A Unique Hunter

Chapter 841: Dragon Fight

Cook looked at the Lich who came out again with wonder, but the difference was that this time the Lich was holding something that resembled a crystal ball, and the people like Kelong looked at the Lich in confusion.

"Lizards, I order you to tear up this bastard." The Lich raised the crystal ball abnormally and ordered loudly.

Watching the movements of the Lich, Cook couldn't help asking: "Is this guy insane?"

Kalong also shook his head, thinking that the lich must be ill, but the thing that resembled a crystal ball in the hand of the lich actually released a faint light, and the eyes of the inferior dragon gradually lost their brilliance.

"Tear me this bastard, bastard." The Lich looked at the green dragon and roared loudly.

Puff puff puff, the green dragons spit out a strong acid at Cook. The whole temple was like a strong acid rain. The vines that Cook just released from the vine technique were drenched by countless acid. It directly becomes part of the acid.

Boom boom boom, after the green dragons breathed out the dragon's breath, they rushed towards Cook.

"Karon...Boom." Cook was puzzled. He had just gone to Rakaron, but he knew that Karon had directly punched Cook. Cook had no defense at all, and he was knocked out.

"Quack, quack, **** bastard, you know it's great now." The Lich quack laughed strangely.

Cook stood up immediately, but Karon's speed was even faster. Cook suffered his own crimes. He had been drenched in his clothes for eighteen years and fought against him. Moreover, it was his auxiliary medicine for Karon. Cook shouted loudly. : "Big mouth, attack me."

"How do I attack." The big mouth flew over Cook's head in an angry voice.

Cook squinted and found that the Lich was actually being guarded by several green dragons, and the Lich was devouring the soul of a green dragon, but the green dragon seemed to have no reaction, so he let the Lich devour his soul.

Boom, boom, boom, every time Cook fought with Kalong, he felt a huge counter shock and couldn't help but become anxious.

"Damn it, Karon, what's going on?" Cook cursed loudly. Cook has a chance to kill Karon, but now it is obvious that Karon has some problems.

"Quack, quack, bastard, our demons are the supreme existence." The Lich quack laughed, and in front of the Lich, there were already two corpses of green dragons. What makes the scalp numb is these green dragons. The expression after death seemed to be extremely happy. As for the three-headed golden dragon, he was still in a coma. It was even exposed to strong acid just now, so it looked like he was dead.

The green dragons also surrounded him, and started to attack Cook one after another. Cook knew that it must be the ghost of the lich. Cook was also beaten up. First of all, he gave himself a few auxiliary auras, but just this gap, Cook Was hit several times.

"Frenzy." Cook froze directly. If he didn't show his true strength at this time, he was looking for death.

"Second madness." After the second madness, Cook's figure swelled to a full ten meters high, and his equipment also increased.

Puff puff, it was an acid rain, but this time it was directly against Cook, and Cook was instantly enveloped in acid.

"Quack, there is still madness, but this is the power of dozens of giant dragons." The Lich said with a strange smile.

"Really." Cook felt the power in his body and said disdainfully.

Cook is not a weak, but a strong, but Cook believes that it can be solved with a finger and never use a fist, but this does not mean that Cook does not have that strength.

"Keng." With a sound, Cook's officer's magic pattern equipment was directly hit by the claws of a giant dragon, sparks splashed everywhere.

Boom, but then Cook directly pulled the green dragon by his neck and bumped it against the wall not far away, making a dull sound, and then the green dragon slowly fell to the ground.

Boom, but Cook was directly hit by Karon because of this, and Cook also hit the wall with a boom.

"Thorn Art." Cook directly smashed a flask out, and the green seeds in it instantly grew. These seeds were cultivated by Windsor in the natural ring, and they were very tough.

The entire hall was instantly filled with countless thorns and vines, showing how strong Cook's magic power is now.

"Don't think it's a great dragon." A huge hammer appeared in Cook's hand. There was a field of more than ten meters, and the huge hammer head flashed with magic patterns.

Boom, Kalong rushed to Cook frantically again, but this time he was directly knocked out with a huge hammer, and then Cook was like a car rushing into the sidewalk, and the green dragon itself was caught by the library. Ke's thorn art was slightly trapped, the green dragon was knocked out by Cook wielding a huge magic weapon, and most of them fell softly to the ground.

The Lich looked at Cook who was so square and stunned. When did this human being so powerful.

