A Unique Hunter

Chapter 870: Reisen Castle

Of course Cook will not be idiot enough to hand over the entire fleet to Niqi. Not only do there are gendarmerie staff but also special intelligence personnel and armed escorts. This is also a kind of protection for the fleet. After all, a fleet captain will cause too much power. Some unnecessary consequences

"Cook, do we need to keep so many beasts?" Lina said unhappily, seeing the massive outflow of supplies in recent times

Cook saw Lina holding Lina's shoulders like this and said: "Lina don't need to feel sorry for the materials compared to what we will get are more monsters that are basically level 9 or above. What a huge force this is."

"But this is not our own" Lina still didn't understand

"Hehe even if it’s not ours, but don’t forget that I am the one who came up with this idea and we are now in the territory of Jinguangyan. It can be said that we are interdependent with Jinguangyan. Fortunately, we are fortunately in this isolated trapped empty mountain. Maybe it’s not as good as it is," Cook said with a smile.

"Furthermore, the materials are just ordinary animals. This thing is worthless. As for the equipment that is just one-time equipment, it will not cost much afterwards." Cook explained later.

Lina was relieved when she heard Cook’s words, but she was still very worried and said: "Cook, you want to increase your strength as soon as possible. I always feel that there is no sense of security in this sanctuary."

"Haha, don't worry, Lina, who is Cook, is absolutely fine." Cook said with a smile and comforted.

Cook has long discovered that Lina and Sia are in a bad mood recently. Cook didn't understand it yet, but Lina's abnormal performance made Cook understand that Lina and Sia were the top existences on the plane before, but in Saint. Yulina and Xia just counted as a bit of strength, because according to Lien’s narrative

It’s not that there are no low-level professionals in the sanctuary. On the contrary, many low-level professionals include ordinary people who have no strength, but many strong people have reached the sanctuary level in the sanctuary, but they just have some self-protection capabilities. The level powers are divided into sanctuary, first sanctuary, middle sanctuary, high sanctuary peak, and finally servant

Among them, there are three levels of servants, first-level servants, second-level servants, third-level servants, of which the third-level servants, the highest third-level servants, is to condense the gods and become gods, so Lina is a lot in the sanctuary. A lot of things

And it’s not even that the Sanctuary is extremely wide. Now the people in Sanctuary have not yet figured out how big this plane is. To the north is an extremely hot desert area. To the south is an extremely cold ice field. To the east is the endless sea. Million kilometers of huge forest

It is said that it takes a full 50 years to fly from the known east to the west of the spacecraft, but Cook understands this as the level of Reen is too low. The information is not equal and it is forgivable. But Cook is worried about the gods in the sanctuary. It’s not like the lower planes can only come down through a trace of spiritual power. It’s said that the gods can descend as a whole, but there was an agreement between the gods not to participate in the battle of the sanctuary plane.

As for the war, Lien knows that the various churches and races are fighting with each other and the number of times is extremely high, and the division of regions is also occupied by the major temples. Of course, it does not mind other regions and other races interacting with each other.

"Cook, you have to improve your strength as soon as possible anyway." Lina is now in charge of garrisoning the plane, so there is not much time to see Cook

"Well, but I'm going to go to the Alchemist Guild to test the magic pattern badge after Nicky comes back next time," Cook said to Lina

Lina looked at Lien's confession in her hand and shook her head and said, "Cook, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Um" Cook was stunned to know that the Mageweave Master in the Sanctuary is under the jurisdiction of the Alchemist Guild. The Alchemist Guild here contains a behemoth with the profession of Apothecary, Mageweave, etc. Even those temples will give this alchemist. Of course the union’s face is not forbidden in the alchemist’s union.

Lina looked at Cook and said, "Cook is admittedly very high in the status of the Mageweave Master, but you have never thought that since the status is very high, it will attract the attention of others and say something unpleasant. How to do"

"Yes." When Cook thought about it, he realized that if he did so, it would be tantamount to holding a superb magic crystal in his hand, which would put himself in danger.

"Cook, you should start with a professional union" Lina sees Cook understands and suggests again

"It looks like I need to exercise." Cook didn't understand what Lina meant was to accumulate strength slowly and low-key

"Oh Tavern Cook, let's have a drink" a voice yelled loudly

The people around all saw the call, and then everyone showed their disdain for a yellow and plump cat that is ten centimeters long. This man is lying on the shoulders of a human being. This human being is a new set of equipment and there is a hand and a half. The tall bow but the equipment is brand new but the quality is not very good. Obviously this is a rookie again

"Well, when I get the Hunter badge, let’s have a big meal." Cook looked at the people around him and he was relieved. Cook planned to come out half a year ago and wait until four months later Niche returns with a generous trophy. After the Spike Fortress, Cook followed the fleet to Cold Spring City, a city of dwarf introduced by Nicky during the second time when Nicky was dispatched again. On the streets of Cold Spring City

And Niqi and others also established the first place to settle in this cold spring city. A shop selling some low-level equipment is also the place where Cook started.

