the North Sea is added, they can't accept it!

   After all, in this way, a half of the entire world is already owned by Saint Martin!

   If this can be tolerated, then their world government should not be called the world government, just call it a turtle!

   "This is also a way!" Long Beard Five Old Star nodded in agreement, and said again, "In addition, we can also use it in the Beihai Navy!"

After a pause, the five old stars with long beard sorted out their words, and explained in a deep voice, "The Navy of the North Sea is now under the Justice Navy, and because Saint Martin's expansion in the North Sea is too fast, these navies have not been cleaned up! "

   "We can use them to make some articles, let them fight guerrilla warfare with Saint Martin, and before our army is assembled, let the forces in the North Sea subordinate to Saint Martin lively so that they have no time to rest!"

   "In this way, when our army is assembled, we will have an advantage in energy when we enter the North Sea!"

   "Of course, the most important thing is that this will also prevent Xihai from happening again!"

   At the end, there was a flash of anger in the eyes of the long-bearded five old star.

   The thing about Xihai is the eternal pain in their hearts!

  In order to stop Saint Martin from expanding the territory to the entire West Sea, they decisively launched a war against Saint Martin!

   And in that war, what they hate most is not their defeat in the end, but the navy's rebellion!

  Who would have thought that hundreds of thousands of naval forces would rebel after a battle?

   They didn't expect it, nor did the Warring States and others who came from the navy headquarters!

   So after that battle, the world government's high-end combat power did not suffer any loss, but the navy underneath that did not rebel was directly attacked, and only a few thousand people escaped in the end!

   And this is not only harmful, it has not let the navy feel relieved for several years, it is even more insulting, and it directly demonstrates the incompetence of their world government!

   Therefore, the five old stars with long beards came up with such a way!

   Let the Navy of the North Sea and St. Martin engage in guerrilla warfare!

   In this way, not only can the North Sea's forces belonging to Saint Martin be dragged down, but also the North Sea navy can play a role in this war, and there is no need to worry that the North Sea navy will rebel when it is on the battlefield!

  Well, the North Sea navy has gone to fight guerrilla warfare. No one is involved in a frontal war, so naturally there is no possibility of rebellion!

   As for rebellion in guerrilla warfare... it doesn’t matter if the impact is not significant!

   "Yes, just do it!"

   "Not bad!"



   The other four five old stars did not object, and after thinking about it, they basically agreed with the words of the long beard five old stars!

   They also had lingering fears about the navy's rebellion, so facing such a method, they naturally agreed to it!

   "That's it for the North Sea Navy!"

   The long-bearded five old star listened to the words that several others agreed with, and said, "However, the main thing now is not the North Sea Navy, but the reaction of Saint Martin!"

   "We are going to attack the North Sea, and we must take into account the reaction of the West Sea. Compared with the unstable North Sea, West Sea Saint Martin has been operating for many years and it can be said to be very stable!"

   "So once we attack Beihai, we will be able to send troops to support Xihai!"

   "Moreover, the strong of St. Martin is also something we have to consider. They already had so many strong over ten years ago, and I am afraid there will be more now!"

   Listening to his words, the other five old stars are all lost in thought!

   After a long time!

  Golden Beard and Five Old Stars took the lead to analyze, "The military support on the Xihai side is a problem, but the problem is not big!"

   "There are only three roads to go from the West Sea to the North Sea! One is to take the windless zone, traverse the new world, and then pass the windless zone to reach the North Sea!"

   "One is to walk upside down the mountain and reach the North Sea through the reverse current of the upside down mountain!"

   "The last one is to go up to the red earth continent, and then walk through the land of the red earth continent to the place of the North Sea and then go down!"

   "And among these three, the last one, that is, going to the Red Earth Continent, is basically impossible. The Red Earth Continent is too high. A small number of people is fine, but a large number of people will definitely not work, so this line is excluded!"

"And the second one takes the upside-down mountain... this one is not so easy! The reverse current can make people quickly reach the top of the upside-down mountain and reach the great channel, but it can also prevent others from going to other seas through the upside-down mountain. So it’s not that easy to go this way!"

   "Unless the people of St. Martin are willing to risk the ship's destruction and let the ship jump directly from the top of the upside-down mountain!"

   "As for the first one, this one is the most likely route for St. Martin!"

"Although the windless zone is dangerous, St. Martin has the technology once acquired from us. Their ships have no problem passing through the windless zone. As for crossing the new world... this is even more for St. Martin. It's not a problem!"

   "Not to mention the relationship between Charlotte Lingling and Saint Martin, no one would dare to stop them just by the strength of Saint Martin!"

   "In other words, if they want to go, they are basically going to go this way!"

   "However, the weather in the New World, the ocean currents are very changeable, if they go this way, the speed will definitely not be fast!"

   "At that time, let Akadog lead the Justice Navy to stop and interfere with them on the way, and they will basically be able to hold back their support! So the problem is not too big!"

"As for the strong... they have us, and there are! I don’t believe that in just ten years, their strong can be more than our world government! We can send more people to hold their strong !"

   Listening to the words of the five old stars of the Golden Beard, the other people present looked at each other and nodded!

   The words of Golden Beard and Five Old Stars that they agree with!

   "However, there is one more important thing right now...how do you get the army in front of you?" Hu Wu Lao Xing frowned and asked the question!

"Transfer people from the navy, franchise countries, and CP!" After thinking about it, the five old stars of the long beard said, "The Great Channel, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea are all prosperous areas. It is not a problem to mobilize one million navies. !"

"As for the franchise countries...giving promises to exempt from heavenly gold and so on, let them mobilize some elites from the kingdom to join the war! This is not a problem to mobilize another one million people! The sum of the two is more than two million People!"

   "The CP people...intelligence detection is their main business. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will then send more intelligence personnel to sneak into the North Sea to provide intelligence support to the front army!"

With that said, the five old stars with long beard seemed to think of something general, and added, "In addition, St. Martin has a steam mech, which is also a trouble for us! But we also have pacifists, so pacifists can also Take part in this battle and deal with the opposing mecha!"

   "As for which route we are going to take... upside down the mountain!"

   "Don't we still have that thing? Take it out. After so many years, it will rust if you don't use it!"

   "Yes, just do that!"




   The five old stars listened, and after thinking for a moment, they all nodded and agreed to this method!

   "Then today's meeting is here. Everyone, go back and arrange it separately. Try to get ready in a month and get together!"

   "Let us launch an offensive before St. Martin's power in the North Sea has stabilized!" Scar Five Old Star said in a deep voice.


   The other five old stars all nodded.


   The five old stars left the conference hall, and dispersed!

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