A Unique Hunter

Chapter 835: fort

When Cook saw this, he immediately said: "Everyone, everybody, I have a suggestion. These three sets of magic weave equipment are only for three people, but these three people will not be able to distribute the loot in the future. I think this is for our team strength. It must be beneficial. As for compensation, you need to talk about it yourself."

A dozen people with dozens of people's eyes focused, these dozens are all warriors, knights, and thieves

"Okay, go, let's discuss it." These dozen people didn't want to let each other, and one after another walked under the puppet's chest

"I don't think you should fight anymore, you will be caught, and whoever is caught, take out the equipment on your body to compensate other people, and we can continue to talk about compensation," someone suggested.

However, some people said: "I don't think this equipment can be given to one person, otherwise what should I do if this guy runs away"

"I think you have one piece for each person. If you didn't allocate the materials you just got, you will give it to the person who didn't get it. Of course, after the equipment is bound in the equipment, you can lend it to someone to wear it." Cook heard Someone just said to run, he immediately became alert and said quickly

"I think it's OK" Cook's proposal is accepted by everyone. After all, the magic pattern equipment can be locked in the soul. This also eliminates the need to go directly to the sanctuary when the equipment is obtained, and someone immediately agrees.

Cook just suggested it. The allocation process is very simple. Lots are drawn, and the three sets of military magic pattern equipment are divided up immediately. The weapons that are allocated laughed, and the faces that were not allocated were a bit embarrassed, but these people don't need to worry, because The person assigned to the equipment this time will not have the opportunity to allocate the equipment next time

The biggest beneficiary this time is Cook. Cook has used equipment in this small group to gain absolute right to speak.Although these old guys are not stupid in their hearts, no one can resist the temptation of magicweave equipment. , The current magic pattern equipment in the eyes of these old guys is like the candy in the eyes of children, and it is still the best white rabbit toffee, so if you want to eat white rabbit toffee, you have to listen to Cook

Cook asked dozens of people to accumulate mana for the mana puppets. They didn't give up until they reached the low level of 30%. The process of accumulation is extremely simple. Dozens of people use magic directly, and the vindictiveness is bombarded towards the hardest armored part. Up

"Boom, boom, boom" Cook controlled the huge magic puppet and walked behind his teammates. The other dozens of people were reluctant to ride the magic puppet, because for these people, it is safer to have a wider view outside.

Cook and others have now discovered that the location of this underground space may not be on the original plane, but may be on other planes, because this underground space is too large, wide enough to be thousands of meters wide, and high enough to be hundreds of meters high. , You can see traces of artificial buildings everywhere

Cook and the others searched cautiously, but Cook knew that there was nothing left in this area, and they were all searched by the seventh-level Mageweave Master. Now it is cheaper to use Natural Ring.

"Cook, there is a passage" shouted a person outside

"Everyone is on alert, I'll take the lead, defensive formation" Cook said loudly

Dozens of people immediately followed the magic puppet controlled by Cook, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and Cook looked at the huge passage in front. According to the memory fragment, this passage is a defensive node.

The so-called defensive node is the passage between the various spaces in the underground space. This place is the most intense place in the battle between gods and demons.

Boom, boom, boom, there is only the sound of the puppet's feet landing in the entire passage. Cook now feels that this thing is not so convenient. Inside the puppet, Cook's magic eyes can't play a role.

After the "Woo" sound, the puppet's chin area opened one piece of armor, and Cook was sitting inside

"Be careful, everyone," Cook shouted loudly, with a hint of green light in his eyes, but what made Cook assured is that there is no element fluctuation around, obviously the elements here have also been drained.

There was only one thought in Cook's heart: "Cruel, too cruel"

All of this is the consequence of the seal. It's like you are awesome, you are hiding in the underground fortifications, I can't help you, then I will seal the hole, it doesn't count, I drain the air inside, of course This analogy has some inequities, but for professionals, without the addition of elements, it cannot exist for too long.

There was no movement at this defensive node. It seems that there were also many people living here before. There are stones scattered everywhere, and there are rotten bones, golden, silver, and crystal-colored bones everywhere.

