A Unique Hunter

Chapter 864: Start of transaction

Of course, the speed of the magical spacecraft can’t keep up with the speed of Jin Guangjian’s flight. According to Cook’s estimation, this time the flight time will take at least one month. Cook does not want Jin Guangjian to take him there, but according to the previous mountain giant and Jin Guangyan. The conflict between them is afraid that Cook was beaten out by the mountain giant just after he showed up with Jin Guangyan

Also, since it is necessary to carry out trade, it is very important to open up the necessary routes. In the future, these things will not be done by Cook himself. So this time there are a lot of people on the mana spacecraft, Cook and several Frost around Cook. Titan Guard Sina Chamber of Commerce Uncle Gerry's daughter is also Cook's senior sister Murphy Murphy is now not only an eighth-level hunter, but also far more talented in business than Cook, of course, and Murphy's trade team. Giant mother and son

And hundreds of loyal guards. These guards are all cultivated in the Baronian Territory. These guards are all mounts owned by high-ranking knights. They are flying mounts. Cook will learn as much as possible about the mountain giants during this month's voyage. The language of the mountain giant, West Asia, was urgently installed in the Demon Seal and half of the automatic repair puppets obtained from the turrets were given to West Asia by Cook and gave West Asia the right to use it.

In addition to learning the language of the mountain giants, Cook spends more time making the standard magic spacecraft equipped with magic patterns. The flying altitude is not high, only about a thousand meters, and it consumes more magic power.

There is not much danger in the Golden Territory. Occasionally the courageous beasts just ignore the mana spacecraft because the slightly more powerful monsters in the Golden Territory almost know Cook.

In the land of the mountain giants, the mountain giants are working hard to build the building destroyed by the golden light. The golden light was destroyed at the beginning, but the temple in the mountain giant’s territory is a temple dedicated to the mother **** of the earth, so it will be beaten by the mountain giants of course. The mountain giants mother and son don’t know the relationship between Cook and Jin Guangyan

So where did Jin Guangyan go, hehe, he was directly fooled by Cook to work hard for the future Jin Guangyan Kingdom, and he sent a guy that everyone unexpectedly did not expect to assist Jin Guangyan. This is the two-headed ogre Bagru

Baglu has become a superb ogre after years of training by Cooke. Not only is he good at flattering, he also considers himself a gentleman and he knows how to read people.

Just when Cook was on his way to the land of the mountain giants, all the mountain giant tribes did not go out hunting except for the mountain giants who built the temples. Instead, the whole clan drove out all the camels and formed a team to take them. Mother and baskets of ore gems and various magical materials head to the core area of ​​the mountain giant territory

The entire mountain giant’s territory is probably tens of millions of square kilometers. In this tens of millions of square kilometers of lofty mountains, countless mountain giants are dispatched to form a huge team. If you look down from the air, you can see that the target of the mountain giants is the territory. A high mountain and plain area with a radius of hundreds of kilometers in the center

The camels used by the mountain giants are multi-legged horses that are more than three meters high and more than five meters long with six legs. This multi-legged horse has a strong load-bearing capacity and is very docile. There are also multi-legged horses that can adapt to any environment. There are mountain giants. The team reached the mountain plain in the center of the territory. These tribes lived in their respective areas. There are already many houses and buildings on the plain.

Occasionally a small tribe without a house will be assigned an area and start to build its own house. The mountain giants put down the items on the camel beast. There is a huge stone-built site in the middle of the high mountain plain. There are countless mountain giants who have just arrived. The team took their special products to the central area. The central area has become a big market.

All kinds of handmade products, arrow bone spears made of beast teeth, stone utensils and some clothes made of fur, etc. Everything here except no gems and ore, other materials can be said to have everything

"Ula Wula" Cook watched as a group of mountain giants below were shouting loudly and exuding a khaki light. Two of them even flew in the air.

