Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1110: Save again, true or false Ace!

"Above the King of Pirates (

There was a war with Robin, which was a bit unexpected to Arthur!

However, thinking that playing with himself is safer than playing with others, Arthur accepted it!

And because of this, he fought fiercely with Robin!

When the battle began, Arthur quickly suppressed Robin!

Although he hadn't come, even the ability to use the shadow with all his strength could only exert the combat power of the lieutenant general level, which was even slightly worse than Robin.

But, he can't help being familiar with Robin!

Robin can almost be said that he taught all the kung fu!

In this case, is it not easy to beat Robin?

Of course, easy is easy!

But Arthur didn't want to be a strong man either!

Although the strong man cheered the audience, but... domestic violence is illegal, and he doesn't want to be cruel, so he just suppressed Robin the whole time!

"How can you be so strong?

Just hitting, Robin was a little depressed before Arthur said anything!

Isn't Moonlight Moria the weakest among the Qiwu Sea?

How could it be so strong?

"Why can't I be so strong?" Arthur looked at Robin and asked with a smile.


Why can't he be so strong?

After being choked, Robin was not angry, but calmed down!

"It seems...you can't despise the people on the sea in the future!"

After such a thought flashed through his mind, Robin had disappeared completely because of a trace of arrogance produced by his strong strength!


the other side!

While Arthur and Robin were fighting, the battle between Shanks and Akadog was getting fiercer!





In a series of collisions, endless magma is like no money, splashing everywhere!

"Ah~ it's hot!"


"Be careful! It's magma!"

"Admiral Red Dog is here, everyone flashes!"


But these splashes of magma not only did not cause any harm to Shanks, on the contrary, they injured many navy and pirates around, causing them to die and wound!

In this regard, the red dog did not feel guilty for hurting himself, but intended to stop!

As if those who were killed by magma were all pirates, coldly shot again!

"Aka Inu, not only our pirates but also many navies were affected just now!" Shanks reminded him kindly!

"So what? For justice, they don't have anything to sacrifice!" Akadog said in a deep voice.

Listen, Shanks opened his mouth and wanted to say something.


But in the end, he didn't say anything, just shook his head and sighed deeply!

He could understand the iron-blooded behavior of Aka Inu, but he couldn't accept it!

However, he also knew that he was not qualified to say anything about Akadog!

After all, the two sides are enemies and their positions are different!

"Forget it, let's save Ace first!" Shanks thought to himself, and put the matter down for the time being!

Immediately after.

While Shanks was hitting, he began to scan the situation with the corner of his eye!


After watching for a while, Shanks' eyes lit up as if he had found something!

"What are you thinking? Are you planning something? I tell you, no matter what plan you have, it will not succeed!" Looking at the ever-changing expression of Shanks in front of him, Akagi said nonchalantly.

Although he didn't know what Shanks was thinking, he knew that he had a plan by looking at his expression!

the other side!

It was discovered!

Shanks' heart "cocked" and there was a trace of nervousness, but he soon suppressed this emotion and recovered his calm again!

"If you are found, you will be found. Anyway, as long as you pay attention, he can't stop it!" Shanks thought, and slashed at the red dog.

"call out!"

The fierce slash flew out!

And when Akadog was about to hide, a huge pressure suddenly appeared, and attacked him head-on, causing him to make a mistake. He couldn't avoid it and was hit by a slash!


Slash and the red dog collided, and a strong wave of air rolled out!

Although the red dog reacted at the last moment, wrapped his body with iron and armed domineering, but under the fierce slash, he was directly shot out hundreds of meters!

"Red-haired bastard!!!"

After stabilizing his figure, the red dog blasted angrily, and was about to launch an attack at Shanks, only to find something that made him bewildered!

Shanks took the opportunity to beat him back and turned and rushed towards...Navy flagpole!

? ? ?

Akagi's face is full of doubts!

He can understand if he rushes to Ace!

After all, Shanks' ultimate goal is to save Ace.


What the **** is rushing to the flagpole?

At the moment when Akagi was puzzled.


The flagpole was kicked by Shanks and kicked in half!

Immediately Shanks flashed and disappeared in place!

When he appeared again, grabbed a banner three to five times bigger than everyone else!


Amid Boon’s tearing sound and Akakura’s puzzled gaze, the banner was torn in half by Shanks!

Immediately, Shanks put the two halves into the waistband and rushed to Ace again!

"Don't think about it!"

Although I don't know what Shanks is doing, seeing him rushing towards Ace, Akadog still reacted and rushed towards Shanks, trying to stop him!

"It's really troublesome... if he keeps entangled like this, the plan is really not going well!" Shanks glanced sideways at the red dog chasing behind him, and couldn't help but mutter!

The next moment, after Shanks took a deep breath, he directly activated his strongest ability-the overlord!


The almost substantive domineering look came out of Shanks again, and swept towards the red dog!

"Damn it!"

Feeling this domineering, the red dog had a slight body shape, but soon returned to normal. After a deep roar, he exerted his strength all over, resisting the powerful pressure, and continued to rush towards Shanks!

"Just right!

Shanks felt the red dog approaching behind him, then looked at Ace, who was already close at hand, narrowed his eyes~www.ltnovel.com~ With a thought, a little thought appeared in his mind!

next moment!

"Heaven Dog!!!"

A magma fist attacked from behind Shanks!


Shanks quickly drew out the Western Sword, and slashed it backhand!


The magma fist and the Western sword collided, and a hot air wave swept out with splashing magma!

"call out!"

After a glimmer of light flashed in Shanks's own eyes, he rushed towards Ace by the reaction force generated by the collision between the two!

"not good!!!"

Looking at this scene, the red dog "cocked" his heart, feeling bad!

But it's too late!

Just when the Aka Dog was about to rush over, Shanks had already come to Ace's side, and with a domineering look, he stunned the navy guarding Ace together with Ace!

"Wait...what is he going to do?"

Suddenly, Akagi's pupils shrank sharply, and his face showed incomprehension!

Not far away, Shanks drew half of the navy flag he just got from the navy flagpole from his waist, and wrapped Ace's whole body tightly!

But the next moment!

The red dog knew what Shanks was going to do!

After wrapping Ace tightly, Shanks quickly took out the other half of the navy flag and grabbed the surrounding navy that was about the size of Ace, and also wrapped it tightly!

Immediately, he wrapped the two together with a dark, armed color, so that outsiders could not see who the two were from the outside!

"No, this way, it is not clear who is who from the outside, and he can't let him transfer any of them to others!"

Thinking about this, Aka Inu walked straight on the way Shanks was about to leave!

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