"Mageweave Equipment" was the first to find magicweave equipment and roared loudly

"Everyone search carefully, be careful, the trophies are finally counted" Cook said loudly, in fact, without Cook said, dozens of people around have rushed out, and the entire space was full of surprises for a while. Cook whizzed. He quickly climbed up to the upper part of the support column.At this time, Cook took a sigh of relief and looked at the turret that was constantly rotating on the other support column, but he couldn't aim.

Sata is one of the lucky ones, the first to find magic pattern equipment in this space, the owner of the equipment is a golden skeleton, this is a broken sword, although it has been broken, there is no doubt This thing is magicweave equipment, but Sata is disappointed that the armor on the owner's body has been broken into pieces, and the bones are incomplete.

Sata's eyes are constantly looking around, and Sata's eyes are placed next to the bones. Due to the long period of decay, there has been a thick layer of ash and gravel.

Of course, Sata is also very careful. You must know that the predecessors of these golden bones must be extremely powerful characters.Such people have fallen. What's more, Sata's demon is a rock lizard, and his body is also equipped with magic armor. A pair of small eyes looked around vigilantly, guarding the owner at all times

"Boom!" A dazzling light flashed from the corner of Sata's eyes, and Sata subconsciously flashed, just where Sata was standing, there was a crashing sound, dust, and rubble flying everywhere.

Boom, boom, boom

A dazzling light continuously shot at these dozens of people, one of them was hit by a beam of light, and then the whole person flew out, and then this person immediately sprayed a mouthful of blood, and the magic pattern equipment on his body actually began to shatter.

"Be careful, everyone, this thing is no less powerful than the Meteorite Cannon." This person was frightened immediately. This Nima attack was too abnormal.

Boom, a green ape was directly headshot by a beam of light. This green ape is also a ninth-level beast, but he did not expect to die in one blow.

"Back, back," Cook shouted loudly

The group quickly retreated to the defensive node, and a magical defensive cover appeared on the magic puppet that Cook controlled, and then the entire puppet rushed past like a wind

Boom, boom, boom

But at a distance of 100 meters, Cook was attacked seven or eight times, and the defensive cover was destroyed in an instant. Cook was shocked and cursed secretly in his heart, and then the huge magic puppet stopped abruptly. This inertial pressure has little effect on Cook. If it is an ordinary person, at least the internal organs will be crushed.

"Back" Cook rolled and jumped on the spot, and the puppet returned to the defensive node

The group of people walked back behind the defensive node in embarrassment, and everyone was relieved that the strange attack did not follow.

"I think this is definitely not a puppet, otherwise he would have followed me long ago" Sata said

Cook did not speak, but looked at a huge hole in the shoulder of the giant puppet.It was thick with a wrist and a depth of half a meter.You know, this is an extremely hard composite metal, and there is a monster that absorbs attacks on it. Pattern, and magic shield

"How about the loss" Cook asked

"Two monsters died, one was seriously injured, and two people were injured, but there was no life threat, but the equipment was damaged" someone immediately replied

"You are waiting here, I'll go and see first" Cook stood up, no one knows what the situation is in front of him, but when it comes to physical defenses and actions, Cook can be said to be the strongest

"President, I'll go with you" Sata stood up and said

"No, I have no problem, please don't forget, I am a Mageweave Master" Cook answered with a smile

Cook came out of the defensive node alone, and then carefully looked around with his magic eyes. Cook was puzzled.If this kind of attack is in this channel, I am afraid that the power will be higher, but why is this attack in the front?

"KaKa" Cook greeted, KaKa jumped out, and then Cook dragged a magic crystal with a seven-to-eight-meter wire to let KaKa drag.

Ka Ka is extremely fast. Ka Ka is instructed by Cook. Not only is he running fast, but he also constantly twists and jumps. There is no trace to follow.

"Boom" an attack fell directly behind Ka Ka, rubble, dust flying around

"Come back" Cook shouted loudly, Cook had already seen the attack clearly

Cook looked up at the huge support column. The attack came from above. Cook looked at the seat 100 meters from the top of the support column. There were things like magic crystal cannons. These things can still move constantly.

When he found the attack point, Cook took out the scrolls and drew them one by one.When Cook's line of sight fell on the farthest top position, Cook was also stunned.

A huge sculpture can be vaguely seen above the top, like a human face, but because the distance is a bit far, and there is a support pillar, Cook did not see it very clearly

"This defense is against the sky." Everyone looked at the information that Cook brought back, and looked at the Kaka on Cook's shoulder enviously. In such an environment, this spider is more useful than the larger monsters around him.

