Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1096: discuss! Fight again!

"Above the King of Pirates (

"Redhead, did your crew want you? Are you alone today?"

Facing the death of the crew member, although Baibeard was not in a good mood, he still grinned as he watched the people around him who came to support and help.

"They... do something very important!" Shanks smiled and explained faintly, "stop a beast from coming!"

Baibeard was taken aback, and then he understood what Shanks meant!

Shanks' hands stopped Kaido!

"Thank you!" Baibeard said sincerely.

Shanks waved his hand and said with a smile, "No thanks...I didn't come for you anyway!"


White Beard was stunned, then burst into laughter boldly, "Roger that **** has a group of friends like you, it's really enviable!"

After laughing, Baibeard turned his gaze to Raleigh again!

"It's been a long time...Relly?" White Beard asked with a smile.


Lei Li said half reminiscent and half sigh.

As one of the strong contenders for One Piece, Baibeard and Roger had a lot of conflicts, so Raleigh did not fight against Baibeard less!

As for the result of the fight...

Half a catty!

No one wins or loses!

However, the fact that White Beard can now be called the strongest man in the world has already explained a lot!

Although Raleigh didn't lose, he was a bit inferior!

"Okay, everyone came here today for the same purpose. To relive the past... Let's talk about it when someone is rescued! Let's have a drink together at that time!" Leily said with a smile.

"Well, so good!"

White Beard nodded, and the reluctant smile on his face gradually closed!

The current situation is not so good when he is happy!

Although the navy was defeated and retreated steadily, Baibeard also knew that only the elite of the navy were beaten back!

Although these people are very important in the navy, they have not played a decisive role in the current battle!

In the end, the true winning or losing will probably depend on him, Lely, Shanks, Tsunade, the captains of the White Beard Pirates, as well as the Sengoku, Karp, the three generals, and the six belts that have not been played next to the three generals. The masked man and Qiwuhai!

No matter who wins or loses, people outside this will not have a big impact on the overall situation!

"This battle is not easy to fight!" Baibeard looked at these people on the opposite side, and his heart sank to the bottom!

Although the blue pheasant among the three generals is still fighting Tsunade, the top combat power of the navy side has not diminished much!

Judging from the current comparison, the navy still wants their people to be stronger!

And as if seeing the white beard's mind, Lei Li said in a deep voice, "I just reached a gambling agreement with the Warring States period. The content of the gambling agreement is..."

After Lei Li briefly talked about the bet, the eyes of the people present lit up!

This is the opportunity!

Compared to the previous plan to grab Ace, Raleigh's bet is obviously better, at least...Warring States will not kill Ace in advance!

"That is, can we just save Ace now?" Luffy said happily.

"Yeah!" Leily nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Lu Fei rolled up his sleeves and wanted to rush forward!

"Luffy Boy, what are you in a hurry? Of course, this kind of thing must be discussed first!" Shemale King Ambrio Ivankov quickly stopped Luffy!

That's what I said, but what the Monster King thought in his heart was not to let Luffy go first!

What game is this right now?

High-end game!

And it was a high-end he was a little nervous about the game!

Shanks, Whitebeard, Raleigh, Tsunade, Sengoku, Karp, Three Generals, Qiwuhai, etc. Which of these is not the world's top powerhouse?

No need to think that the scenes where they are fighting are ruining!

In this case, how dare the Ladyboy King let Luffy go first?

Luffy is his boss's child!

"Yes, Luffy! We need to discuss it first!" Shanks nodded and agreed!

For the current situation, it is natural to discuss it!

If you don't have a good plan, you will definitely hit your head if you save directly!

And listening to Shanks' words, Luffy became quiet again!

After that, Shanks, Baibeard, Raleigh and others also discussed countermeasures on the spot!


the other side!

Seeing the people on the opposite side gather together, I don’t know what to discuss, and the Warring States period does not urge!

The bet between him and Raleigh is time-limited!

Take Ace's original execution time as the final time!

In this case, he can't wait for Baibeard, Raleigh, Shanks and others to discuss as long as possible!

In that case, Ace's execution time is getting closer!

However, the Warring States Period thought well, but things did not develop as expected!

Whitebeard, Raleigh, Shanks and others didn't spend much time, they just discussed briefly, and they separated!

Watching this scene, Zeng Guo narrowed his eyes, and suddenly understood that they had negotiated and the battle would begin!

So, he said directly to the six CP members who hadn't taken a shot from the beginning until now, "I will ask a few of you next!"

The six stood up and didn't say much. After nodding silently, they directly made an attack gesture!

And then, the Warring States issued an order to the overall navy, "Everyone has... stop them for me!!!"

With the order of the Warring States Period, almost at the same time, the white beard's order also sounded.

"All of them... charge me!!!" White Beard roared

"Come on!!!"

The two sides roared and rushed to each other frantically!

"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu ... people really passionate picture ah !!!" 多弗朗明哥 grinning, along with the pace of the military assault, rushed past!


The bear didn't talk too much nonsense, kicked his legs and rushed directly!

"Let this palace see how good you are!" Hancock smiled slightly, his figure swung, and disappeared in place.


Krokdal spit out a deep smoke~www.ltnovel.com~ turned into a ball of sand and disappeared in place!

Mihawk was even more unambiguous, raising the knife directly at his friend Shanks, and rushing over!

In an instant, in the Sea of ​​Seven Wus, only Moonlight Moria was left on the scene!

"Hehehe...it's time to perform real skills!" Moonlight Moriah, who was controlled by Arthur, uttered this slightly profound word, and countless shadows rushed out from underneath his body shape. Attached to the people who died in the battle between the two sides!


After being attached to by the shadows, these people struggled and roared like wild beasts, stood up by themselves, and finally joined the battle!


What everyone on the scene didn't pay attention to was!

After joining this battle, these shadow-attached corpses were all hitting opponents!


And at the same time!

"Fight! Create a chance for the old man!" After Marco roared, he changed his body into a phoenix, and rushed directly toward the battlefield.


Aiden didn't say much nonsense, after a roar from the sky, he transformed into a giant wolf that has been emitting lightning all over his body, and rushed toward the battlefield!

"Follow me!" After Diamond Joz turned into a diamond man, he also rushed to the battlefield!

"Inu Lan, I'll rush first, don't fall behind!" Cat Viper laughed wildly, and rushed into the battlefield holding a knife!

"call out!"

Inu Lan didn't say much, but with a kick on his legs, he disappeared in place!



The people on both sides are intertwined.

One of the world's highest-end, cruelest, and one of the largest wars has begun! ! !

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