"Come on, come on." Cook's fight started, and the other hand drew out a magic pattern weapon again. The two hammers danced like a windmill. The greens that were blown away once and rushed crazy. Long, he couldn't take care of himself when he was hit by Cook with a hammer.

Cook also discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, these green dragons look desperate.

"Lich, now it's your turn." Cook shouted loudly, and then rushed directly to the lich.

"Huh, useless things." The Lich watched Cook rush over, and then looked at the few green dragon guards he had left behind. They all turned into a corpse, of course the soul was swallowed by the Lich. So, the Lich decided to flash people.

Just when the Lich wanted to flash people, he suddenly realized that he couldn't move, and then a flame rushed towards him.

"Ah, soul storm." As soon as the flame rushed towards the lich, the lich howled as if it had been pierced by countless needles, and then the whole body was like a bursting ice ball, and countless white things were sprayed out. .

The flame from the big mouth was directly extinguished by the powerful force, but the body of the Lich seemed to be much more transparent. Cook was even more dizzy by the attack of the huge soul storm, and the inside of the hall was beaten by Cook. More than half of the green dragons who could not take care of themselves vomited blood, and several suffered serious injuries, and their heads burst open.

Seeing the big mouth opened again, the lich yelled frantically, "Die together."

Then the Lich rushed to Cook, rushed directly into Cook's body, and rushed straight to his soul. Cook is still in the aftermath of the soul storm attack, and has no ability to resist, and his big mouth is even more angry.

The lich was furious and wanted to devour the soul of this hateful guy, but when the lich rushed into Cook’s soul space, he immediately had a bad premonition. Cook’s soul was empty and there was no shadow of the soul at all. .

"Barry, you're good, I didn't expect this guy to really jump in." Cook's soul emerged from behind the source of magic.

"Of course." Barry also appeared. As soon as Barry appeared, the Lich actually felt an impulse to worship.

"Bongfish, I will show you how good I am." The lich can be said to have been miserable by Cook. Not only was it splashed with holy water, but also by a Nether-type monster. God, what about the main plane? There will be such a thing, which is unreasonable.

The lich became extremely huge in an instant. It seemed to Cook that it was almost sky high. The battle of the soul is like this. Cook curled his lips, while Barry sighed: "There are so many fools here and there. Stupid, but I have never seen anyone stupid than this.\"

"How do you say this?" Cook asked suspiciously.

Barry curled his lips and said, "If he is so arrogant in other places, doesn't this guy know that he should be humble in other places."

"Hehe, this guy is very powerful." Cook had no way to deal with the Lich.

"Only this food, but it's cheaper to cook you today." Barry even more disdain.

The Lich looked at Cook’s soul and laughed, and said with a quack, "Boy, your body will be under my command in the future."

Cook stepped back leisurely, and then said: "Your opponent is not me, it is him."

The Lich is so tall now, looking at Barry's appearance, and said disdainfully: "An elemental creature dares to fight me, not afraid that I will directly explode his soul core with a soul storm."

When Barry heard the Lich say this, the anger in his heart, you must know that Barry was born of a sacred fire, what is a sacred fire, it can only be ignited when it condenses the godhead, and the soul must be sintered with the core of magic or fighting Qi. The minimum is to make the soul liquefy, and the lich is a pure soul body, but the soul source is hidden in the phylactery. This is why the lich is called an undead creature. As long as the soul source is immortal, slowly absorbed, it will eventually recover again. Day.

Barry didn’t care about the other things at all, and rushed directly to the body of the Lich. When the Lich saw this scene, he laughed loudly: "You little thing, you actually want to play with me and don’t look at this Lich. How powerful is the soul."

Cook opened his mouth wide on one side~www.novelmtl.com~ because just after Barry rushed into the body of the lich, the body of the lich was like ice and snow melted a hole, although compared to the body of the current lich, it was still There are some gaps, but this hole is actually expanding.

Seeing Cook's appearance, the Lich immediately realized something was wrong, and then the Lich looked down and said, "Ah..."

"Barry, you bastard, save me some, save some." At this moment, the voice of the big mouth came in.

"Cook, Cook, hurry up and sign a contract with me, hurry up, don't let Barry eat alone." Big Mouth then said to Cook eagerly.

"Equality contract." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Whatever contract, hurry up, this lich can make my bloodline further." Big Mouth explained eagerly.

When Cook successfully signed an equality contract with Big Mouth, Big Mouth rushed directly into Cook's source of magic power and shouted: "Barry, let go of the lich."

ps: I have a cold, update the guarantee.

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