Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1094: Gamble! Everyone coming gradually!

"Above the King of Pirates (


Looking at the visitor, Zeng Guo couldn't help but feel tight.

Although he had anticipated it before, but when things came, he started to get nervous!

no way!

Roger's remnant party is too strong!

Even now, if he wants him to choose one of the two forces of the Roger Remnant Party and the White Beard Pirate Group as his enemy, he does not hesitate to choose the White Beard Pirate Group!

Although the White Beard Pirates Group is also very strong, for now, it is only White Beard who can really carry the big beam. After all, the others are still a little bit worse!

But the Roger Remnant Party is different!

What kind of red hair, what Rayleigh, and some messy people, there are many who can be stiff with the white beard.

In this case, he naturally didn't want to see the arrival of Roger's remnant party!

Even if he had already prepared!

"You old guy is not dead yet?" Karp said hello with a smile!

"You are not dead, how could I die...Cap!" Lei Li's mouth raised slightly and said with a smile.


Karp laughed boldly when he heard this!

At this moment, Lei Li turned his attention to the Warring States Period!

After pushing the glasses, Rayleigh's eyes flashed with a wise light, and said, "Warring States...From what I know about you, you should have an early execution plan in your heart?"

I was guessed!

As the Warring States period listened, his pupils suddenly shrank, but they were still calm on the surface.

After seeing Raleigh, he did have such an idea!

Right now the navy's line of defense has been completely breached, and a person like Leily has been added to the battlefield. If he waits any longer, he is afraid of accidents!

Therefore, it is good to have Ace executed!

"Don't even think about denying... I know you too much!" Reilly said with a smile, "I tell you, if you really do this... you will regret it!"


The Warring States squinted his eyes and said solemnly, "I will never regret it!"

"Well... what if I keep attacking the navy in the future?" Leily said quietly, "If I throw away my old face, I will have nothing to do later, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, uninterrupted Look for opportunities to attack naval ships and run away after the fight?"

On the surface of the Warring States Period, he was still calm, but his heart was "thump".

It's really shameless to make Raleigh, and if you do as he said, the Navy will definitely lose a lot!

With Raleigh's skill, it is still very simple to attack a navy ship and slip straight after the attack!

Even the yellow ape can't necessarily catch the tail of this old cunning fellow Lei!

After all, no matter how fast Huang Yuan is, there will be a certain amount of time from receiving the news, to receiving the order, and to the support period!

"What do you want?" Senguo asked with a gloomy face.

"It's easy!"

Reilly laughed and said, "Next, let's make a bet!"

"Bet!?" A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Warring States!

"Yes, bet!" Reilly nodded and explained, "Now there is almost an hour left before your scheduled execution of Ace!"

"We will use this as the boundary and Ace as the point of contention. If we save him before execution, then your navy will let Ace go and let us take Ace away!"

"Then what if you didn't save it?" Warring States squinted and asked.

"That's his fate!"

Lei Li said in a deep voice, "When he is dead, we will leave immediately, and we will never regret it!"

This sentence may seem merciless, but it is actually Raleigh who is doing his best to save Ace!

The Warring States Period is now killing!

In this case, he might order Ace to be killed at any time!

That's why Raleigh made such a bet with Warring States!

In this way, on the one hand, it can stabilize the Warring States period, temporarily eliminate his murderous intent, and avoid Ace being killed in advance.

On the one hand, you can also set aside some time to save people!

Otherwise, if the Warring States really wanted to kill Ace, Raleigh would not be able to save it!

no way!

The Warring States is too close to Ace!

He is too late to make a move!

And once Ace was killed, it would be useless for Rayleigh to retaliate back later. Ace would not come back from the dead, and Roger's blood would be cut off!

After thinking about it for a while, Warring States agreed, "That's it!"

Ace wanted to kill, and he didn't want the navy to be shamelessly retaliated by Raleigh, so he could only promise Raleigh!

Of course, a promise is a promise, and he didn't agree without any basis!

