A Unique Hunter

Chapter 862: Plan failed

Cook was taken aback by the sudden sound. Cook was surprised to find that a little baby was crying and crying on the fur-covered bed. Cook looked at the baby dumbfoundingly and then Cook looked at his own. The captive is actually a mountain giant girl Cook who is depressed

Cook picked up the crying baby and didn't know what happened to the baby, but Cook estimated that he was hungry, so Cook put the baby directly in the natural space and let Windsor take care of one or two in the natural space. More than a dozen flower elves lived in it. Cook took the live mouth he grabbed and sent it into the laboratory of the natural ring space. Then Cook was about to retreat.

"Eh, it's copper concentrate" When Cook was about to walk out of the house, he found that the corner of the house was actually filled with copper concentrate.

Cook took a cursory look at at least two hundred catties, but this is an excellent material for making equipment. Cook unceremoniously searched it. Then Cook found that some gems are not many but the quality of the gems is high.

Cook is now puzzled. Did these mountain giants also mine all that Cook thought and left the house according to the action plan. Cook originally wanted to evacuate, but Cook who found the material decided to temporarily change the action plan. Cook took it first A bottle of potion and then touched the door of another mountain giant is not more than 20 meters away.

Cook took out a bottle of powerful paralysis potion and then another bottle of very volatile solution. After the two potions were mixed, Cook gently poured into a small sprayer and pressed it manually for a few times to put the nozzle into the door. Inside the abundance gap

After ten minutes, Cook got out of this room with excitement because there were not only copper concentrates but also a few magic metal ore gems. Cook found that it seemed to have something to do with the number of the family.

You must know that what Cook lacks most now is magic metal. Although Cook has a lot of materials in his hands, it is impossible to set up a meteor cannon studio Cook, it is impossible to take out the good things in his hands and Cook seems to have many things in his hands. But the more places he used, the more Cook continued to act. It took more than an hour to spend two bottles of super-quality powerful paralysis potions. The harvest is also a huge income. At least thousands of tons of ore and some gems are of high quality. You can say Cook This more than one hour harvested good materials worth more than one hundred thousand magic crystal coins

Before Cook left, he sprayed a bottle of antidote small sprayer around the tribe. In fact, even if the antidote is not used, the effect of the powerful paralysis potion is only one day. Of course, there must be damage to the child, but even if it does. The antidote will be for a while. These mountain giants have no attack power.

Cook still evacuated from the cliff, but Cook did not retreat but continued to advance to the interior of the mountain giant's territory. Cook's goal was the ore gems.

It was another hour that Cook successfully ransacked a mountain giant's village. This time Cook used a wide range of powerful sleeping potions and then swaggered to open every house. The harvest made Cook's eyebrows and smiles more rewarding. The more ore seems

A few hours later, Cook had already ransacked more than a dozen villages, and when Cook was about to give up, there was a loud roar and countless fierce explosions.

When the sound just rang, Cook immediately hid in the natural ring space and then let KaKa hide quickly. After Cook entered the natural ring space, he immediately jumped onto a house and hid in two rocks. Inside the gap of the roof and then motionless

"Asshole asshole, I know this **** is going to screw things up" Cook cursed badly in the natural ring space. The roar just now wasn't Jin Guangyan, who was there and what other explosions soaring into the sky The yellow light is enough to let Cook know the golden light Ya must be chased by mountain giants

"Cook, you, you, you even have children" Windsor asked frustratedly when he saw Cook come in

"It's not my child" Cook shook his head and replied, Cook found that the baby of the mountain giant didn't cry anymore and looked at himself and giggled.

"Huh, who knows if what you said is true or false, the child will give it back to you" Windsor left a sentence and flew away. The flower spirit built a village in Cook's natural ring space, which is actually just a few small wooden houses.

From time to time, Cook can see the busy figure of the flower elves, collecting magic herbs, harvesting magic fruits, collecting nectar, etc. Cook picked up the mountain giant baby and then came to the laboratory. The laboratory is the only building in the natural ring.

Cook unlocked the magic seal imposed on the mountain giant, of course, it must be bound because the mountain giant’s power is quite high. The mountain giant’s woman is taller than Cook, but needless to say, it’s almost in Cook’s view. It can be described as magnificent. As for the chest, it is about the size of Cook’s head. Of course Cook can understand. After all, people are nursing children.