Cook had always thought that the realm of dwarves were all dwarves, but when Cook saw that there were not only majestic orcs, tall giants, short dwarfs, drunken dwarves, a large number of humans and proud elves on the street, there were winged men from time to time. The elf flew over Cook through the air and knew that his thoughts were completely wrong

"Very good, I want to eat at least 10,000 catties of barbecue" Jin Guangyan has not known other shops since he was taken into a tavern by Cook, but he must know the tavern.

Cook came to the Hunter’s Guild according to Tara’s explanation. Tara was the manager of the shop that Cook opened in Cold Spring City. It was a distant relative of Nicky, who was very clever. Of course, Cook did not have Penickey’s fleet to Cold Spring City. Because it was looking for death but gave Tara some money to let Tara do business by himself

Cook originally wanted to find a manor outside of Cold Spring City, but then Cook learned that the city of Sanctuary is very dangerous outside the city. Beasts are rampant. Everyone is stationed in the city. Cold Spring City has an inner city and an outer city. A huge mountain **** is thousands of square kilometers in size. The inner city is where most people live, while the outer city is where food and fruits are grown. This is why the price of food brought by Lien is so expensive. It is located in the outer city. What's more, the army also has some farms similar to towns and Cold Spring City also has a rule that is not allowed to live in the inner city or higher in the sanctuary, and must live in the outer city, while the low-powered civilians are allowed to live in the inner city. This is because this is possible. Avoid population loss

"This little brother, you are here to test the Hunter badge." Cook is looking at the two-story professional guild. All the houses here are spires. Not counting the spires, there are countless metal rods with thick arms. Seven or eight meters long Cook knew that this was the defense system of Cold Spring City

Cook turned his head and saw that there was no one. Then he looked down and finally saw a dwarf, but he looked at the oldest teenagers. Cook nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then you must need an acquaintance, just a Silvertel, I can take you through all the procedures smoothly," the little dwarf said eagerly immediately.

The purchasing power of the currency of the Gnomish Territory of Intel is equivalent to the purchasing power of a gold coin on the standard plane. An intel=100 gintel=100 intel

"No, I have no money" Cook said, shaking his head

"Then I will disturb you." The little dwarf replied very disappointedly, saying that the dwarf has no formal name if it is not an adult. So this dwarf did not introduce himself.

"I don't have Silvertel but I have this" Cook took out a small bag from the backpack behind him

"This is fine salt" The dwarf was immediately surprised when he saw the contents of the small bag

"Yes, is this okay?" There are such people at the gates of various guilds and this is the territory of dwarves, so dwarves have a lot of hidden rights here. A dwarf fights with a person of another race on the street. The guard patrols People of other races must be arrested first and Cook has no identification

The little dwarf nodded quickly and said, "I am honored to serve you."

Cook then whispered: "Then I need an identity certificate and I don't know what I need."

"I can find someone to give you a guarantee, but this needs an Intel at least." The dwarf kid is very excited to know that this kind of person without identification is rare in a century, but as a dwarf, he has the right to guarantee in the dwarf territory. Intel is a huge sum of money

"Okay, I just have the last bit of money." Cook took out a large amount of change and finally got to know it.

"I can guarantee you, please come with me." The dwarf kid took the money and said to Cook. Cook watched the dwarf kid lead the way and followed in with a smile.

This is what Cook learned from Nicky. So even if someone traces Cook, he can only trace things to today. The rest can’t be traced to the hunter. The exam will soon be over. Cook gets a white badge and a bow. There is a bird resting on the bow. This means that the hunter uses bows and arrows and owns pets. The bow is placed sideways on the badge.

If there is nothing else on the erected bow, it is the white badge of the archer. It means that it is below the holy level. It is probably equivalent to the initial stage of the legendary sanctuary. The black badge is called the black iron badge. The middle-level sanctuary is the bronze badge. Silver badge Sanctuary pinnacle is a golden badge God Servant Cook does not know

The professional union covers most of the professional qualifications and certifications and is equivalent to the tasks of the mercenary union, but Cook did not accept the tasks in the professional union

"Cook, let me tell you that the official mission is not only high in rewards, but you can also get points. This kind of points can be redeemed in Cold Spring City for something you can't even think of." The little dwarf walked and jumped because Cook paid just now. Five Gentle is to let the little dwarf lead himself to take the official task

Because the principle of the official mission is to give priority to the residents of the territory, that is to say, the dwarf territory is the dwarf first. Of course, there are policies and countermeasures, so some dwarves can take the task and hand it over to other people to complete this kind of person is called an agent in each This race has many rights

Just like when Cook went to appraise the class level just now, you don’t need to line up because there is a dwarf guarantee. Besides, forming some mercenary groups or receiving missions. The dwarves have priority. But this is not a race. All race territories will do this.

