Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1154: A place of the underworld




The voice of joy in the two sorrows rang in front of Arthur!

What followed were two people who hugged each other tightly---Bruce and Brooke!

After decades of separation, the two nephews and uncles finally met again!

After half a day!

"I said you two... Enough! This is the palace, you can restrain your emotions!" Looking at the two still hugging each other, Arthur said helplessly.

Although they haven't seen each other for decades, the relationship between the two is too rich!

After listening to Arthur's words, the two of them reacted, and they separated quickly... They had been holding each other for a long time!

"Yes Yes!"

Bruce stopped being a demon today. After agreeing twice in a row, he smiled and said to Brooke, "Uncle, now we go home and eat!!!"

"Okay, eat!!!" Brook nodded fiercely.

Eating is just a trivial matter, but this feeling of eating with his family hasn't happened in decades!

"By the way, uncle, how are you...can you still eat?"

At this moment, Bruce looked up and down Brook, but couldn't help asking.

Brooke now looks like a skeleton, it doesn't look like he can eat!

"Don't worry, yes!" Brook nodded.

Although he is a skeleton, he can not only eat, but also drink soup and drinks.

Even his favorite is to drink milk, he thinks milk can replenish calcium and strengthen his bones!

"That's good!" Bruce said happily.

Although he didn't understand why he could still eat after becoming a skeleton, he didn't ask much!

After decades of absence, it would be good for Brooke to come back, so what do you care about?

After that, Bruce pulled Brooke and walked out.

At this time, Arthur stopped them, "Stop!"


The two turned around in confusion and looked at Arthur!

"I'm here now, and I still need to go back to eat? Is your meal delicious here?" Arthur said helplessly.

"Yeah, the meal is still delicious in the palace. And...Uncle hasn't come back for so many years. It's really shabby to go home to entertain him!" Bruce said suddenly.

As he said, he changed his voice and said happily, "Then trouble your Majesty!"

"Little things!"

Arthur smiled, and directly greeted a waiter to come over, let him go to the kitchen to arrange meals, and especially instructed him to cook a few dishes with milk and a few dishes with calcium supplements!

But under Arthur's order, the waiter left slowly, and there was not much time, and the food for a table was quickly arranged!

"This...this...this meal actually shines?"

Brook unexpectedly exclaimed!

Regarding this, after Arthur and Bruce looked at each other and smiled, they didn't say much!

This luminous dish is normal for them and can be eaten every day, but for outsiders, it is really rare!

"Come on, uncle, you're welcome, eat! This meal is made by the super chefs in the palace, it is the best in the world...no one!" Bruce greeted Brooke for dinner!


Arthur also nodded and agreed, "I heard that you like to drink milk. I specifically asked people to cook some milk-related cuisines, milk soup, cream stews, etc., as well as several calcium-supplementing dishes. !"


Feeling Bruce's enthusiasm and Arthur's care, Brook was moved and was not polite. He took the spoon and stretched out his hand, took a spoon directly, and delivered it to his mouth!


As the soup fell, a warm feeling rose from his stomach, and a picture of a cow grazing leisurely on the grassland appeared in Brook's mind, and he shouted with excitement, "It's so delicious." ! Much better than Sanji's dishes!"

"Ha ha!"

Listening to this, Arthur laughed and said nothing!

Although Sanji's cooking is not as delicious, his luck is much better than Brooke!

Thinking like this in his heart, Arthur looked at Brooke who was eating freely, his brain flashed as if he was thinking of something, he slapped his head, and said quickly, "You eat first, I'll take it. Order something!"

"Uh...Yes!" Bruce was shocked and nodded.

Although I don't know what Arthur is going to do when he suddenly leaves here for dinner.

However, seeing his uncle who has not seen each other for decades is eating happily, he is too lazy to explore what Arthur is going to do!

After Arthur left, he returned soon!

"Here, try this!" Arthur smiled and put the thing in front of Brook!

But Brooke is dumbfounded!

What the hell?

What did Arthur put on the table?

Why didn't he see anything?

Could it be...

Is he blind?

Thinking of this, Brooke's face has a trace of panic!


No way!

He's all like this, if his eyes were still blind, how miserable it would be!

Arthur looked at him and reacted, slapped his head, and quickly said, "Forgot to say, you need to see with your soul... You try to use your fruit power to pull your soul out , Then look again!"


Brook raised his brow, a little puzzled!

When Bruce listened to Arthur's words, he seemed to understand something, and his face appeared in a daze.

Immediately, Bruce echoed, "Uncle, just do as your Majesty said!"

Uh ...

Seeing both his nephew and Arthur said so, Brooke hesitated for a moment, but chose to follow suit.

At this time, although he is not the future king of souls, the baron of corpses, after all he has eaten devil fruit for decades, and he can still control his soul. It is very simple to summon his own soul!

Soon, his soul was taken out of his body by himself!

From the perspective of the soul, he finally saw what Arthur put on his desk!

Food too!

But it's a plate of pastries!

A plate of Dafu, which is glutinous rice dumplings!

this one?

Brook looked at Arthur a little puzzled.

Such things need to be specially brought to him?

Could this thing be better than luminous cooking?

But soon, Brooke reacted!

This thing seems ordinary, but it's actually not ordinary!

He can't see it in his normal state, but he can see it in his soul state. What does this mean?

It shows that this thing is also soulful!

Thinking, Brooke subconsciously reached out and picked up a big blessing!

as expected!

Dafu was picked up directly by his soul!

Suddenly, Brook was excited!

There is such food in the world! ?

Excited, Brooke delivered Dafu to his mouth!

"Uh... cool!!!"

Daifuku did not have the deliciousness of Luminous Cuisine, but after eating it, it gave Brooke a general feeling that his soul has been sublimated~www.ltnovel.com~ Let him involuntarily show a comfortable expression!

"what is this?"

When the comfort gradually dissipated, Brook did not rush to eat one, but asked curiously.

"Here, things made of spirits are made by Seireitei!" Arthur said with a smile.

"Lingzi? Seireitei?" When these words were separated, Brook knew all of them, but when combined, he was dumbfounded!

As for his incomprehension, Arthur was not surprised, smiled, and briefly introduced Lingzi to Brook, and introduced Seireitei!

After listening, Brooke was dumbfounded again!

What the hell?

I can understand the expansion of the kingdom's territory to Xihai. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is a matter of Yangjian.

But who told me... I just left in just a few decades, why did the kingdom's territory expand to even the underworld like Huangquan?

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