In fact, if you look at the appearance of mountain giant males with more developed pectoral muscles, some mountain giant women wake up and look at the strange environment when you see the baby in Cook's arms, and immediately screamed and used to tie up The chain is also struggling

When the mountain giant woman screamed, Cook was immediately shocked because Cook found that he could not understand what the mountain giant was saying. Cook burst into tears and then Cook tied the mountain giant's woman. When the chain is untied, I don’t know that this mountain giant woman immediately attacked Cook madly, and was knocked down by Cook.

At the moment when the mountain giant was astonished, Cook returned the baby to the woman, then opened the door of the basement, dropped a pile of food, and left.

"Hey" Cook found himself in an unfamiliar space after he reappeared. Kaka's IQ is not low. I know to find a safe place.

Cook never thought that there was such a big loophole in his plan. He didn't understand the language of the mountain giant. Cook's depressedness can be imagined, but when Cook saw clearly where he was, Cook was shocked.

A huge cave. This is not the main thing. The main thing is that there are countless ore piles in the cave. The cave is 20 meters wide and long. There is no way to see clearly. The ore in front of you is tens of thousands of tons.

"Kaka, where did you take me" Cook asked in shock

Kaka jumped to Cook's ears, and then there was a moment of communication. Cook muttered to himself after listening, "Jin Guangyan, you are really strong."

From KaKa’s mouth, I learned that Jin Guangyan was chased by a large group of people. Kaka was moving in the opposite direction. Of course, Cook knew that the direction in which Jin Guangyan was chased was the direction to go outside, and Kaka’s so-called safe reverse estimate. It is the center of the mountain giant territory. Of course, Cook would also like to thank Kaka, otherwise Cook would not find such a huge ore warehouse.

Cook communicated with Kaka for a while and then went to the depths of the cave. The more Cook went, the more shocked his heart was. Iron, fine copper, fine ore, wind, copper, stars, iron, mithril, fine gold, and cinnabar. It can be said that there is a collection of everything that Cook can find. The amount of ore alone has exceeded millions of tons

And it's not over yet. When Cook walked to the end of the cave, a space of hundreds of acres was filled with gems, malachite, rubies, emeralds, and various gems and natural condensed magic metals. There are also various crystal cooks who looked at this huge ore warehouse in a daze.

To be honest, Cook really wants to ransack this place directly, but Cook can’t do that. Cook guessed that there is a reason why these ore gems are piled up here. They must be prepared for trading. It can be said that this is the hard work of the mountain giant. This is also a few that Cook looted. The mountain giant tribe found that the living standards of these mountain giants are simply poor

Of course, the deeper meaning is that Cook can directly looted the ores here. Maybe Cook can have more assets in an instant, but don’t forget that Cook’s wealth is amazing, so Cook plans to go with the mountain giants. Long-term trading, although it seems that Cook’s idea is ridiculous. If you don’t take free things, you want to trade more.

This is a question of vision. It can be said that if Cook takes these things, he will definitely gain a lot, but there are no impervious walls in the world and there is a big mouth like Jin Guangzhen. Then Cook will definitely be hated by these mountain giants in the future, and the mountain giants. The target of the transaction may also be dissatisfied with Cook

Justified transactions are different. This kind of transaction can last hundreds of times and thousands of times, so which kind of harvest is more. Moreover, having such a source of materials will be extremely beneficial to Cook's future industrial planning.

"Forget it, click away." Cook went into the natural ring space again. Cook did not go to see the mountain giant mother and child, but pondered how to trade with the mountain giant. What the mountain giant needs is and once the trade is signed, transportation, etc. Problems need to be solved

While thinking about it, Cook wrote what he thought on a scroll and then sorted out what was written. Two hours later, a complete trade plan appeared in Cook’s hands.

"Now we have to wait for the object of the transaction with the mountain giant to appear." Cook did not rush to find the mountain giant but waited for an opportunity. However, Cook estimated that the target of the transaction will soon be here because the warehouse where the ore is stacked is full. Explain what means the transaction time is approaching

What Cook has to do now is to prepare a large amount of supplies. Of course, the premise is to know from the mouth of this mountain giant woman what these mountain giants need to trade.

