Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1051: Master's message

"Above the King of Pirates (


A supporting role in the original plot of One Piece World!

As Frankie's brother, he looks inconspicuous, except for the appearance of the plot of Water City, there is basically no face in the subsequent plot, and it can be said that he is a dispensable character!

But in fact, anyone who really understands Bingberg's past can understand that he is not simple!

Xiao Xiong can't be said, but he can definitely be called a man of considerable means!

Why do you say that...

This starts from his experience!

After the master of Bingshan, Tom the Murloc, was rescued by the people of Saint Martin, the people of the world government thought Tom was dead, so they turned their attention to Tom's two apprentices!

That is, Bingberg and Frankie!

Although people in the world government don’t think Tom will give the Pluto designs to these two disciples, what if?

With the thought of in case, the world government also carried out some overt and secret suppressions on Bingberg and Frankie, trying to get the two to hand over the design of Pluto!

At that time, Bingberg and Frankie were only teenagers!

It stands to reason that, in the face of the suppression of this behemoth by the world government, how can only two teenagers persist?

When there are really blueprints, when two teenagers are under pressure from a behemoth, the most likely thing to do is to hand over the blueprints.

Even if you don't pay, you will eventually have to escape from the city of water, and then live in another place incognito!

But the fact is that the iceberg at that time not only did not escape, but persisted in the city of water, and even solved the matter in the end!

As for how he did...

First, he entrusted the design of Pluto to Frankie, and then the two completely parted ways, turning into a bright and dark existence!

Among them is the iceberg. He attracts the attention of the world government in the light, and the dark one is Frankie, who has transformed into the city of water and has become an inconspicuous existence, so that the world government no longer pays attention to him and preserves the most Important Pluto design drawings!

But the matter is not over here!


Bingberg also incorporated through various means, merged the seven largest shipyards and shipbuilding companies in Water Capital, and established the world's largest shipbuilding company --- Carrera Shipbuilding Company!

After that, he used a series of methods to lobby and persuade the then world government and officials at all levels of the world government to make Carrera Shipbuilding Company a shipbuilding company for the world government, and at the same time he passed the election. , Became the mayor of the commercial capital of water capital!

In this way, in the years since Tom left, Bingberg has transformed from an ordinary boatman to a role that even the world government has to pay attention to!

And this is the main reason why the people at CP9 chose to sneak into the company that entered the iceberg and secretly search for the whereabouts of the Pluto design instead of using some force.

As the helm of the shipbuilding company of the world government and the mayor of the commercial capital of the water capital, the world government does not allow its officials to persecute them without evidence, which affects the maintenance of the world government ships. , Construction, also affect the development of the city of water!

Well, the city of water does not belong to that country, it directly belongs to the world government. Influencing him is equivalent to influencing the interests of the world government!

In the face of such a talent, what I have to say is that Arthur was moved!

Why did he cross the route to the city of water?

Of course not to see Luffy's group!

Their story Arthur has long known about it, even if many places have changed because of his arrival, but at most the changes will arouse Arthur's interest, and it is nothing to compare with the iceberg!

The main reason why he came to the City of Water across the route is to recruit the talent of Bingberg and make him a member of Saint Martin!

And for this, Arthur also prepared a killer!

It's his letter!

"As long as you read that letter... he will definitely come to see me, and if there is no accident, he can be his own!" The corner of Arthur's mouth raised slightly, and he thought to himself!


That night!

Bringing a whole body of alcohol, Bingshan returned to his home!

"Sir, come and drink some water!"

Seeing the appearance of the iceberg, the maid at home handed it the ice water that had been prepared early in the morning.


Bingberg took the water and drank it in one breath!

"Go and pour another glass!" After drinking the ice water, I felt a lot more comfortable with the iceberg. After handing the empty water glass to the maid, he unbuttoned his jacket, sat down on the sofa, and squinted to rest!

In a while!

When the maid again poured a glass of ice water and came to talk, Bingshan opened his eyes and drank it clean again!

"Okay, it's okay, now it's too late, you go and rest first!" Bingshan gave the water glass to the maid again, and ordered again.

"Okay, sir!" The maid agreed, and took the water glass back!


And just after she left, Bingshan sighed deeply, got up and picked up the coat on the side, and was about to take a shower.

But at this moment, a letter suddenly fell on the jacket!


Bingberg frowned when he looked at the letter that fell out. After a while, he remembered that this letter was given to him by a grandstanding young man when he was having dinner with a client!

Well, Arthur seemed to be grandstanding in his eyes!

As the helm of the world's largest shipbuilding company and the mayor of the city of water, I don't know how many people want his appreciation these years!

For this reason, in addition to displaying their talents in front of him normally, there are also some people who seem to be sick in Bingberg's view, will do some incredible things, sensationalize, and try to attract his attention!

In Bingberg's view, Arthur is such a person!

However, after hesitating for a while, Bingshan still picked up the envelope.

Although Arthur was suspicious of sensationalism in his eyes, it was not his character to throw the letter directly away. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

At the very least, he had to read the contents of the envelope, made sure that Arthur was a grandstander, and then lost the envelope!

So Bingberg opened the envelope!

next moment!

The photos taken out of the envelope made Bingberg aroused, and he woke up from a slightly drunken state!

"This is...this is...this is the photo of the master!" Bingshan couldn't help but be surprised.

There is a picture in the envelope, and the person in the picture is not someone else, it is his master Tom the Murloc!

And judging from the people around Tom Murloc that he didn't know, but who seemed to be mentors and apprentices to Tom Murloc, and the time indicated below the photo, Bingberg can be sure that this photo should be taken recently!

"Finally...Finally...Finally there is news from the master!" Bingshan's hand holding the photo trembled, his eyes red involuntarily!

Tom is not dead, he and Frankie knew it early!

But all these years of frantic search, he still didn't find Tom's whereabouts, and even a little news, he didn't know whether it was alive or dead!

It was just recently that when the sea train in Xihai took shape, he vaguely guessed that Tom should be in Xihai!

However, I only guessed Xihai!

He hasn't figured out the specifics in Xihai, and he doesn't know whether it is life or death!

"That's right, that's right! I remembered that, the young man said that there is contact information in the envelope!!!" Bingshan suddenly recalled what Arthur said to him at the time---the contact information was in the envelope!

So Bingberg hurriedly picked up the envelope and rummaged it!

In the end, he found the address behind the photo---Room 501 of the Irish Hotel!

No hesitation!

Bingberg didn't even come to take a shower. He picked up his jacket and rushed out of the house!

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