Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1045: Be played

"Above the King of Pirates (

Facing the surprise of Luffy and his group, the boat smith thought they didn’t know what a boat spirit was!

So he opened the mouth to explain, "The ship spirit is a ship that the crew cares for each other and cherish the hull. When the ship is close to the crew to a certain extent, in order to repay the favor, the ship is transformed into a holding a mallet, wearing a raincoat, like The same "person" as the crew."

"And its role... it will help repair ships without your knowledge, and will show up to notify you when you are in danger!"

"The reason why I discovered its existence is also because once the thing after get off work fell in the shipyard and forgot to take it, when I returned to take it, I found it was secretly repairing the ship, so I knew its existence!"

Listening to the boater's explanation, Luffy and his party were inexplicably silent!

"So... do we still have such a partner?" Luffy looked at the Golden Meri, which looked like a brand new number, not far away. His lips moved slightly, and after a low whisper, he stretched out his hand as if To catch the Golden Meri, some said, "Really... I'm sorry, I only found you now!"


And looking at him like this, the boatman stepped forward and patted Luffy on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "After leaving from Angel Island, you should be going down the great channel?"

"If so, take the place where Angel Island goes down, and you should meet the Water City next time!"

"And that, it happens to be one of the most famous shipbuilding sites in the world. The craftsmanship of the island's craftsmen is so high that the boats of Roger, the Pirate King, were built there too!"

"At that time, where can you find someone to build a new ship! Well, don't think about sticking to it. It's not bad that your ship can only go there. If you stick to it, it will only destroy the ship!"

After speaking, the boatman didn't leave much. After leaving space for Luffy and his party, he turned and left the shipyard!

one day later!

Luffy and his team left the Angel Island and embarked on a new journey on the golden Meri that returned to light!


On a certain sea area of ​​the great waterway!


Accompanied by the sound of the rolling waves, Arthur sat on the deck with a sorrowful expression!

He still chooses to harvest Gion!

As for why...

To put it bluntly, he is just greedy!

But for this, he also paid a heavy price!

From that moment on, life became extremely exciting. While enjoying the joy that Gion brought, he had to pay attention to his little brother every moment, because a silver light flashed by accident, little brother. Leave yourself forever!

Because of this, he lives in fear every day!


Soon he thought of a solution-let Gion stop the black state!

Only when Gion stopped the blackening, his little brother was safe.

But how can Gion stop being blackened?

Arthur thought for a moment, and he had an answer.

The trouble should end it!

The blackening of Gion is due to the crane, so if she knows that the crane is not dead, she is very likely to exit the blackened state!

Therefore, Arthur is going to tell Gion about this today!

And just as Arthur was thinking about it, Gion came up with a pot of hot tea at this time!

"Da da da!"

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Gion suddenly staggered and fell naturally towards Arthur!

Upon seeing this, Arthur flashed a gleam of light in his eyes, as if he had been prepared. He wrapped one hand over Gion to prevent her from falling. At the same time, he also controlled one of her hands and the other. Suddenly leaned out and controlled the hand on the other side of Gion that was about to draw the sword!

"This is the first time I don't know how many attacks, right?" Arthur said helplessly, helping Gion up!

In this regard, Gion showed a seemingly nonchalant appearance, naturally holding the hot tea and continuing to pour tea for Arthur, as if the scene just now was just a dream!

"Okay, don't fall down, sit down, I think we should talk about some things frankly!" Arthur gestured to the chair beside him!

Gion raised his brow, nodded thoughtfully, and sat down!

After Arthur took a deep breath, he said solemnly, "First of all, I want to tell you a good news...The Chief of Staff Crane is not dead!"

Hearing this news, Gion stared at Arthur, with no expression on his face and no movement!


Arthur was being stared at, subconsciously raised his brows, and suddenly felt something was wrong!

Could it be...

This news is not enough to lift Gion’s blackening, is it not enough to shock Gion?

It makes no sense!

According to my estimation, this incident can at least make Gion's mood fluctuate, right?

Thinking about it, Arthur discovered that Gion still had no expression on his face, as if...had already known the news!

and many more!

I knew the news a long time ago! ?

After Arthur carefully thought about what happened, he suddenly discovered that if Gion were not stupid, he would have thought that Crane would not die so easily at this time!

After all, she was only piercing her chest before, not elsewhere!

Even if it was because the impact of the event was too great, the brain did not react for a while, but as time passed, even if Gion became dark, he should calm down and remember the matter!

But why does Gion still keep that blackened appearance these past two days?

There is only one possibility!

Gion is playing him!

Thinking about it, Arthur frowned and couldn't help asking, "Are you playing me? You've been sober, and you have known the news, right?"

Rather than answering this, Gion didn't answer, but suddenly showed him a meaningful smile!

Got it!

This is a stone hammer!

Gion has been sober a long time ago, just playing him!

Seeing this meaningful smile suddenly revealed in Gion, Arthur suddenly realized!


What Arthur didn't want to understand is, if Gion had already recovered his mind~www.ltnovel.com~ and woke up a long time ago, why would I accompany him to do those things these days?

Why continue to be fooled?

Why continue to attack him... and still rush to cut off his children and grandchildren?

"Then why do you want to..." Arthur asked hesitantly.

If you don't understand, just ask, this is his good habit!

Although it is considered that he took advantage of what happened these days, he should not ask these things normally, but he was full of curiosity, so he asked to satisfy his curiosity!

Regarding his question, Gion's face changed, his hands clenched, teeth gnashing, but he looked at him bitterly!

"Don't look at me like this... explain to me what the **** is going on?" Arthur asked in confusion.


After Gion snorted coldly, he still slowly explained, "I was really blinded by anger because I injured Sister Crane at first, and I made many crazy actions that were contrary to normal!"

Having said this, Gion's cheeks couldn't help but blush, as if thinking of something shy, but soon returned to normal, and continued, "However, as time passed, my mind slowly He's recovered!"

"And after thinking about the whole thing carefully, I found something was wrong at the time!"

As he said, Gion didn't go on talking, but looked at Arthur with piercing eyes, and said, "Speaking of which...that named Stella, is it yours?"

She actually guessed it?

Arthur's pupils shrank suddenly, a little surprised, but still shrugged unconfirmed!

Gion looked at Arthur's performance, hehe smiled, and went on...

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