After a month of driving, Cook’s magic spacecraft finally reached the outskirts of the mountain giant’s territory. What Cook didn’t expect was that there would be a mountain giant’s barracks here. I can imagine that this must be a defense against Jin Guangxian.

"Takusan troubles you." After a month of study, Cook finally learned most of the language of the mountain giant. Takusan is the name of the mountain giant woman. Takusan's man died in a hunt and took the child alone.

The mana spaceship descended slowly, and then Takusan got off the mana spaceship. Cook followed closely. When the mountain giant saw a human like Cook who came down from the mana spaceship, he was obviously shocked.

Tuo Sang talked for a while and took out a space bag from himself and took out something from it. The garrison of the mountain giant was surprised.

"Hello, humans. I am Dakun. I am the highest commander of Thorns Fortress. I would like to ask if it is true for you to trade." Dakun's strength is very strong. Obviously he is already at the sanctuary level.

"Yes, Mr. Dakun, you can call me Cook." Cook politely hugs Dakun. A hug is the courtesy of a mountain giant.

"Then I don't know if I can look at the list of goods you need and the list of goods you bring" Da Kun asked dubiously

"Maybe this is my assistant, Miss Sinna, and Miss Murphy, who took out the list." Cook explained that Cook was scared by these two women on the magic spacecraft and hid in his room most of the time. Mageweave equipment standard map

Dakun looked at Xin Na in confusion and said, "I feel a familiar breath from this human lady."

"Hehe Miss Sinna is a pure Frost Titan and my guards are also Frost Titan Sinta" Cook gave orders to Sinta

"It's the Baron Sir" Xinta walked away for a certain distance and then turned into a fighting form. The height was fifty meters, and the mist was covered with white frost. The magic pattern spear in his hand reached sixty meters in an instant.

"Oh noble Titan Mountain Giant welcomes you" Dakun immediately bent over and saluted after seeing Sinta, because the Mountain Giant is also in the line of the Titan, but it is an inconspicuous branch of the Titan, although it is said that the Mountain Giant belongs to the bloodline of the Rock Titan Branches, but for the pure Frost Titan, the mountain giant still respects the Titan from the bone

When Cook saw this scene, he did not need to check the cargo without checking the list. He also sent a team of mountain giants to guard the mountain giants to board the magic spacecraft. He was very surprised when he saw the guards inside the spacecraft. Da Kun is going to faint

There are orcs, dwarves, dwarves, ogres, trolls, and other races in the guards of the spaceship.

Dakun's heart was even more shocked. Dakun looked at Cook Ranran carefully and slowly recalled that Sinta seemed to be called Lord Baron Cook. Is this human being a nobleman?

Dakun asked Sinta carefully: "Your Excellency Sinta is a nobleman."

"Yes" Cinta was told by Cook to speak too little, just answering one sentence and not speaking

Dakun's heart was tumbling. Although the mountain giants lived in this remote place, the power of the nobility was so powerful. Dakun still knew in his heart.

Da Kun asked again: "Then how many people are under the jurisdiction of this nobleman"

Sinta gave Dakun a strange look and then recalled that Cook was the chairman of the Plane Alliance. There seemed to be a lot of people under the jurisdiction of Sinta, shook his head and said, "I don't know that there are too many, almost trillions of dollars."

Dakun affirmed the answer in his heart. A human being in charge of trillions of living beings must be a nobleman. Dakun's views on Cooke immediately improved to several levels.

The speed of the magic spacecraft is extremely fast, and it has crossed tens of thousands of kilometers in less than half a day. When Cook saw that there were at least a million mountain giants gathered, when these mountain giants saw the huge magic spacecraft, they were surprised.

"Lord Cook, please come with me" Dakun said to Cook and led the way.

"Okay, Sina, let's go to Sister Murphy, so I can trouble you to wait here," Cook said with a smile

"Okay" Murphy has already negotiated with Cook and knows the price of the transaction from Tusan. Of course Cook will not treat these mountain giants to Cook for long-term business.

