Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1123: Death of Ace! ?

Marco rushed very quickly, because he knew that Ace would definitely not be Huang Yuan's opponent!

However, Huang Yuan is faster than him!

As the owner of Shining Fruit, Huang Yuan is the number one in the world with a quick question mark. After all, the world is so big and there are always some hidden masters, but if he is said to be one of the fastest people in the world, there is definitely no problem. !

Because of this, Marco hadn't arrived yet, even when he had just reacted, the Yellow Ape's attack had already been launched!

"Kick at the speed of light!"

There was no hesitation, and there was no Huang Ape’s usual bells and whistles, and the laser went straight away!

Faced with such a rapid attack on the Ace side, he didn't even react. He just stood there blankly, and the attack came in front of him!

It's about to die!


A huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Ace.


The huge figure swung down, and Huang Yuan's attack was immediately resolved into the invisible!


Upon seeing this, Ace, who stayed in a daze, reacted and said in surprise!

However, Baibeard ignored him. Instead, he looked at Huang Yuan and said solemnly, "Old man, you won't let you hurt my child!!!"

"Tsk tusk tusk...As expected of the white beard, this can be reflected!" Huang Yuan said with a smile on his face.

As he said, Huang Yuan's face suddenly changed, showing a joking expression, and said, "But... this is just the beginning, and the next one is the beginning of the good show!"

The voice just fell!

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

Huang Yuan's hands crossed his chest, pinching out the orchid fingers, and then countless light bullets flew out from the middle of the orchid fingers!

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"


The light flare swept in the direction of Ace!

Upon seeing this, the white beard grinned and moved the naginata in his hand so horizontally in front of him, an invisible vibrating force followed.


Suddenly, an invisible but visibly vibrating "wall" appeared in front of him with a vibrating sound!

next moment!





The light bomb hit this invisible wall, causing a series of violent explosions and strong light. At the same time, the two collided and generated waves of air and rolled out, and the entire square was also caused by the collision of the two. The resulting explosion was illuminated!

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Huang Yuan was not only not disappointed, but a deep smile filled his face!

However, because the light bomb was constantly exploding, creating a flash bomb-like effect, blocking the sight of Baibeard, so Baibeard did not see the smile on Huang Yuan's face!

But soon, the meaning contained in Huang Yuan's slightly deep smile was also revealed!


Just as White Beard blocked Huang Yuan’s light bomb attack, a roar suddenly came from behind White Beard!

"not good!!!"

Baibeard's heart "thumped", feeling bad!

This voice, this move, clearly is the red dog attacking!

Needless to say who is the target of his attack?

Now behind Baibeard, there is no one else besides Ace!

In this regard, Baibeard is anxious, but there is no way to help!

Huang Yuan is still in front of the attacker!

Although Huang Yuan's strength is not as good as him, it is also a general-level combat strength after all!

If he were really distracted to return at this time, he might be attacked by Huang Yuan.

There will be no serious injuries by then, but the injury is certain!

After all, he is the strongest man in the world, not the invincible man in the world!

Once he is injured, the war is likely to usher in a turning point... the navy generals took advantage of this opportunity to attack him together, resulting in his death!

Although he is not afraid of death, once he dies at this critical moment, it means that the White Beard Pirates will be destroyed here, and this is what he does not want to see!


the other side!

When Huang Yuan's attack came, Ace's mind went blank, because Huang Yuan was too fast, he couldn't react!

But when the attack of the red dog came, he actually reacted!


This was Ace's first thought after reacting!

Just do it!

Ace himself was also unambiguous. At the time when this idea appeared, Luffy mentioned that he wanted to flash to the side!

But just as he was about to jump up, a pair of cyan claws suddenly protruded from his shadow, and firmly grabbed Ace's ankle!


The catch was too sudden. While Ace said in a startled voice, he staggered and almost fell to the ground!

Before he was looking for what was holding his ankle, the attack of the red dog had already come to him!

How to do?

A trace of despair flashed deep in Ace's eyes!

Originally he was going to get out of the way, but he didn't know why he was suddenly fixed and couldn't get out of it. In this situation, he didn't even have time to use his defense!

Desperate, Ace made his choice quickly!

After a trace of death flashed in his eyes, Ace gritted his teeth, and his whole body suddenly exerted strength. At the moment before the red dog attack came, he turned over and pressed Luffy, which he had been supporting, underneath him!

Now that we have reached this point, it is better to die for two than for one!

He didn't want his dearest brother to die in vain! ! !

Thinking like this in my heart, a burst of heat came from behind, and the next second, Ace's eyes went black and completely lost consciousness!

And when the fire dissipated, Ace's complete, charred corpse with your back appeared in front of everyone!


Luffy, who was firmly pressed down by Ace, felt the state of Ace behind~www.ltnovel.com~ His nose was sour, his eyes were red, tears gradually overflowed from his eyes, and he was hysterical. Shouted.


While resisting Huang Ape's attack, Baibeard observed the scene with the corner of his eyes, and then red eyes, and let out a long sorrow.

He did not expect that in such a short instant, Ace would die in front of him!


Marco, Bista, Very Equality, etc., all the white beard pirates, all those who have made friends with Ace, can't help but shout when they see this situation!

They are all Ace's best friends. Seeing Ace dying in front of them, how could they not feel sad?

the other side!

Seeing Ace's death, Arthur didn't have the slightest sadness or the slightest mood swings, but he thought silently in his heart, "Ace is dead now... But you can't let him die too long, if it's too long. , That's really dead!"

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