Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1085: Ace Exposure

"Above the King of Pirates (

"Ace's identity is exposed --- Son of One Piece! "---Le Monde!

"Son of One Piece, Captain of the Third Team of the White Beard Pirates? "---Chambord Islands Newspaper!

"Identity exposure, is it a blessing or a curse? "---A place in the Great Waterway!


As pieces of news appeared, everyone who had read the previous newspapers about the Navy's announcement of public executions almost realized one thing---something was going to happen, something going wrong with the Navy!

And this!

People in the Navy also agree!

The Warring States even directly threw the Qiwuhai Conference to the lieutenant general aside, ran back to the office by himself, and greeted the cranes to discuss together!

"What's the situation? Isn't the matter that Ace is the son of a pirate" announced when it is about to be executed?" He was very puzzled!

"I don't know!" After the Warring States shook his head, he said with an ugly face, "I also just received the news. I'll let someone check it out, who leaked the news!"

Don't look at it as the news is just leaked in advance, but the Warring States period knows what serious consequences this will bring!

If the news was announced on the day of his execution of Ace, then Roger's former men would not be able to catch up and could not participate in this battle. The Navy only had to deal with the White Beard Pirates.

With the strength of the navy headquarters, although it is not easy, it is not difficult!

But now that the news is announced in advance, it is different!

Roger's former subordinates are not easy to provoke, and there are lieutenant generals everywhere, even the former trainee Shanks, now they have become the Four Emperors!

In this case, they heard that the captain's son was arrested, and then rushed over. The pressure on the navy increased!

Carelessness may even cause the navy to be wiped out!


Hearing what the Warring States had said, Crane nodded and said solemnly, "I want to check it out!"

After that, Warring States did not hesitate much, and directly picked up the phone on the side and dialed out!


After a while, the Warring States did not wait for the person on the other end of the phone to speak, and directly said, "It's me, Warring States! Check me out who broke the news today!"

"Okay, please wait a moment, Marshal!" After a quick answer from the voice on the other end of the phone, he hung up!

Sengoku and Crane waited for a while!


Soon, the phone rang again!

After Warring States quickly answered the phone, he heard an explanation from the other end of the phone, "Return to the marshal, I just asked the people below to investigate and found that the sources of these news are all unified!"

"All newspapers said yes, there was a man in black wearing a mask who left the news at their newspaper! And the people in more specific newspapers didn’t know! As for the identity of the man in black, the other party did a great job. Hidden, our people have not traced any useful clues!"

Listen, the face of the Warring States is even more ugly!

what is this?


Someone had known Ace's identity a long time ago, and only when the navy announced that Ace would be publicly executed, they let the navy explode the incident, making it difficult for the navy to take off!

Otherwise, this action could not be so thorough!

"Okay, that's it!" The Warring States, who had not received any useful information, had no choice but to hang up the phone!

"It seems that this is a premeditated action!" He couldn't help frowning!

The voice of the phone worm was not covered by the Warring States period, and Crane heard it clearly!


After nodding his head in Sengoku Approval, he hesitated, "However, I have an uncertain suspect in my heart!"

"Who!?" Crane narrowed his eyes!

"Blackbeard... Titch!"

After the Warring States period pondered and said a name, he analyzed it and said, "He sent the man. If you want to say who arranged this premeditated action, from the time and common sense, only he is the most likely! "

"But what is his purpose? If someone finds out, the position of Qiwuhai he finally got is gone!" He frowned and asked.

"This is one point I can't figure out!"

Zhan Guo shook his head and said, "Titch looks rough on the surface, as if there is no scheming, but I can feel the madness in his heart. For a person like him, it cannot be measured by common sense at all. No one knows what he is in. What to think!"


He recalled in his heart the appearance of seeing Tic for the first time, and nodded in agreement.

Immediately, she asked again, "Then what should we do now?"

The Warring States period pondered for a moment, and then said with a sinking face, "Not to mention whether Tickey did it. Even if it is, we currently have no evidence to take him down! So we can only put this matter down for the time being!"

"At the moment, our most important thing is how to deal with the upcoming Whitebeard Pirates and Roger's remnant party!"

Speaking of the last, Zeng Guo's face was gloomy for three points!

"Seek help... I can only ask for help from above!"

After thinking for a moment, He said in a deep voice, "Although I don’t know how many people from Roger’s remnant party came back, each of the Roger’s remnants back then is not a small role. As long as there are so few, plus the white beard and light Our navy might not be able to sustain it!"

"Furthermore, the mission itself was explained above. Now that something goes wrong, it is normal to ask for help!"


After the Warring States sighed deeply, he said with a gloomy face, "It can only be this way!"


Xia Qi's Rip-up Bar


After taking a sharp sip of beer, Lao Lei, the coater, leisurely picked up the newspaper and read it as usual.

But the next moment!

The leisure on his face is gone!

"The captain's son!?" A look of horror appeared on Leili's face!

For the captain and his son, he really didn't think about it, and didn't know it!

Roger did not tell them the news before he died!

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ he suspected that this news was fake for the first time!

But soon, his suspicion was eliminated!

Because the newspaper also disclosed the date of Ace’s birth, as well as his mother Portcas D. Lujiu, and Lujiu had to survive for twenty months before giving birth to him, these are in his Corresponds one by one to the captain's trajectory in memory!

This made him have to believe this fact!

And after believing it, there was endless guilt in his heart!

As the deputy captain, he didn't even know that the captain had a son. The captain's woman had a pregnant belly and hid for twenty months in order to give birth to the captain's son. He didn't even know what caused the exhaustion to die.

How could he be worthy of the captain?

"Ace, absolutely can't die!!!" Leily yelled in a low voice, smashed the wine glass in his hand, then stood up abruptly, and walked toward the outside of the store in a frantic manner!

At this moment, Aunt Xia just walked out of the backstage of the bar!

After seeing the smashed cup on the table, she looked at Lei Li's leaving back and wondered, "What's the situation? Drinking when you drink, and what does it mean to squeeze my mother's cup?"

As she said, she suddenly saw the newspaper on the table out of the corner of her eye!

Immediately, her pupils shrank suddenly!

"This is about to happen..." Aunt Xia couldn't help but mutter.

at the same time!

In the furry principality, in the belly of a certain island whale, somewhere in the great waterway, the New World Redhead Pirates, etc., similar things happened!

After reading the newspapers, some people who are extremely powerful, now and once famous in the world, started to rally toward the navy headquarters!

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