Sina Cinta and Cook followed Dakun away. Murphy looked at Cook’s back and told his team: "Let’s start work, everyone."

Hundreds of guards on the magnum spacecraft have come out. These guards are all equipped with magic patterns and looked at the surrounding mountains. Giants. The mountain giants saw these guards and immediately called out.

"Oh my God I saw some trolls that actually have trolls"

"Idiot, I saw ogres and orcs"

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, see what these people do"

"I seemed to see that old fellow Dakun just now and I don't know what kind of guest it is."

Murphy looked at more and more mountain giants around, and then looked at his subordinates, they were all ready, Murphy said, "Everyone is ready, remember the price."

Murphy draws out a spatial ring and then moves his mental power. A huge pile of supplies appears in front of Murphy. This is a pile of grain packed in sacks.

The mountain giant was so frightened by the sudden emergence that they all evaded as an ogre carrying a bag and then opening the bag. Murphy said loudly: "Who is the best corn in a bag of 150 catties? Those who need to exchange can bring their own items."

"Wait, wait, I'll come first" Tuosang shouted out with a group of people carrying big bags.

Murphy showed a smile. The surrounding mountain giants all looked at Tuo Sang carefully, knowing the process, pour out some mineral gems and some magic materials.

The personnel in charge of the appraisal immediately started to act in a few minutes. The appraisal result came out after a few minutes. The top-grade copper concentrate 1,500 jin, the good-grade iron ore concentrate 2,200 jin, the top-grade mythril ore, three hundred and sixty jin Shiliang-grade rubies and 16 "

The appraiser reported the number and the dwarf who was in charge of the record immediately recorded it. The dwarf who was counting on the side immediately calculated it based on currency.

The person in charge of the transaction immediately asked: "What do you need?"

"We need 50,000 catties of grain, and 30 mining tools, and the rest, armor and weapons, and some healing potions," Tuosang said immediately.

"Okay, the total value of your goods can be exchanged for 50,000 catties of grain, 30 mining tools, and finally 20 sets of equipment, 15 powerful healing potions and 10 powerful antidote potions, please confirm the transaction.” The trader wrote down Then asked

"Can you change more food and only five antidote?" The patriarch of the Tuosang tribe asked tremblingly.

"Five detoxification potions can be exchanged for an extra 20,000 catties of grain to confirm the transaction" The trader revised and asked

"I'm sure," the patriarch of Tuosang's tribe said immediately

"Well, you sign and take it there to pick up the goods." The person in charge of the transaction asked the patriarch of the clan where Tuosang was to press a handprint and then gave one of the transaction receipts to the patriarch of the clan where Tuosang was.

Tuosang immediately took his patriarch and hurried to the other side. The person in charge of the shipment looked at the list and said, "A bag of 150 catties and 70,000 catties is 466 bags, and I will give you 467 bags. "

The patriarch of the Tuosang clan shivered with excitement looking at the 467 bags of food. The more than 20 mountain giants who followed hurriedly carried the mountain giants. One person carried five bags. It was not easy to put more than 20 people and ran several times. And the armor. Finally Murphy smiled and took out the magic potion and said: "This is the last potion you need so that the potion is not easy to be damaged, so we will give you a space bag and hope you will continue to trade in the future."

Murphy smiled in his heart. You need to know that the value of the trade now is two-thirds different from the value of the mountain giants. And the big deal is not food but 20 sets of equipment. Of course this is ordinary magic equipment, but it is a reward. The ore is tens of thousands of catties, mostly precious ore

The surrounding mountain giants saw that Tuosang’s tribe had traded hill-like food and equipment, especially the last magic potion. Two clever men immediately took down the decorative gems and grabbed the identification. In front of

"One piece of demon silver necklace with the best fire type magic crystal" The appraiser directly appraised it. As for a few small gems on the necklace, the appraiser said loudly as if he hadn't seen it.