He had already anticipated being attacked by the Roger Remnant Party, and was therefore prepared for it!

I borrowed several powerhouses from CP9!

And these people have not taken any action yet. Once they take action, it is undoubtedly a dream that Leili wants to leave before being executed by himself!

the other side!

Listening to the words promised by the Warring States Period, Lei Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart fell to the ground!

Ace's life was temporarily saved!

Next, just think of a way to save people!

at this time!


"Fly too high, you idiots!"

"Mom, I'm going to be thrown to death!"


A scream came down from the sky!

Everyone present subconsciously looked up!


A warship and a group of people in prison attire appeared in everyone's eyes!

They are falling down at a rapid speed!

"What the **** is Luffy doing?" Lei Li looked at the familiar person who fell the fastest, with a face full of consternation!

That's right!

Luffy is currently leading the fall!

Although he is wearing a female suit right now, Raleigh still sees him at a glance!

Originally, Lei Li wanted to rescue him, but after looking at the point where Lu Fei and others were about to fall, he gave up!

The main reason...

On the one hand, it is still urgent to save Ace, and he has to think about ways to save people.

On the one hand... Luffy will be fine.

Below the point where Luffy and the others were about to fall, it happened to be a hole in the ice sheet frozen by the green pheasant!

It was caused by Diamond Joz during the battle.

After Luffy and his party fell, they would definitely crash into this hole and fall into the water, so there is no need to rescue!

"call out!"

But when Lei Li gave up decisively, a red shadow flashed across the sky, and Luffy was taken away directly by the bag!

Next second!

This red shadow and Lu Fei appeared beside Lei Li!

"Deputy Captain...I'm not here late, am I?" The visitor asked Leily with a smile.

Raleigh looked at the visitor, first stunned, then shook his head, showing joy, stretched out his hand and patted the visitor on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "No! It's just time to come!"


On the execution stage!

"It's the red-haired Shanks!" The Warring States Period gritted his teeth while looking at the visitor.

"Red-haired Shanks is coming?"

"Damn, another Four Emperors!"

"What should we do? Whitebeard, we are all fighting so hard, can we fight Shanks again?"


There was a panic in the navy!

But before they finished panic, a loud voice appeared again!

"Shanks, you bastard, one step faster than this uncle!"

A clown with a red nose, with this sound, also fell from the sky, lightly landed on the other side of Leili!

"Bucky, you kid... you're here too!" Leily looked at the visitor, his voice full of incredible!

In his eyes, anyone from UU reading www.uukanshu.com is likely to come, but Bucky is impossible!

Bucky, who is timid and afraid of death, would never participate in such things!

"Why? Uncle Bucky is not allowed to be a hero?" Bucky raised his brows and suddenly showed an unhappy face, and said, "Deputy Captain, don't underestimate people. I'm Bucky no longer the former Bucky. !"


Hearing these words, Lei Li was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter.


More than twenty years have passed!

The kid back then has grown up now!

"Buggy, I didn't expect you to come!" Shanks sighed, shaking his head.

He also had an idea with Raleigh!

Anyone can come, but Bucky is impossible!

"Hey, your uncle Bucky is no longer the uncle Bucky back then. I tell you Shanks, this uncle is now a great general of a kingdom, with millions of soldiers, money, rights, and beauties under him. I won't let you bully again!" Bucky stuck in his waist and said triumphantly.

Well, with Newton in his body, he will pretend to be a good thing like X, and let Newton do the fight!


the other side!

"Another Roger Remnant Party!"

Thinking like this in my heart, the Warring States period looked at Bucky who was coming, his face became more and more ugly!

Bucky is not as famous as Shanks and Raleigh, but the reputation is also not small!

With the broadcast of Adventure King, Bucky is now a role in the sea!

However, this is not the main reason for the ugly face of the Warring States Period!

The main reason for his ugly expression is that if this trend continues, Roger's remnants may gather more and more!

However, what is afraid of!

At this time, another ship appeared on the unfrozen sea outside the navy headquarters...

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