When Cook saw Jin Guangyan again hundreds of kilometers away from the mountain giant's territory, Jin Guangyan's fur was as black as a mangy dog, and the hair on his tail also dropped a circle. It was obvious that Jin Guangyan was beaten. Not light

"Cook gave me the invisibility potion. Those bastards, **** bastards, dare to chase me down." Jin Guangyan rushed towards Cook angrily and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk about anything after eating." Cook took out a bottle of fruit wine with life essence and stuffed it with Jin Guangyan

Jin Guangyan was not so anxious when he heard that he was eating the wine that Cook gave. The guy drank the wine in one sip. Jin Guangyan still said bitterly: "The **** dares to hurt my beautiful skin shop."

Jin Guangyan looked at the fur on his body and was very angry. However, after drinking the wine, Jin Guangyan was shocked to find that his fur had fallen off quickly and then grew again in less than a minute. Jin Guangyan found the fur on his body. Brighter than before

"How did you do it, Cook?" Jin Guangyan jumped a few laps and kept looking carefully at the fur on his body and finally confirmed that this thing was really true and immediately asked excitedly.

"The secret is to eat your food first" Cook stuffed a large piece of roasted meat to Jin Guangyan

When Jin Guangyan has something to eat, he no longer asks what kind of wine Cook gave him a while ago, and then Jin Guangyan talks about his experience while eating.

Jin Guangyan wanted to capture a lot of people and contribute to the realization of his great kingship. Of course, Jin Guangyan had no idea about the low-powered mountain giants, so this servant drank the invisibility potion on his own and rushed directly to the depths of the mountain giant territory. What's the luck for Chu Jin Guangyan?

Fortunately, the daytime harassment made the senior leaders of the mountain giants discuss together how to deal with Jin Guangxian. Of course, I also studied the transaction. Jin Guangxian was excited. Isn't this a good time to sap Jin Guangxian also knows himself, so this man? I’m ready to do all the destructions and wait for these mountain giants to disperse.

But there is a mountain giant who is so immortal that Jin Guangzhen is not worth a penny, cunning, shameless thief, robber and so on. For all the worst words, Jin Guangzhen Jin Guangzhen immediately gave a vicious and vicious lesson to this mountain giant. But then I was besieged by countless mountain giants. If it weren’t for the fast speed and Jin Guangxian was not without parents, Jin Guangxian was beaten by the fat.

"So you know the language of mountain giants" Cook asked with bright eyes after listening

"Why don't you understand?" Jin Guangyan asked, tilting his head

Cook pondered for a moment. Cook originally planned to let Jin Guangyan cooperate with him to interrogate the mother and son of the mountain giant. But when I look back, I think that Jin Guangzhen is a two-struck son who was just beaten by the mountain giants. There is no better way to attack, so Cook smiled and said: "Then you teach me the language of mountain giants"

"This is fine, but I need more invisibility potions" Jin Guangyan replied with a grin.

"It's OK but it takes time to refine the pharmaceutical agent" Cook nodded and agreed

"Well, but I still have to eat barbecue and hot pot when I teach you," Jin Guangyan said with a sharp glance.

Cook rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You didn't follow my food that day, let's go back first."

"Why don't you go back to trouble those guys?" Jin Guangyan asked with his ears erected and his eyes widened.

"Go back and prepare the medicine" Cook replied casually

"Hoho, you **** bastards, I will be back." Cook sat on Jin Guangyan's neck and tightly grasped the long hair on Jin Guangyan's back, listening to Jin Guangyan's voice and the huge ruins that turned into a pile of ruins. There are hundreds of stone buildings and hundreds of mountain giants that are chasing in the sky. Cook is nervous

It turned out that Jin Guangyan flew directly up high before leaving, and then after entering the core area of ​​the mountain giant, he was bombarded and destroyed. Then he ran away and kept clamoring, and even Cook was nervous.

PS: Thank you readers who have always supported Ryan. Because it is a part-time codeword, the time is limited and only reads it for a long time. Book review area Ryan always puts the updated chapter page in his favorites, so most of the time he never reads the book. Seeing that there are more than 200 fans, Ryan is very happy that this book did not work well. Someone suggested Ryan the **** to open a new book, but Ryan insisted on it. I want to thank the two hundred fans that you gave Ryan. Motive sincerely say to everyone: Thank you

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