Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1150: Interesting 1

Sanji's appearance in St. Martin was something unexpected for Arthur!

Because of his memory, Sanji should be in Kamabaka, the kingdom of shemales!

Well, according to the original plot, the destinations where the bears bounced a few people off were all helpful to their strength or professional skills.

For example, the small sky island where Nami went, the location of Hawkeye where Sauron went, the island of Krai Kana and the like!

And Sanji went to Kamabaka!

"Could it be... Xiong thinks that Saint Martin is helpful to Sanji!?" Arthur thought about it, and suddenly understood a little!

The reason why the original plot went to the country of shemales is because the so-called offensive cuisine in the country of shemales can enhance Sanji's strength and cooking skills, and now Saint Martin also has the legendary, the ultimate in cooking, the so-called luminous cuisine!

So, if the bear sent people here, Arthur probably understood a little too!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Sanji was not surprised to see Arthur knowing himself!

He is also one of the main characters among the Adventure King, and the Adventure King is produced by Saint Martin. It's strange that Arthur didn't know him!

"Yeah... Are you Sanji? The chef Sanji?" Hiroshi was surprised.

"Your Majesty said so, I just recognized it, so you are Sanji!" Meiya also echoed in surprise.

Seeing that Sanji confessed his identity, the Nohara family was surprised at the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of confusion in the animation that reflected reality!

Well, the character that originally only existed on TV suddenly appeared in front of me, and no matter who it was, there would be such a sense of confusion!

"Yes, beautiful lady!" Sanji decisively ignored Hiroshi's words, and the very gentleman nodded at Miya.

What is the color chef?

Is Lao Tzu Sanji that kind of person?

Well, even if it is, you can't say it directly!

"Oh, Sanji, you really can talk!" As soon as Meiya heard the word "beautiful", she became a little forgetful, waved with one hand and covered her mouth with one hand, pretending to be embarrassed!

"This chef ignores me!?"

Seeing that Sanji ignored himself, instead complimenting his wife, Guangzhi roared in his heart, biting his teeth, clenching his fists, and an inexplicable anger with a green hat!

"Oh~ forget it!"

However, the y-wei taken in Meiyou's daily life, and also knowing that although Meiyou is a frequent idiot, it is absolutely impossible to derail and the reason for Arthur's presence. In the end, Hiroshi sighed helplessly and disappeared. The anger in my heart!

The wife of my own choice must be spoiled on her knees!

"By the way, Sanji, why are you here?" Arthur asked curiously.

Although it is probably clear in my heart, I must ask on the surface!

And Sanji didn't conceal his own affairs, and he directly recounted the process of coming here!

"So that's it!" Arthur put on a daze!

The Nohara family on the side also showed a sudden look!

Only then did they understand why Sanji, who is in the great channel, appeared here in the animation plot!

And Gion showed a strange face!

She did not expect that the bear would do this!

Although she doesn't have much contact with bears, she also knows that bears are not such kind people!

"The bear is a member of the revolutionary army, and Luffy is the son of the dragon!"

But after Arthur whispered an explanation in her ear, Gion was surprised at the same time, he also immediately stunned!

No wonder!

This makes sense!

And while several people were talking, Kaoru Kobayashi also brought out two bowls of the soup made in advance.

"Your Majesty, this is the Vance Tofu you ordered, you drink it first!" Kobayashi Kaoru put the soup in front of Arthur and Gion.

"Give them a copy too!" Arthur looked at this scene and pointed to the wild family nearby!


The Nohara family looked at each other with a look of embarrassment.

But when he was about to refuse, Arthur said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, even if I ask you to drink, what you eat later will count as mine... Just treat it as a reward for Xiaoxin’s contribution to Saint Martin. Up!"

With that, Arthur stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiaoxin's head fiercely!

"Your Majesty... what a shame!" Mei Mai smiled wryly.

Although there were thousands of willingness in her heart, the hypocrisy of adults made her refuse!

"Yes, Your Majesty! What a shame!" Guangzhi said, scratching his head.

"Your Majesty, what a thigh!" Xiaoxin said rudely.

"It's generous, generous!" Meiya quickly corrected her hearing Xiaoxin's words.

"Oh, generous!" Xiaoxin Yoyo said.

"Haha!" Gion couldn't help laughing while looking at the Nohara's conversation.

This one is really interesting!

And while the few people were talking, Kaoru Kobayashi brought a few bowls of Vance Tofu and put them in front of them!


Before Hiroshi and Miya didn't react, Xiaoxin directly picked up the soup bowl and killed a bowl of soup in one bite!

"Ah, it's delicious!"

Wiping his mouth, Xiaoxin showed a beautiful expression on his face, and at the same time passed the empty soup bowl to Kaoru Kobayashi, and said, "Boss, another bowl!"

Got it!

Now they have no reason to refuse!

"Ha ha!"

After the two looked at each other, they showed a jealous smile, and they lowered their heads and started drinking!

Arthur smiled, but didn't say anything!

This should be the daily routine of the Nohara family!

Next, under the arrangement of Kaoru Kobayashi, after a few people had the soup, they started to eat!

Sushi, fried tempura, small octopus balls, gyudon rice, a series of cheap, but good-tasting things are on the table, I have a belly!


The meal is over!

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

As soon as it was over, the Nohara family couldn't wait to take Xiaoxin away!

Well, they are not afraid of Arthur going back, they need to pay the bill.

But I was afraid that Xiaoxin would offend Arthur by doing some obscene things such as dancing elephant dance in front of King Arthur, especially in front of Gion who looked like the new princess.

As for the caution of the Nohara family, Arthur could understand it!

For the child Xiaoxin, you should be a little more cautious, otherwise he can do surprising things in a blink of an eye!

"Your Majesty... Well, there is a ruthless please, I don't know if I should say it!"

Just when Arthur was about to leave, Kaoru Kobayashi brought Sanji to Arthur and said embarrassedly.

"Go ahead, it's okay!" Arthur said with a smile.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the a little embarrassed Kaoru Kobayashi and the a little worried Sanji, and then recalled what Robin had said to him that Sanji had always been obsessed with the so-called luminous material concept, and he already had something in his heart. A sure guess!

Sanji might want to see Luminous Cuisine!

And the next moment!

His guess was fulfilled!

"That... this kid wants to see the so-called luminous cooking, look..." Kaoru Kobayashi said nervously.

"Ha ha!"

Arthur looked at Sanji and smiled, and promised, "You are Robin's friend, of course there is no problem... Boss Kobayashi, if he wants, can also go together, go to the palace tomorrow, I will let the kitchen people arrange for you Let you see the production process and results of luminous cuisine, and let you eat what is called luminous cuisine!"


Kaoru Kobayashi said with some surprise.

He didn't expect that there would be a windfall~www.ltnovel.com~ even he could go see it, and even eat it again!

"Of course!" Arthur said with a smile.

Luminous cuisine is precious to outsiders, but for him, a man who sits on all the super chefs in this world and can eat Luminous cuisine every day, that's it!

And this is why he came out to eat supper in the late night cafeteria!

He wants to change his taste!


Kaoru Kobayashi and Sanji glanced at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes!

"Okay, I'm leaving, no need to give it away!"

At this moment, Arthur waved his hand and prepared to leave with Gion!

"Your Majesty, go slowly!" Kaoru Kobayashi quickly said goodbye.

Listening to what he said, Arthur didn't look back, just stretched out a hand, waved his hand again, and disappeared into the night!

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