Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1105: The tyrannical white beard, the opportunity appears!

"Above the King of Pirates (


The attacks of the Naginata with endless vibrating power and the shining golden Buddha collided!

A strong wave of air swept from the center of the two attacks!

next moment!

The whole person of the Warring States Period was attacked by White Beard, and flew upside down for hundreds of meters!

In the face of the white beard returning to the peak, the old and frail Warring States period was far behind.

Seeing that the Warring States Period was beaten by himself, Bai Huo was overjoyed, and he quickly turned his gaze to Ace on the execution stage --- at this time, Bai Huo was only one step away from the execution stage!

"Ace, I'm here!" White Beard said excitedly, and reached out to Ace!

But at this time, the four CP members who had been beaten up suddenly appeared in front of Baibeard!

"We won't let you succeed, White Beard!!!" Among the four, a vague voice appeared under the thin and tall mask whose whole body was turned into cloth.

With this voice, the four attacked again at the white beard!

"Really? Come on then!!!"

Baibeard had no fear at all, and after grinning boldly, he raised his naginata and greeted him!


It's another collision!

But only one person flew out this time!

CP members with swords!

Others hid at the moment the attack came!





The CP members with their swords once again smashed through several naval buildings, and finally smashed on the walls!

However, the other three CP members on the scene did not have time to care about him. After avoiding the attack, the white beard's naginata did not take it back, but they quickly launched an attack!

"Eat my paw!"


"Bubu fruit. Death entanglement!"


At this moment, paws, teeth, and soft cloth came to Baibeard almost at the same time!

Seeing that these attacks were about to fall on him, Baibeard, who was experienced in combat, immediately reacted at this moment, and roared in a deep voice, "Huh~ha!"


And with this sound, the space in front of White Beard seemed to be shattered by this roar. With the sound of glass breaking, several cracks appeared out of thin air!

next moment!


With the appearance of this crack, the attack of the three people was directly repelled by a strong shaking force!

"Goo la la la ~ the old man is a white beard!!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baibeard smiled boldly and quickly put the Naginata away, the blade swept out with a turn!

"call out!"

Silver light flashed!


The endless and invisible vibrating force, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking and the cracks that seemed to tear the entire navy headquarters, swept towards the three!

"Bubu Fruit. Iron Curtain!"

"Block me!!!"

Accompanied by the roar, one of the CP members stood in front of the other two, used the fruit ability, summoned a huge and incomparable cloth, and wrapped the armed domineering on it, forming a steel-like The cloth wall!

But it didn't work!


In the sound of Bouang’s tearing, the cloth made of cloth, like steel, began to be torn inch by inch, until finally, the entire cloth wall was torn into strips of rags!

At the same time, the endless and invisible vibrating force traversed out of these rags, blasted on the three CP members, and knocked them away again!

"White Beard, don't be too presumptuous!!!"

At this time, a roar suddenly appeared, echoing in the navy headquarters!

"The Impact of Buddha!"

With the sound, the golden giant Buddha leaped up and slammed his palm towards the white beard!


The white beard, who had just finished beating people, could not be touched, under this palm, only had time to block it with a naginata, and was blasted under the execution stage!


After a loud noise, a huge pit appeared under the execution stage!

And White Beard is standing in the huge pit!

"Goo la la la ~ this is interesting, Warring States!!!" Baibeard felt the huge impact brought by this palm, and laughed boldly.

He knew that the Warring States Period was beginning to be serious!

However, the Warring States period did not answer Baibeard’s words. Instead, he said to the four CP members who had been beaten up a while ago and now came back, “He is definitely not in this state now. Our goal now is to stop him, no Just let it rush over, so don't go head-to-head with him, fight him!"

People return to the top, although the Warring States period does not know the principle, but he feels that this state is bound to be unsustainable!

Otherwise it would be too abnormal!

The four CP members listened, did not answer, but silently nodded.

In fact, even if they are asked to head-on with Baibeard, they are not willing!

Although they returned to the battlefield after being beaten up just a few times, it does not mean that they were not injured!

In addition to the different numbers of bleeding wounds on the body surface, until now, the internal organs in their bodies are still aching---shocked by the shock of the white beard!

And in this case, their hearts are hard with the white beard, somewhat shadowed, and a little afraid!

"It's less than half an hour before Ace's execution. We only need to hold on for half an hour!" The Warring States period thought for a while, and added another sentence!

Half an hour looks very long to outsiders, but in the eyes of generals like them, it passes quickly!

Unless it is unilaterally crushed, otherwise it is normal for a battle above the level to be fought for one or two days, and the general is even more than five or six days. In comparison, half an hour is considered to be sprinkling water!

Of course, UU reading www. If uukanshu.com is one-on-one, the five people present are actually not sure to last for half an hour!

After all, the peak white beard is really strong and unreasonable!

Simply, they are not one-on-one now, but five dozen one!

No matter how reasonable they are, they can withstand five-on-one!

Moreover, they didn't want to kill White Beard, they could only hold him for half an hour!

Under this circumstance, a few people are somewhat certain in their hearts!

"Warring States, come to fight!!!"

White Beard grinned, his legs were slightly bent, and he kicked suddenly. The whole person was like a cannonball and rushed straight to the execution platform!


the other side!





With a rapid metal crash, the battle between Shanks and Mihawk became more intense.

Countless sharp slashes swept around from the center of the two battles.

This is just the aftermath of the battle between the two!

However, even if it was just the aftermath of the battle, the place within a kilometer of the two was empty---everyone was afraid of being affected by the aftermath of the battle!

At this time, the red-haired Shanks of the two parties who were fighting, in addition to the fierce battle with Mihawk, also parted his attention around the execution platform!

"Now the deputy captain is holding three of them, and the white beard holds five of them. Karp is still lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. It's a good opportunity!" Shanks' eyes flickered, and he kept thinking in his heart!

But after thinking about it, he finally set his sights on Mihawk in front of him!

"The opportunity is good, but we still have to find a way to get the guy in front of me!"

Thinking in his heart, Shanks soon had an idea!

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