Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1115: Furious, the white beard froze!

While Black Beard was hiding, waiting for the opportunity, White Beard fell into a rage when seeing Ace being rescued again!

"Asshole!!!" With a roar, White Beard decisively increased his attack!

Well, he thinks that part of the responsibility for not saving Ace this time is on him!

If he hadn't let go of the cP member holding the sword, then Ace should have left now, and he could also take the pirate group to evacuate and leave the sons safe!





And under his intensified attack, the four members of the Warring States Period who were originally struggling to support them gradually appeared flaws in the battle!

In this regard, as a man who has experienced many battles, Baibeard naturally grasped it decisively!



In the midst of a loud noise, one of the cP members was accidentally slashed by White Beard’s powerful knife with endless vibrating power. The whole person didn’t even react and flew upside down. Get out!



Accompanied by the violent sound of breaking through the air, the cP member was vomiting blood while flying. After smashing through several buildings of the Navy Headquarters, he directly smashed into the wall of the Navy Headquarters, causing a huge wall to appear. Hole!

This time, after the Warring States and other cP members fought with Baibeard for a while, the cP member still did not appear on the battlefield!

"Damn it!" Sengoku gritted his teeth and cursed!

In this case, he still doesn't know. The cP member who still hasn't appeared on the battlefield is either dead or knocked out, otherwise it is impossible that he hasn't appeared on the battlefield for so long!

However, after cursing and cursing, watching this scene, the Warring States still felt a sense of powerlessness in my heart!

The peak white beard is too strong!

Strong Sengoku heart and soul are trembling!

"How to do?"

There is only one question left in the mind of the Warring States!

The original four-on-one was a hard fight, but now three-on-one, can they still fight?

And this question, the members of the surrounding two cP soon gave him the answer!


Looking at the two cP members who stepped back a little later and looked a little timid, Zeng Guo knew that they had been beaten by Baibeard a little bit scared, if they continued to fight, they would not have much effect!

If a person has fear, then his strength will be correspondingly reduced a lot!

Of course, he can understand this too!

After all, he himself is a little scared, let alone these people?

Thinking about it, the Warring States suddenly discovered that White Beard's attack had arrived again!

"The Impact of Buddha!"

After barely resisting Baibeard's attack with a full blow, the Warring States period felt the severe pain from that arm, and couldn't help frowning, and murmured anxiously, "No, if this continues, I can't hold on. ! Think of a solution quickly!"

With that said, the Warring States period followed the white beard attack, and briefly scanned the scene, looking for a solution!

Don't say it!

Looking at it this way, he really found a solution-Karp!

Although Karp has been pretending to be dead from the beginning until now, it is not really dead after all?

Moreover, Karp is also the most suitable person to support!

In terms of combat power, although Karp has dropped a lot because of his age, he is actually better than the generals on the field. Even if it is the peak white beard in front of him, Karp can match it. live!

Of course, it is only withstanding!

In terms of physical strength, Karp is also the only general-level combat power present who has not consumed any physical strength!

He pretended to be dead from the beginning, he hadn't moved his hands at all, so his physical strength would naturally be no problem!

It can be said that, no matter from which aspect, Karp is the most suitable person!

However, suitable is suitable, but it is not easy if Karp supports it!

After all, Karp is Ace's grandfather!

To Kapu to stop others from saving his grandson, Kapu is definitely unwilling in his heart!

As far as the Warring States is concerned, he is actually not willing!

Karp is his friend!

How can he do something that makes his friend sad?

Entangled, the responsibilities of the admiral and the friendship between the brothers continued to collide in the war!

In the end, watching the dying navy around him, the Warring States gritted his teeth and shouted at Karp who was pretending to be dead on the ground, "Kapp, you bastard, don't pretend! You must remember that you are a navy! !!!"

In the face of the dying navy, the responsibility of the marshal in the warrior's heart succeeded in gaining the upper hand!

He doesn't want his friends to be sad, but he doesn't want the lives of his men to pass away!

For this, in order to get Karp to take action, the Warring States period chose to use responsibility to fight family affection!

He knew that Karp seemed unreliable on the surface, but he was actually a very responsible person!

Only by responsibility can it be possible for him to let go of family affection!

The facts are just as expected by the Warring States!

Looking at the surrounding navy, the surrounding colleagues, the surrounding men, one by one died under the navy's knife, Karp couldn't lie down anymore!

"Warring States, you're such a bastard!!!" Karp stood up fiercely, and after a roar with red eyes, his body shape flashed before he appeared in front of White Beard!

this moment!

Karp's heart is extremely hesitating!

On the one hand, as a grandfather, he wants Ace to be rescued. On the other hand, he doesn't want to let his colleagues, his subordinates, all the people who have eaten meat and drink with himself, never see again!

Therefore, the conflict between the two made him very entangled!

"Cap, Ace is your grandson!" The white beard said in a deep voice, looking at the sudden appearance of Cap in front of him.

He wants to make Karp give up against himself in this way!

"I know!"

Karp blushed, gritted his teeth, and said hysterically, "But I'm the navy!!!"


Listen, the white beard is silent!

After a while, he spoke again, sighing faintly, "Yes, you are the navy!"

As he said, Baibeard's eyes were lost for a moment, but he quickly picked up again!

At present, the most important thing is to save Ace, there is no need to think about other messes!

Immediately, the white beard didn't talk too much nonsense. He lifted the Naginata, moved his body, and rushed towards Karp in front of him!

Upon seeing this, Karp burst into tears in his eyes, raised his fist and rushed towards the white beard!


When the two collided, a strong wave of air swept out.

at the same time!

"Shanks, Ace is exposed!" The red dog sneered at Shanks in front of him.

Hearing this ~www.ltnovel.com~ Shanks put down the flag in his hand with a cold face, and couldn't tell who it was.

He never expected that at the last moment, Ace would be rescued!

However, Shanks did not complain about Newton!

After all, judging from the scene of Changshan passing, Newton did his best!

If it weren't for Moonlight Moriah, that is, if Arthur suddenly appeared, Ace would have been rescued now!

"In this case, you can only be tough!" Shanks replied in a deep voice.

While speaking, Shanks raised the Western sword again!

"Then try it!" Chi Inu said again with a sneer.

Immediately, the red dog also made an attack state!

next moment!

Both body shapes flashed, and both disappeared in place!

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