Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1029: They are known by hundreds of millions of people

"Above the King of Pirates (

After taking the money, it is natural to be chic!

Thus, the group of people entered the sky island!

On the street!

"Wow, they all have wings!" Luffy looked at the people around in surprise.

"Sister Kojima is so beautiful!" On the surface of Sanji's expressionless expression, with a pair of bright eyes in private, he intentionally or unintentionally looked at the young and beautiful Kojima beauties around!

"What a beautiful jewelry, I really want to buy it!" Nami stared at the jewelry in the jewelry shops on both sides of the street, her eyes full of greed like a dragon!


And while the group of people were looking around, the surrounding Skylanders couldn't help but look at them!

Although there are no fewer people on the island than the Blue Ocean in these years, and there are many troops transferred by Arthur from Saint Martin, the people on the island are still curious about Luffy's group!

Because the people Arthur transferred were basically soldiers, and the people like Luffy knew at a glance...a star!

Well, Sky Island now also has TV, and it also broadcasts the anime of Adventure King!

Moreover, Luffy's recognition is too high, so they almost recognize it at a glance!

However, because of their good qualities, they did not rush to disturb Luffy's group!

"Hello! Are you a member of the Straw Hat Adventure Group?" At this time, a blonde lady in a pink dress walked up to the group of people curiously and asked.

"Yes, beautiful lady!" Sanji's eyes lit up when he saw the blond lady, immediately pretending to be a gentleman, smiling and saying, "I'm the cook on the boat! An honest. ..gentleman!"

"Ha ha!"

Miss sister covered her mouth and smiled slightly, and said, "I know you! You are the color chef Sanji!"

Color chef! ?


Hearing that his whole body was struck by lightning, Sanji was stunned on the spot!

How could it become like this?

How come a little sister on the street knows how I look?

I...I... my reputation!

Thinking, Sanji almost shut down because of this sentence!

"Sorry, sorry, I said the wrong thing!" At this time, the young lady also realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, so she quickly apologized!

"it's okay!"

Nami said indifferently, "Anyway, Sanji is a **** chef, everyone knows it!"


Miss sister didn't know how to answer Nami's sentence for a while, she could only cover her mouth and smile dryly, skipping this topic!

"Oh, yes! What is your name?" Nami said sternly.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Conis and I am a harp player. I am currently preparing my first harp album. My dream is to become a famous star like Mr. Bruce. !" Cornice said with a smile.

"Bruce? Who is Bruce?" Usopp interrupted suddenly curiously.

As soon as his question came up, everyone in the room, except Sauron, looked at him with surprise.

"Uh...what do you think of me like that?" Usopp was a little flustered when he was seen, and a drop of sweat couldn't help dripping from his forehead!

"You... don't know who Bruce is?" Nami groaned and asked weirdly.

"Bruce...ah, yes, Bruce, of course I know who he is! Isn't it...a star?" Usopp listened to Nami's words, and felt the strange eyes of the people around him. Ji Ling felt that something was wrong in an instant, so he hurriedly called haha.

And listening to his words, Nami understood instantly!


Immediately, she stepped forward and patted Usopp on the shoulder, and comforted, "Oh ~ Bruce is such a big star, originally I thought Sauron didn't know on board...because he didn't like listening to any music, but didn't think of you. do not know either!"

With that said, Nami looked at Usopp in her eyes with a little more sympathy, as if she was pitiful for his lack of knowledge!

"Yeah, Bruce is a big star, and Dr. Doriel loves to listen to Bruce's songs!" Chopper nodded with approval.

"Speaking of it, don't I remember that the songs we played on our boat are always Bruce's songs?" Luffy also touched his chin, nodding in agreement.

"Chopper, Luffy, you, you..." Listening to the words of the two, Usopp pointed at the two in disbelief, the whole person was dumbfounded!

What about the three silly straw hats?

How come you are left alone in an instant?

At this time, Nami said again, "Okay, I don’t know before, forget it. I’ll give you a task to find the Yinbei store, buy some new music, update the music on our ship, and also Get to know who Bruce is by the way, and don’t say you don’t know him again!"


Hearing Nami's words, Usopp nodded quickly.

He lost someone once, and he didn't want to lose another time!

"Oh, yes! Miss Konish, how do I feel that the eyes of people around us don't seem to be right?" At this time, Sanji, who was almost autistic, came back to his senses and looked around. He asked suspiciously.

"Huh! Don't you know?" Ko Niss looked strangely at several people.

"do not know!"

Several people shook their heads together!

"You are the protagonist of the Adventure King! It's because everyone recognized you, that's why they looked at you like this!" Konish explained.

"Is the protagonist of Adventure King so influential?" Sanji couldn't help but frowned!

The people on board the Adventure King know all about it!

But they don't really understand how powerful the specific adventure king is!

no way!

They have been floating in the sea for the past few months~www.ltnovel.com~ seldom contact with others, even if they finally log in, they have to deal with those who are ready to grab Luffy hats, there is no way or channels. Know how famous you are!

They just know that they have such a reputation!

"Look!" After thinking about it, Konis turned her side and pointed to the screen at the end of the street with dozens of square meters.

After a few people followed the sound and looked over, they saw the screen of Adventure King that was playing!

"Hey, there is also a screen to play us!" Luffy said in surprise.

"The King of Adventure releases one episode a day. Every time the Kingdom of St. Martin can be seen in most areas except a few areas, and there are also such screens. According to our St. Martin’s population of hundreds of millions, now you at least have Eighty to nine million people know it!" Konish explained.


Suddenly, Luffy and the others who were present couldn't help but take a breath!

Eighty to nine million people!

Even after killing them, they never thought they knew so many people!

"She is only talking about St. Martin. In fact, the story of the King of Adventure has also heard the video shell spread to other four seas and to the Great Channel. In other words, at least hundreds of millions of people know you now!" Robin was silent on the side. The added sentence.

All of them were in shock!

If the news that tens of millions of people knew them before was like a hammer hitting their hearts, the sentence Robin added was like a meteor, hitting their hearts heavily, making them unable to talk to themselves for a long time. !

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