Murphy almost fell to the ground when he heard the appraiser’s almost trembling voice. You should know that the appraiser had been ordered long ago. All the materials were degraded in quality. When you talk about a necklace, you only give the materials and don’t look at the necklace itself.

"What do you need to trade?" the person in charge of billing asked with a smile

"I want food" shouted the mountain giant who took out the necklace

"Hehe, do you want some sugar, which is very good for children" the trader asked while recording

"You don't need our mountain giant's children as long as they eat enough," the mountain giant man said hurriedly

"Then you can trade 1.5 million catties of grain according to the estimated price of your necklace, are you sure" the trader asked

"Five and one hundred thousand catties" mountain giant's eyes widened

"This way you can calculate how much food you need, and the rest can be exchanged for some equipment and potions. Of course we still have spices." The recorder asked

"I just need 800,000 catties of food. There are 300 people in our tribe. You look at the rest." The mountain giant is anxious because there is not much food.

"Then take the good list." The person who opened the list simply wrote a list and handed it to the mountain giant

"Do you need 800,000 catties of grain for you to send to the station?" The person in charge of distributing grain asked with a headache

"Well, please come with me" the mountain giant said excitedly

One cubic millet is only fifteen hundred kilograms, about eight hundred thousand kilograms, and you need hundreds of cubic meters of large space ring. Moreover, this place can’t be manipulated. The mountain giant carries two bags of sugar and a space bag contains some medicine space bags. Free of charge

When the current traders put 800,000 catties of grain in this mountain giant tribe with only 300 people, everyone was stunned and almost occupied most of the camp. The trader also reminded: "Be careful not to get wet. And if you come back next time, you can directly use the space bag to bring things to the space bag. After the space bag is damaged, we will exchange it for everyone for free."

"Heaven, heaven, a lot of food and what is this white flower?" The trader listened to the screams from the tribe behind

"Almost one hundred and fifty people drove the camel beast to quickly transport food and go back. Some people will stay behind and the rest will bring the ore. Let's continue trading. We have developed this time. I didn't expect that the transaction price of human beings was so high." Immediately jumped and ordered loudly

"Have you heard in line"

"Assholes, don't worry" The whole transaction scene is chaotic, and countless people want to rush ahead

"Be quiet, everyone. Our goods are very sufficient. I have a number plate here. Each tribe has a number and that number should be on that tribe." The two Frost Titans immediately shouted when they saw this.

The mountain giants all opened their mouths and stared blankly at the Frost Titan's number card that finally woke up and quickly

At this moment, there was a dull noise in the sky. Everyone looked up and found that three spaceships similar to the magic spaceship fell from the shaky sky and finally came into close contact with the ground.

"Shit this shit-like route next time I will never come to this shit-like route again." After the spacecraft swayed and stopped, a dwarf rushed out and started to vomit.

Then a group of dwarfs appeared and they all vomited. After more than ten minutes, when the dwarves woke up, they found that there were some weird surroundings. They did not receive the warmest welcome. You should know that this was a very warm welcome before.

"Asshole asshole, I want to let these impolite barbarians know that we are great, double the price of all goods, **** asshole" a dwarf roared

"Your Captain, I think our voyage has to be postponed. The strong gravity damaged the spacecraft while looking through the hollow mountain. I need some time." Just when the dwarf got off the ship, another dwarf said with a smile.

"Oh my God, **** it, double the price of the goods. Translation? Let's translate this shit-like place quickly," the leading dwarf shouted loudly.

These dwarfs did not see the scene where mountain giants swarmed a few kilometers away from them. The dwarfs put out the goods one by one, but these dwarfs looked at the empty place and couldn't help but wonder. The leading dwarf shook his head and said: " Did these shit-like natives forget the date of the transaction? Damn it, dare to waste my time in Lien and double the price of goods. Go and find me those **** shit-like natives"

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