Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1019: Moral kidnapping

   "What about these people?"

   After temporarily dealing with Freddodd, Arthur turned his eyes around!

   At this time, there were more than two thousand soldiers who were pumped by him and the king of the sunflower kingdom lying around!

   As for the handling of these people, Arthur has a headache!

   just kill them all...

   He can do it, but it feels unnecessary!

   After all, most of these people just obeyed the king's orders, and they were still misled by Freddo, so they came to kill him!

   Of course, the most important thing is that they did not cause Arthur any harm!

   But don't kill it...

   has become an enemy, not killing is not in line with Arthur's usual style!

   "What the **** should I do..." After Arthur struggled for a while, suddenly thought of something!

With a slap on his head, he didn't care whether he would kill or not. He simply walked toward King Singh of the Sunflower Kingdom, took out the Marta energy crystal from his arms, and moved towards the powerless Singh who was electrocuted on the ground Asked, "Do you know this thing?"

  Whether to kill or not, the most important thing is the Marta energy crystal!

   As long as there is this, it doesn't matter if Arthur is killed or not!

   Well, a small kingdom with a population of only one hundred thousand can't be seen by Arthur at all. Even if he has become an enemy, even if he hasn't cut the grass and roots, he is not afraid!

"do not know!"

   Singh, who was lying on the ground, wanted to know him, but considering the consequences of flicking Arthur, he could not bear it, so he shook his head decisively and told the truth!

   Arthur listened, and put things away a little disappointed!

   As expected!

   Freddodd was fooling himself before!

   If the Marta energy crystal is really the national treasure of the Leide Kingdom, then Singh shouldn’t know it!

   After all, while Singh overthrew the Red Kingdom, he also inherited the legacy of the Red Kingdom!

Thinking, just when Arthur looked at the soldiers around him again, thinking about whether to kill them, Gion behind him felt Arthur’s vague killing intent at that time, but couldn't help but speak. "Wait, don't kill them!"

   Although Gion came with Arthur, Arthur didn't have any pity for her, and she was paralyzed by the electric wave just now!


   her own strength allowed her to recover faster than the people present, and now she is fine!


   Arthur followed the voice and turned his head, looked at Gion, and said sternly, "Why? Give me a reason to let them go?"

   As Gion of the Navy said this, Arthur was not surprised!

   But it's not accidental, it's not accidental, it's impossible for him to easily agree!

   Besides, Gion is still his prisoner now!

   A prisoner has no right to demand him!

   "Uh... they didn't hurt you after all, did they?" Gion pondered, and finally gave such an answer!

"Ha ha!"

   Hearing this, Arthur laughed angrily by these words, and said, "What you said, if they hurt me, I can kill them, right?"

  What kind of logic is this?

   Arthur, who was still wandering between killing and not killing, listened to Gion’s words, but was in vain aroused to kill!

  If Gion doesn’t have any favorable means to persuade him... hehe!

   Then Arthur doesn't mind killing them all!

   only two thousand people!

   Although there were not so many people who died directly at his hands in this life, the people who died indirectly at his hands could not be stopped by a hundredfold!


   Listening to Arthur's words, feeling the full of murderous intent that suddenly appeared on Arthur, Gion touched his nose in embarrassment!

   Only then did she realize that there was something wrong in her words!

   But, after all, Gion can only bite the bullet and continue, "I didn't mean that!"

   "Then what do you mean?" Arthur said aggressively.

   "I mean...Yes..." Gion said, and wanted to make an excuse!

   At this time, Arthur interrupted her directly!

   "Okay, it doesn't matter what you mean!" After Arthur waved his hand, he said with a sneer, "Do you want to save them? That's fine! As long as you are willing to sacrifice, then I will let them go!"

   Arthur said, looking up and down Gion with the eyes of LSP!

   That meaning, it goes without saying!

   Gion knew it instantly!

As a military flower of the Navy, when she was just a rising star in the Navy, she also received many similar eyes. What's more, some of the high-ranking members of the Navy at that time, who had a higher rank than her, spoke directly. , Clearly want her to do it!

   Of course, she did not agree!

   even chopped up these sand sculptures!

   Once there was a big disturbance in the navy!

   That is to say, she was later recognized by the crane as her sister, and her own strength was also strong, this kind of thing never happened again!


   Gion is silent!


  What a joke!

   She is not the heroine in those sand sculpture TV dramas, and she can sacrifice herself for ordinary civilians!

   In her opinion, being able to persuade Arthur with a few words while she is also a prisoner, has done her best and fulfilled her duties as the navy. No matter how much she can do, she can't do it!


   Even if she agreed, she did it, but what if Arthur regretted it afterwards?

   Didn't she lose herself in vain?

   However, Gion was silent, but the people around were not silent!

   "This lady... please, promise him!"

   didn't know who spoke first, and the soldiers around immediately pleaded!

   "I still have three children in my family that I need to raise, I can't die, please promise him!"

   "Yes! My mother is still sick and lying in bed. If I die, she will not survive!"

   "Please! My parents are dead, and I am an adult of seven brothers and sisters. I can make money. If I die, my brothers and sisters may starve to death!"

   "My baby is just born!"

   "Please, be kind!"


   Although Gion is very beautiful, beauty is not worth mentioning in the face of life and death!

   In order to survive, these soldiers not only pleaded with Gion, they even added a little bit of family status that they didn't know whether it was true or false, and they intended to use morals to kidnap Gion and let Gion agree to it!

   And listening to these words, Gion became even more silent!

   She now feels a bit hard to get off!

   is not because of these moral kidnapping words, those words can not affect her, as a lieutenant admiral, Gion is gentle, but not weak, and will not be affected by moral kidnapping!

   The reason why she felt the difficulty of riding a tiger was more because of the playful expression of Arthur after these soldiers said these words!

   The expression seems to be talking to Gion, look at the people you want to save, and see who they are!

   "How? Is it possible to answer or not?" Arthur looked at Gion with interest, waiting for her answer!

   For this, Gion was silent except for silence!

   "If you don't agree...I'm going to kill them!" Upon seeing this, Arthur added another sentence!

   When this sentence came out~www.ltnovel.com~ Gion was still silent, but the soldiers around were anxious!

   "Please promise him, please!"

   "If you don't agree, I won't let you go if I die!"

   "I XX you XX, you female cousin, you XX..."


   In the case of anxious eyes, some of this group of soldiers kowtowed their heads and begged, some threatened them with resentment, and some even lost their minds completely under the threat of death, and began to insult Gion!

   Listen, after Gion was silent for a while, suddenly he did something unexpected for Arthur!


   After a silver light flashed, the soldiers around Gion separated their heads from their bodies!

   "Kill them all!"

   Gion put away the sword casually, and said coldly.


   Upon seeing this, Arthur was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, very happy!

   "Interesting, so interesting!" Arthur said with a smile.


   And following his words, countless thunder and lightning spurted from his body, blasted towards the people of the sunflower kingdom around him, and ended it all!

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