Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1148: tofu

"The knife is average!"

"The heat is not under control!"

"I have a general grasp of the ingredients, and I can't use them to the extreme!"

"Mean mind! The understanding of cooking is limited to cooking!"

"In general, only a qualified chef!"


Compared to just walked in with confidence, Sanji was facing a criticism from the boss, and his face was obviously unhappy!

"You go, you go!" Sanji put down the kitchen knife in his hand and couldn't help saying.

When the boss listened to him, he seemed to have expected it, and he smiled and believed himself, "Okay!"

As Sanji listened, he was taken aback for a moment, but then he turned sideways and moved away!

Upon seeing this, the boss was not even polite, and went directly to the cooking position. After putting on the apron, he took out a piece of tofu, chicken breast, shiitake mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, ham and so on in the refrigerator on the side!

"This dish was ordered by a distinguished guest in the evening, and I started preparing it after I finished my purchase this morning!"

"And in order to prevent the guests from not eating enough, I also specially prepared a little more. Now I just use more preparations to show you what a real chef is!" As the boss said, he put everything on the chopping board!

Then, after cleaning everything, the boss put the things on the cutting board!

"Chop! Chop! Chop!"

In the clash of a kitchen knife and a cutting board, except for tofu, shiitake mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, ham, and chicken breast were all cut into thin strips!

Seeing this, Sanji could not sit still.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was surprised!

It's not scary to cut things into thin filaments, but it would be scary if they were cut exactly the same!

Shiitake mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, ham, chicken breast, these things are exactly the same in the boss's hands, whether it is the feel, the hardness, or the completely different elasticity!

Sanji approached and took a closer look, but he didn't see the difference in the size of the filaments cut into these things!

At this moment, he was already a little aware that he might have met a real expert!

Thinking about it, Sanji looked at the boss's eyes gradually becoming more fiery!

Is this the boss?

Do not!

It's the master!

It is the best learning template for his cooking improvement!

At this moment, Sanji had decided in his heart that even if his salary was not high, he would stay here!

And just as Sanji was thinking about it, the boss cut everything, put the others aside first, and then began to process the tofu!

He first boiled water on a stove, then picked up the knife, then picked up the tofu and directly cut the tofu with the knife in his hand!

There is no sound!

After removing the old skin of the tofu, the boss repeatedly cut it horizontally and vertically, and after not knowing how many knives he had cut, he put this piece of tofu, which looked intact, into the boiling water!

In an instant!

Tofu blossoms!

A tofu chrysanthemum is swaying vividly in the boiling water!

"This...this...this swordman is terrifying!!!" Seeing this scene, Sanji couldn't help but exclaimed.

He must be able to cut the tofu like this even if Sauron came here!

It seemed that he had expected his reaction. The boss looked at the tofu in the boiling water blankly. He didn't even react. After the tofu was slightly over the water, he copied the tofu with a colander and placed it. Aside!

Afterwards, he turned around and began to process the shredded shiitake mushrooms!

After taking a steamer, the boss scooped out some chicken broth from the stove on the stove, in a pot that was still boiling under a small fire, and placed it in another pot that was just taken out!

Soon after, after putting the steamer that was just taken out on the pot, the boss put shredded shiitake mushrooms on the steamer and set the fire!


Soon, as the chicken broth in this pot boiled, a strong fragrance was spilled on the kitchen, and at the same time shredded shiitake mushrooms were gradually steamed!

After that, the boss took out another pot, put it on the fire, scooped the chicken broth again and brought it to a boil.

Immediately, he said that the shredded shiitake mushrooms steamed before, as well as the shredded winter bamboo shoots, shredded ham, shredded chicken, etc., were all put into the pot, and added salt to boil, and some monosodium glutamate was added to the soup bowl.


Seeing this, Sanji couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, asking about the fragrance that filled the kitchen!

It's so fragrant!

But the boss' performance is not over yet!

He took out a pot again, and the boss scooped the chicken clear soup to boil, and then put the tofu that had been watered into the chicken soup and cooked it, waiting for it to come up, then fished it up.

Immediately, he put the tofu chrysanthemum in the soup bowl he had previously served!

"Please taste... Vance Tofu!"

In the end, when the boss put the soup bowl in front of Sanji, Sanji was shocked by the cumbersome operation for a long time and couldn't return to his senses!

But after smelling the scent, Sanji quickly recovered!

But he didn't say anything, just silently picked up the spoon on the side, took a sip of the soup, put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully!


