Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1034: The weaker the ignorant

"Above the King of Pirates (

Contact the navy headquarters!

This was the first thought that came up after Gion was released!

She knows that the most important thing for herself is to remove the suspicion from her body and lift the reward order!

But after thinking about it carefully, she gave up this idea again!

No reason!

The explanation is not clear!

After thinking about it carefully, Gion realized that no matter from which angle he explained it, or how he explained it, he definitely couldn't explain it clearly in the end!

Because once she wants to explain, she has to face a question---where was she?

How did she answer?

In Arthur's hands?

Once she answers this, the navy will definitely ask, why are you in Arthur's hands, why didn't Arthur kill you?

How does she explain?

Can't explain it!

Is it possible to say that Arthur did not kill her in order to recruit her?

Do not make jokes!

This explanation is better than no explanation!

Once Gion explained that, the navy would definitely doubt her more!

Well, Arthur didn't kill her in order to recruit her, so under what circumstances can she appear in the sea like this intact?

There is only one answer...

She agreed to Arthur's solicitation!

In summary, if Gion has to explain, it must be unclear!

And if she insists on proving her innocence without evidence, the best case is to be caught by the navy, and then the navy will slowly investigate her problem!

So, she gave up this idea!

But just when she was about to find another way, one thing happened so that she had no time to take care of the others!


Yes, that's right!

She was besieged!

The place where Arthur put Gion down is a very ordinary small town. Although it is on the route, it seems dispensable because there are many small islands nearby that can also be supplied, and there is no naval base nearby!

There are no people on the island worth mentioning on the great waterway!

But because of this, Gion was besieged!

There is a saying that is good, the weaker the smaller, the more ignorant!

This is what Gion is encountering now!

The people in the small town were fascinated by Gion's 800 million reward, and no matter how the 800 million came from, they directly attacked!

"Gion, let's catch it!"

"Give up resistance, we won't hurt you if you give up resistance!"

"Hey, I can make you more comfortable!"

"Don't worry, we won't treat you like that, at best it will make you comfortable!"


A team temporarily formed by old people, middle-aged people, young people and even shrews, holding forks, knives, rakes and other weapons that seem to be a bit lethal, surrounded Gion round and round, trying to make Gion give up resistance!

What's more, because I saw the charm of Gion, I vomited some filthy words from my mouth!

"The weaker the smaller, the more ignorant it is? Sure enough, if you don't understand what is strong, people won't be in awe!" Gion coldly looked at the people present and put his hand on the knife on his waist!

this moment!

Her murderous intentions have started!


Without the slightest hesitation, at the moment of murderous intentions, the knife on Gion's waist came out of its sheath!

A silver light flashed!





In an instant, the dozens of people besieging her were like dominoes, and fell quickly one after another!

There was no screaming in the whole process, only the eyes of these fallen people who could never close, and the blood that gradually flowed out from under the body, showed the **** moment!

One blow group out! ! !

Gion is not a Virgin!

Never been!

Although she is very gentle and has a personality like Yamato Nadeshiko, this does not mean that she dare not kill!

As a lieutenant admiral, Gion’s peach rabbit's name is not in the navy. She is cute. Seeing that she is beautiful, she killed it all by herself!

So facing this group of weak and ignorant people, she didn't have the slightest idea of ​​softness!

"It seems we can't stay here, it's time to go!"

Gion frowned as he glanced at the corpses in the surrounding area, thinking silently in his heart.

The death of dozens of people is a big deal for the town!

Normally, people in the town will call to report soon!

When the time comes, the navy will soon know what's happening here. If she doesn't want to be arrested and wants to prove her innocence, she must leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, she will be blocked by the navy here, then it will be a bit bad!

"Bad boy, you return my father!"

And just when Gion turned around and was about to leave, a seven or eight-year-old boy with tears in his eyes and sorrow on his face, holding a stick, rushed toward Gion!


In response, Gion sighed silently in his heart, and kicked the boy without hesitation!

next moment!

The little boy flew out!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After rolling on the ground several times, she barely stopped her body shape!

"Boy, if you want to avenge your dad, live well, only if you are alive can you hope for revenge!" Gion said lightly while looking at the boy struggling to stand up!

Then, without waiting for the boy to stand up, Gion turned and left!

"You...you...you stop me!"

The boy snarled crazily behind, but Gion's figure drifted away, without any intention of staying!

A day later, the navy came to this town!

The navy leaves the next day!

And leaving with them, there is also a young figure, but with endless resentment!


"Gion, Gion! What do you want to do?" The Warring States Period looked at the intelligence in his hand ~www.ltnovel.com~ and muttered involuntarily.

The intelligence in his hand is nothing else, it's the fact that Gion killed dozens of people who besieged her in the town!

In this regard, the Warring States Period was very puzzled!

Of course, it wasn't for Gion to kill dozens of people who besieged her to wonder, but for Gion's doubts!

When he first got news of Gion's betrayal, he was suspicious!

But later, for various reasons, uh... mainly because of the role of the world government, he had to want Gion!

But he is wanted, but he still feels that there is a problem!

However, although he felt that there was a problem, he couldn't find out what the problem was!

Even if it is combined with all the information in his hand, he is still confused!

Therefore, he wanted to wait for Gion's own explanation, even if he explained it to him in a call, and gave him a clue!

but no!

From the beginning to the end, Gion didn’t explain it, and he never called. Even if he sent a reward to want Gion, Gion didn’t say anything, let alone any movement, and even disappeared under the tracking of the intelligence department. It didn't appear again until this time!

Regarding her actions, the Warring States Period did not know what to say!

Say she betrayed...

The Warring States until now did not know what she had betrayed, what she had betrayed to Saint Martin!

Say she didn't betray...

Gion never explained or came back, and didn't even give a clue. This made it impossible for the Warring States to help her!

"Continue to pay attention, if you can catch Gion first!" The Warring States sighed helplessly.

At this time, facing such a confusing situation, the only thing he could think of was this way!

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