Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1077: CP Nine's Rebellion

"Above the King of Pirates (

As for St. Martin's situation, Robin naturally has no concealed truth, so she gave Brooke a general description of St. Martin's situation!


After Brooke listened, he couldn't help taking a breath!

What happened to Saint Martin's development?

Did you take the fireworks to the sky?

The old man left in just a few decades. How did he change from a small island country to a superpower that is unique in the world and can be an enemy of the world government?

Am I dreaming...or am I wrong in calculating the time?

Not only a few decades, but hundreds of years?


It wasn't until the end, in the affirmative tone of Robin and Luffy's group, that Brooke reluctantly accepted the news that made him feel that it was not just the past few decades, but hundreds of years like a world away!

At this moment, Sanji seemed to think of something, and muttered repeatedly, "Wait, Brook... Brook... Is this name so familiar?"

Suddenly, his inspiration flashed, and he blurted out, "Isn't this the one agreed with Rab?"

Rab! ?

Listening to the name, Brook went into a trance, as if returning to the time when he was venturing on the sea decades ago...

That group of friends singing together, that island whale playing together, everything is just like what happened yesterday!

a long time!

Brook returned to his senses and asked eagerly, "Is the Rab you mentioned an island whale?"

"So, you are really that friend of Rab, Brook of the Rumba Pirates!?" Sanji couldn't help asking.

"Well, um, um!"

Brook nodded repeatedly.

"You really are Brook!?" Luffy was also a little excited looking at him like this!

What does it mean to be free of effort?

Right now!

Originally, they were thinking about inquiring about the news along the way, but they didn't expect that now they would come to the door by themselves!

The next thing will be easy!

With the bond of Rab, Luffy and Brooke quickly became obsessed with mung beans and looked at each other. Then, with the warm invitation of Luffy, the Straw Hat Adventure Group successfully recruited a new crew member and musician-- -Brooke!


The time has come to July!

Well, that's right!

After experiencing so many things, Luffy's time from the East China Sea is no more than two months!

It's like flying!

Most people drive from the East China Sea to the Champagne group in two months at most. It is already amazing, but Luffy and his team are not only about to drive there, but also encountered many issues along the way, and even successfully let their team offer a reward. Two billion!

This is nothing short of it!

But let's get back to business!

Although Adventure King has been broadcasting, and others around Luffy have been watching, but at this time Arthur is really not in the mood to follow Luffy and his party!

He is currently focusing on only two things!

One thing Ace is about to be executed!

One thing is to subdue CP9!

That's right!

It's the CP9!

There is Rob Lucky CP9!

Normally speaking, Arthur had no chance to subdue these cp9 people.

No matter what the price is!

After all, they were cultivated by CP9 since childhood. No matter their potential or talent, they are all top-notch. As long as the world government is not stupid, Arthur will not have the opportunity to subdue them!

But sometimes the enemy will always have a pig teammate, and the **** opponent will give you a **** assist!

Just like Spandam!

After the killing order on the Judicial Island, Rob Lucy and other CP9 remnants were directly sent to the sky by Spandham, and all the faults of the Judicial Island were thrown on them, directly causing Rob Lucy and others to carry the reward order. , Can no longer return to the world government!

Of course, not being able to return to the world government is still a small matter!

The most terrible thing is Rob Luqi's injury, they have no money to treat!

They were originally sent to the Water Capital as an undercover agent!

In this case, in order to avoid flaws similar to how a boatman is so rich, the world government still pays them wages, but the wages are temporarily remembered and not actually issued to them!

As for their usual wages as boatmen and secretaries...

They are CP9!

Although you have become an undercover agent, you still need to exercise, and your strength cannot be lost!

But here comes the problem!

If you don’t buy a lot of meat and eat a lot of supplements, what is the difference between exercising and self-harm?

So, all their work money is spent here!

And they left from the water capital, before they fled from the Judicial Island, they were transporting criminals for trial, naturally they had not yet received their wages!

Therefore, after escaping from Judicial Island, they have no money on them!

Without money, the doctor will not treat it!

In this case, the dual reasons of being CP9's arrogance and the need to be concealed by being wanted make them unable to use force to persecute the doctor!

This puts them in a dilemma!

They have no money, and Rob Luc's serious injury can't be dragged on!

So Arthur's chance came!


Great waterway!

On an unknown island, in a remote house!

"You really need money!" a brawny man in a suit and shoes said lightly

"who are you!?"

In this regard, Kalifa didn't answer directly, but asked with an alert look.

At this time, they were not only wanted by the world government, but they also brought Rob Lucy, a seriously injured and immovable oil bottle, facing the strong man, a stranger, she couldn't be cautious!

"St. Martin’s people!" The strong man did not say his name, but directly stated his origin and purpose, and said, "The purpose of my visit this time represents St. Martin. I invite you to join as long as you join his We are all responsible for the cost of treatment!"

Kalifa raised her brows and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the person who came was from Saint Martin~www.ltnovel.com~ and didn't expect that the other party would invite herself and others to join!

But subconsciously, she shook her head and refused, "No!"

As the former CP9, she and Saint Martin were naturally hostile before!

In this case, she was only wanted by the world government in the last moment, and then joined the enemy's camp the next moment. She seemed to be a little overwhelming!

In this regard, although the other CP9 people present did not speak, their faces full of rejection have already explained everything!

However, the brawny is not surprised!

After shrugging, he took out an exquisite business card from his chest pocket and placed it on the table next to it!

"Contact me when you want to agree, there is my contact information on it!"

With that, the strong man turned and left!

But before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something, stopped, turned around and looked at the several former CP9 members in the room, and said, "You used to be CP9. Needless to say, you should also know the power of the world government. And ability!"

"As CP9 you, although your status is not high, you still have some secrets of the world government! In this case, the world government will not let you go. So except for Saint Martin, you have no choice!"

As he said, the burly man turned his gaze to the dying Rob Lucky who was lying behind a few people, and said, "Moreover...he can't support it for long. If you don't want him to die, please Let's decide!"

After speaking, the brawny man shook his head and left this simple room without hesitation, leaving CP9 people with uncertain faces!


A few days later!

Under the arrangement of the strong man, CP9 and his group got on a luxurious boat and left the island!

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