With the entrance of the rich soup, the soft, tender, clear and mellow taste mixed in Sanji's mouth and burst completely.

For a while, Sanji couldn't help but squinted his eyes, immersed in this extremely delicious!


After savoring it for a long time, Sanji reluctantly swallowed the soup, and sighed sincerely, saying, "It's so delicious!"

Immediately, he looked at the boss with fiery eyes.

"Please, accept me as a disciple!" Sanji respectfully bowed.

"Do not!"

The boss shook his head lightly and said, "I won't accept you as a disciple!"

"Why!?" Sanji frowned in confusion.

"There is no why! If you want to learn cooking skills, I can teach you, but accepting apprentices will be avoided!" the boss said lightly.

"This..." After hesitating for a while, Sanji turned to say, "Then... please let me work and study here!"

"Hmm..." The boss thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's okay!"

At first, after the TV show that Arthur came to shoot here was broadcast, his shop has been very popular!

In the beginning, he was able to cope with many customers, but as he got older and older over the years, he always felt a little powerless, so he always wanted to find someone to help!

However, because of the high requirements for chefs, I have not found a suitable one for these years, so I can only support myself!

Now, the appearance of Sanji has just solved his problem!

Although Sanji's rating here is only a pass, he also knows that this is the pass, and there will be a lot of restaurants outside who want to find him as a chef!

"But let me talk about it first, my shop is not very big, and most of the things I sell are cheap, and the salary is definitely not high for you!" After thinking about it, the boss added!

"It's ok!"

Listen, Sanji shook his head decisively.

He came to learn cooking, not for salary!

If he wants a salary, he might be able to earn millions a month by going to the dock to carry packages...

After all, the amount of things he can carry alone is at least worth more than a dozen people!

Seeing Sanji's promise, the boss nodded and said nothing!

"By the way, the boss hasn't asked your name yet?" Sanji asked as he continued to taste the soup.

"Kaoru, Kaoru Kobayashi!" Kaoru Kobayashi introduced himself with a smile.

Sanji nodded and said that after understanding, he continued to taste the soup, and casually asked, "Boss Kobayashi, your cooking skills are probably the best in this kingdom, right?"

"The best?" Kaoru Kobayashi listened, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Not the best, the best in this kingdom will always be the super chefs in the palace!"

After a pause, Kaoru Kobayashi's voice changed, and he couldn't help sighing, "Their cooking skills are completely different from the cooking skills of our ordinary people. They can even be called kitchen art!"

Listen, Sanji was stunned, and even forgot to eat, and asked, "Super chef...the kind of chef who can make luminous dishes in the legend?"


Kaoru Kobayashi nodded and said, "It's them!"

"Boss Kobayashi, are there really luminous dishes in this world?" Sanji asked curiously.

Until now, Sanji remained a little suspicious of the so-called luminous cuisine.

"Yes! I've tasted it myself! It's a snack brought by a guest!" Kaoru Kobayashi nodded seriously, and then exclaimed, "The taste...it can't be described in words!"

Hearing this, Sanji quickly put down the soup bowl in his hand, wiped his mouth casually, and asked in a serious manner, "The boss, do I have a chance to taste luminous dishes?"

"Why? Do you want to taste the so-called luminous cuisine?" Kaoru Kobayashi asked after looking up and down Sanji.

"Yeah! The purpose of my coming here is to taste the legendary luminous cuisine, if I can, I want to learn it too!" Sanji said with a serious face.

After listening to this, Kaoru Kobayashi was stunned, and he looked at Sanji seriously for a while, thought for a while, and said, "Didn't I just say that? A distinguished guest will come tonight?"

"At that time I will ask him to see if I can let you go to the palace to eat~www.ltnovel.com~ If he agrees, there will be no problem!"

If it is an ordinary person, Kaoru Kobayashi will naturally not help him so enthusiastically!

But Sanji is different!

He could see that Sanji had a sincere feeling for cooking and food in his eyes. It was a good ingredient for cooking, so he chose to help him!

"Really?" Sanji surprised.

He never imagined that finding a job would have such unexpected gains!

"Yeah!" Kaoru Kobayashi nodded seriously.

Suddenly, Sanjiyo overflowed with a smile that he couldn't control himself!

"Okay, don't be silly, there is a set of my spare chef's clothes over there, you go and put it on, and then come to help me prepare for the guest!" Kaoru Kobayashi slapped Sanji's head when he saw it , He unceremoniously ordered.

"Yes!" Sanji nodded, not angry, turned around and obeyed Kaoru Kobayashi's orders to do things!

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