If a human applies to a group such as a mercenary group, it may require a lot of rigorous review and it takes a week or even a few weeks, but a dwarf can do it in a few minutes at most.

Cook took the two missions smoothly. The little man looked at Cook with eyesight and asked, "Cook, do you need to form a mercenary team?"

"I don't need to wait for me to find you after completing the task. I don't know where you live." Cook shook his head because Cook didn't need his teammate Cook to be very strong and the task was just to find a thief in the pumpkin farm. The pumpkin guy. The farm outside the city is named after the crop

The little dwarf man left after telling Cook where he lived, and Jin Guangxuan was already anxious: "Cook can always eat now, you see, I'm all gone."

"Okay" Cook was speechless. This guy kept taking things out of his pocket to eat along the way, and now he's hungry.

Cook and Jin Guangyan went to the pumpkin farm after they finished eating. Cook can now go to the farm and rest for the night or catch the thief immediately. Cook looked at the task. There is no detailed explanation, but the pumpkins of the pumpkin farm have been constantly being used recently. The theft patrol team has not found out who stole it several times. Please find the person in charge of the pumpkin farm.

Cold Spring City is built on the hillside. The inner city is on the upper side. The outer city is on the lower side. The streets are slowly downward. There is no horse-drawn carriage. There are only horses. There is a place to fetch water every 100 meters. It is free. The city also has sewage from the sewers. The cold spring city, which leads directly to the crops outside the city for irrigation, was established because there is a group of springs with dozens of natural springs of different sizes. The spring water is very cold, so it is called the cold spring city.

The area of ​​the inner city is not very large. It is a semicircular area about seven or eight kilometers in diameter. The inner city is only one-tenth the size of the outer city. The gates of the inner city are generally not closed. Cook has seen it when he enters the city. After the inner city, the outer city gate is usually opened during the day and closed at night. The outer city does not pay. The inner city has to charge an entrance fee, but it is just a silver. If there is a mount, you need to pay an additional five silver cleaning fees. Of course the inner city gate In addition, the place to store the mount only needs one silver tar for a day. Forage, and the cleaning of the mount needs to pay another money. If you have a magic pet, you need to pay ten silver tar. Of course, ornamental pets are exceptions, so Golden Light. Looks like an ornamental pet

Cook, who doesn’t need to pay fees when he leaves the city, came to the Pumpkin Farm as directed by the road signs, saying that the farm is actually a smaller town. The town is surrounded by large farmland. Although it is already afternoon, there are still many people busy in the farmland. The pumpkins on the ground are already big and small

Cook looked at the pumpkin that was full of its own height. This pumpkin weighed at least a ton. Cook also knew that the crops were grown in the outer city and the source of meat was obtained from the endless woodland outside the city. The army in the city would continue to clean the outside of the city. Most of the powerful beast mercenaries in the area also choose to be outside the city. After all, the rewards for good luck are very impressive.

In a word, although the human strength of this sanctuary is high, the living environment is extremely bad. Generally speaking, the adventure range of the white badge is only within ten kilometers of Cold Spring City. This is a relatively safe area. There are not many powerful monsters.

"Haha, please, humans, you still want to complete the task like this." When Cook came to the office of the village chief, the person in charge of the pumpkin farm, Cook realized that he wanted to complete this task. There were already several people in the office. One of them was a dwarf. I even laughed at Cook, this dwarf wears a whiteboard badge, but this dwarf is well-equipped and looks very strong.

"Well, everyone here has detailed information. Damn our pumpkins. If this goes on, don’t even think about harvesting pumpkins today." The village chief is a dwarf with a long reputation and longer than a bandage. This is also the time when the dwarf clan introduces himself. The name is long, but the experienced person knows that the two or three of the dwarf’s first name are his own names, and the rest are taken from one of his ancestor’s names. The village chief is called Ace.

The dwarf stopped laughing at Cook very unhappily, and then began to quietly listen to Ace’s introduction. After Ace’s introduction, let everyone go out. As for the place to live in the farm, there are two silver tars per night. If you don’t have money for dinner, you can only sleep in the pumpkin patch for one night.

Cook was very happy to take out two silver trebles, but then Cook knew what a dwarf is. If you want to drink, you need to pay for the drinks. If you want to add meals, continue to pay.

"Humans, I think you should leave early because we will act tonight." After the dwarves came in, they saw that Cook was still eating in the restaurant, so they shouted loudly. Obviously these people are going to see the crime scene.

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