Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1066: Promotion

"Above the King of Pirates (

Kill Demon Order?

Seeing the Judicial Island, which had been caught in the artillery fire and gradually turned into ruins, Arthur smacked his lips, but didn't know what to say!

In the original plot, there was also an order to kill demons, but it was more of an accident. It happened when Spandham accidentally encountered a golden phone bug!

Arthur originally thought it would not happen this time, but never thought that this scene still happened!

"Tu Mo Ling? What happened?" Gion, who didn't know the inside story, looked at the Judicial Island full of gunfire in the projection, a little puzzled.

As a former high-ranking navy, she knew very well what kind of existence the Tu Mo Ling was.

That can't be initiated casually!

Every time before and after launching the Demon Slayer Order, it needs to go through extremely strict review!

Although you only need to move the golden phone worm when you start it, before you move the golden phone worm, you must not only review it within the Navy, but also report it to the world government to review it again!

If you fail the review, you must never touch the golden phone bug!

It can be said that the order to kill demons is a rare military operation for the Navy for several years or even decades!

And the reason why it is so strict is no way!

The configuration of Tu Mo Ling is too high!

Five lieutenants, ten rear admirals, ten top naval ships, ten thousand naval soldiers!

Faced with such a strong lineup, let alone an island, even a kingdom can't stand it!

If it is not strictly reviewed, if someone fakes a military order and launches it without authorization, the result will be extremely tragic!

"Nothing happened... Maybe it was an accident!" Arthur said with a shrug.

It was an accident in the original plot, but it is hard to say whether Arthur is an accident now!

However, whether it was an accident or not, it has nothing to do with him!

Gion listened, and couldn't help but roll his eyes at Arthur!

How could this thing be an accident?

She didn't believe that someone would be mentally retarded to such an extent, she accidentally launched the killing order!



the other side!

Arthur didn't care about Demon Slayer Order, but some people cared about Demon Slayer Order!

Navy headquarters!

Tumo Order! ?

After the Warring States heard this news, the whole person was dumbfounded!

When did this happen?

Why doesn't he know?

Who started it?

Why did it start?


Countless questions appeared in his head!

Warring States frowned and couldn't help but turn to the lieutenant admiral who had just come in to report the news, and asked, "Have you just received the application for the proclamation?"

The admiral looked at him and said solemnly, "No! If so, then we will definitely report it to the Marshal first!"

Hearing this, the Warring States was silent for a long time!

Finally, after taking a deep breath, he picked up the phone bug and dialed out!

"Let me check, which golden phone bug is passive!" After a solemn statement, the Warring States period waited quietly!

There are countless golden phone bugs!

And each one can be traced back to the owner!

Warring States knows this very well!

So he called people to check which phone bug was used!

As long as he finds it, he can basically know who used the phone worm!

And soon, he also got a response!

"It's the phone worm number seven being used!"

Listening to this, after the Sengoku recalled it in his head, he locked the target---Spandam!

This numbered golden phone bug is in CP9's hands!

"Wait... isn't CP9's resident on Judicial Island?" The Warring States couldn't help thinking.

Initiating the Demon Slaying Order on his own station, what kind of ghost operation is this TM?


Still too long?

Thinking about it, an inexplicable picture of a ghost appeared in the head of the Warring States Period---Spandam stood on the harbor, shouting at a group of naval ships bravely and firing at me! ! !


After the Warring States took a disgusting breath from the picture he was thinking of, he suddenly thought of another thing --- In addition to the CP people on Judicial Island, there are tens of thousands of naval garrisons!

As soon as Tu Mo Ling came, the tens of thousands of naval garrisons would be scrapped!

Warring States' complexion changed drastically, immediately picked up the phone bug and dialed out again!

And this time, the target of his call is CP0!


New world!

On board the Moby Dick!

"Wa hahaha!"

Baibeard was smiling while drinking boldly!

The sorrow of the navy is the carnival of the pirates!

Things about Judicial Island spread quickly!

Because of the live broadcast, it was almost bombarded in the last second and spread to Baibeard's ears in the next second!

As a pirate, he is naturally very happy!

"Unexpectedly, those navy guys would blast the Judicial Island with the Demon Killing Order. This is a rare scene in a century!" Baibeard put down the wine bowl and said with a grin.

"Father, drink less!"

Facing the words of the white beard, Marco on the side was not only not happy, but worried.

In recent time, Baibeard's physical condition has declined rapidly, and it has reached the level of infusion every day, which makes him and the people of the Whitebeard Pirates group can't help worrying!

"It's okay!" After Baibeard waved his hand indifferently, he asked, "By the way, how about Ace?"

"Two days ago he called and said ~www.ltnovel.com~ has tracked Titch, and he should be able to catch Titch in a few days!"

The captain of the second division on the side, Aiden, nicknamed the Lightning Wolf, flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"That's good...hahaha!" The white beard smiled boldly again.

However, under this smile, he hides a trace of worry!

"I don't know why, there is always a feeling that something big is going to happen... I hope it's my illusion!" White Beard thought to himself.


On a small island in a great waterway!


The fire is burning!

"Alright, fast, Titch... I will catch you soon! Saatchi, I will avenge you soon!"

At this moment, Ace looked at the greasy rabbit roasted by him on the fire, but his mind was not on it, but drifted thousands of miles away.

These days, with his constant tracking, he finally caught the tail of Blackbeard Titch!

He guessed in his heart that in just one or two days, he would be able to catch up with Tic and catch him!


at the same time!

It's on another small island not far from where Ace is!

"Since it can't be used by me, then I have to use yours as a promotion!" Blackbeard Titch murmured, a fierce gleam in his eyes.

Looking at the fire in front of him, Titch's head was full of Ace at this time!

Facing the pursuit of Ace, Titch, who originally had the heart to solicit, was completely determined these days. Ace could not be used by him!

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​soliciting Ace, and prepared to use Ace as a game, a world-shaking game that can change the current situation of the sea...

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