Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1113: Arthur's purpose, the arrival of Blackbeard!

"Above the King of Pirates (

What is the purpose of Arthur's visit to the navy headquarters this time?

In addition to participating in this kind of major event, there are also ideas to consume the pirates and the navy!

This is also one of the main reasons why he gave the white beard rejuvenation potion!

He wants White Beard to be at its peak and cause greater casualties to the Navy!

In this case, Ace is particularly important!

He is the central point and the starting point of this war. It can be said that if there is no him, or if he is rescued, then this battle will not start, it will end immediately!

Therefore, in order to keep this battle going, and in order to cause greater losses and casualties to both the pirates and the navy, Arthur appeared in front of Newton at this time!

He didn't want Ace to be rescued!

At least not now!

Because of this, the pirate's purpose is achieved, and the battle will immediately end!

The navy pirates will not continue to fight!

"Aren't you fighting Miss Robin?" Looking at the moonlight Moria in front of him, Newton slammed to a stop and frowned.

While speaking, Newton subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Robin not far away.

At this glance, he found that there was another person on Robin who was fighting with him and her, and that this person was not someone else, it was the moonlight Moriah in front of him!

Well, it is exactly the shadow of Moonlight Moria!

A person who is exactly like Moonlight Moria, but dark!

"Yeah! I'm fighting with others, but... Doesn't this prevent me from blocking you?" Arthur smiled, but his subordinates quietly compared a few moves!

Damn it!

It turned out to be his own! ?

People in the kingdom can really play!

They are all mixed into the Qiwu Sea of ​​the Navy!

Seeing these actions, Newton's pupils suddenly shrank, but on the surface he said calmly, "It doesn't affect! But if you want to stop me with your strength... Haha, no way!"

With that said, Newton's men also quietly compared a few moves!

"No, no way, it doesn't matter, I want to stop you anyway!" Arthur said, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his subordinates quietly compared a few moves again!

"Stop me? It doesn't matter! But, after all, are you so sure that the person in my hands is real?" Newton said quietly.

His hand again quietly compared a few gestures!

"I can be sure that the person you have is real!" Arthur responded with a smile.

This is real!

In fact, since the beginning of this war, Arthur quietly merged a shadow into Ace's shadow!

no way!

Ace is so important!

Arthur must ensure that he keeps track of his whereabouts and that Ace will not die or be rescued!

And that's why Arthur stopped Newton and didn't move Shanks...

He was sure that what Newton was holding was real!

"Ha ha"

Newton smiled softly, did not say anything, just made an attack!

In fact, between the gestures of Mimi's communication just now, the two have already confirmed the identity of each other through gestures --- their own!

In this case, after communicating with Arthur through simple gestures, Newton also understood what should be done next... release the water and let Ace be stopped!

Although it is Bucky's wish to save Ace, Bucky's wish obviously cannot be compared with the kingdom's mission!


Bucky is now in autism and can't accept information from the outside world. Even if he releases the water, Bucky doesn't know afterwards. At best, he knows that Newton tried his best, but the person was saved!

And this, Bucky is definitely not good to blame Newton!

Thinking, Newton had an idea in his mind!

"Boy, look at the flying knife!"

Newton drew the throwing knife from his waist and attacked first!

"Shadow horn gun!"

Upon seeing this, Arthur smiled slightly, waved his hand, and also launched an attack!


When the flying knife was halfway through, the jet black shadow came out from the ground, poked it directly, and knocked the flying knife into the air!

And just like that, the two started an "exhibition match!"

"Fruit to pieces. The atom breaks down!"

"Flying bats!"

"Fruit to pieces. Space cracks!"

"Shadow horn gun!"


Between you and me, the faces of the two of them showed a hideous look, they were fighting fiercely, as if they were about to kill each other!

Of course, this is just what it looks like!

In fact, the two of Arthur and Newton who were fighting, felt relaxed in their hearts!

"Hand over Ace!"

Not long after the two had been fighting, the sword-wielding CP members who had separated from the white beard battlefield finally caught up to Newton!

Like a red dog, after he got out of the fight with White Beard, his sights and colors have been locked on Newton, so he can find Newton the first time!

As for his arrival, Arthur and Newton looked at each other, their eyes lit up!

The opportunity is here!

I can send Ace back!

Thinking like this in my mind, on the surface, it was naturally impossible for Newton to agree to the words of the CP members holding the sword.

So, he retorted in a deep voice, "I won't hand people over to you!!!"

"Haha, you can't help it!!!" After a sneer from the sword-wielding CP member, they attacked!

"call out!"

A fierce slash swept toward Newton!

Originally, facing this kind of slash, it was natural for Newton to avoid it, but at this moment, Arthur took the shot!

"Shadow horn gun!"

In response to the attack of the CP members holding the sword, the sharp shadow gun rose from the ground and stabbed towards Newton. While making him avoid, a mistake occurred.


In the midst of the error, Slash hit Arthur's body without reservation!

Although Arthur covered his whole body with shadow in time, he was shocked by this slash~www.ltnovel.com~ The whole person flew upside down, not to mention, Ace in his hand also got out!

"No, save people!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding pirates exclaimed and rushed towards Ace!

They don't know if Ace in Bucky's hand is true or false, but now whether Ace is true or false, they all need to be saved!

If the fake is saved, it will be a cover, if it is really saved, it will be a cover!

But it's too late!

The pirates around are just ordinary pirates, at most small bosses. They are limited in their own strength and have no speed at all. However, the captain level is dragged by the navy officers, unable to come to support, CP members with swords. In this case, simply invincible!

He didn't even have to kill anyone. He robbed everyone in front of everyone and took Ace away when he moved his body!

"It's true, it's true on my side!"

After taking the person away, the CP member with the sword took the time to open the navy flag that wrapped Ace, and after a glance at the person staring at him inside, he immediately shouted in surprise!

And listening to this voice, the navy present, whether it was the Warring States Period, the Red Dog, or the Green Pheasant, the Yellow Ape, etc., after subconsciously glanced at the sword-wielding CP member, their hearts relaxed a lot!

It's really good that Ace is snatched back!

If Ace was rescued, they would lose face in the navy!


at the same time!

Outside the navy headquarters!

"Jie Jie Jie... daddy, here I am!" Blackbeard muttered as he looked at the navy headquarters close at hand, with a hideous look on his face!

At this time, behind him stood a group of people who were tall, short, fat and thin, but all with fierce faces, and most of them were wearing prison uniforms!

It is the members of the future Blackbeard Pirates!

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