"Everyone, be careful, this top area, I guess it is definitely not that simple, these magic crystal cannons are still detected by magic lines, so just stand in the blind area of ​​these magic lines..." Cook explained one by one.

However, someone immediately interrupted Cook's words: "President, I think we are still bothering you. If we keep up, we may make trouble."

It was Sata who was talking, and the people around also nodded. You must know that the attack just now was too frightening, and the magic pattern equipment could not hold it. Of course, this had something to do with these people being raided. Inside, so the defensive power is definitely reduced

Cook was taken aback, looking at everyone around him looking at him expectantly, so he replied: "Okay"

Cook was a little unhappy on the surface, but he was so happy in his heart. Going alone, so what is the gain? You know that Cook is very interested in the magic crystal cannon that can attack just now.

Watching Cook run towards a support column like a gust of wind, behind him, a beam of light constantly hits behind Cook, Cook's jumping from time to time, the left and right zigzags continue to move forward, and his eyes are fixed. Above the support column

It can be said that on the ground, there are no dead corners for these attacks. The distance between the support columns is the same. The support columns have two rows, which means that Cook has to face the attack of the turret above the two support columns, even if hiding Under a support column, the turret on this support column cannot attack, but the pillar next to it will definitely attack

If you want to hide next to the support column, I'm sorry, the turret on the front support column is also attacking, so there are almost no dead ends, and if the route is slightly wrong, there will be three turrets attacking at the same time

Cook seems to be constantly jumping left and right, but if you are interested, you can see that Cook is facing the direction of the support column.

Boom, boom, boom

Cook's spirit is tense, because Cook has now been exposed to the attack of three turrets, the one that is directly opposite, and the other column of support pillars that are closest to Cook.


Cook stopped abruptly, and an attack fell seven or eight meters in front of Cook. If Cook kept going, this attack would fall on Cook.

The teammates in the defensive passage behind "Good Risk" all squeezed a cold sweat

"Deserves to be the chairman" someone said convincingly

"Have you seen that, President Cook can accurately calculate the attack of the three turrets. The attack interval of these three turrets is about two-thirds of a second. If the three turrets attack together, then President Cook will It’s not that easy anymore. You see, President Cook always makes the three turrets attack one after the other. I can’t do this precise calculation.

"Hehe, the president is a magic pattern master, but I know that the calculation ability of this magic pattern master and magic circle master is very abnormal"

Cook ignores the arguments of his teammates behind him. Cook's brain is like an accurate computer. Cook sometimes has to deliberately make some fake actions to confuse the fort.

Cook also knows that this attack interval is not the attack interval of the turret, but the detection of the magic pattern to detect the target, and then feedback to the turret. This takes time, of course, this is the blink of an eye.

At a distance of five hundred meters, Cook retreated six times. There was no way. If he didn't retreat, he would face a powerful attack. Cook looked at the closer and closer support column, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Boom!" Cook's speed suddenly accelerated. Cook had already subdued various speed increases. His agile body shot directly at a support column like a cannonball, and then climbed quickly like a gecko.

When the teammates behind the "dead spot" saw this scene, they immediately knew that this was the so-called dead spot, but if you want to reach this kind of dead spot, I am afraid that few of you who can reach Cook now have a chance to see the appearance of the fort. Just like a camera on the earth, it can be rotated continuously, 360 degrees, and this position is very tricky.At one corner of the support column, the field of view here is even more open.Of course, the angle of rotation is not 360 degrees, and the column has a 90-degree angle. The angle of attack is only 720 degrees

But this perspective is for ground moving targets, but above the pillars, there is a blind spot

Cook finally took a close look at the fort. The whole thing was more than one meter long and round. Cook touched it. It was made of extremely strong composite metal.

"Boom, boom, boom" Cook looked carefully for a while, then knocked left and right

"It's actually made of metal" Cook looked at the huge top and was shocked. Cook also found that he had been ignoring this.

Cook was not eager to dismantle these forts, but took out the Thunder teeth and began to dig them. Pieces of metal were cut down like tofu by Cook using Thunder teeth.

"What is Cook doing?" Cook's teammates are a little worried

"Why don't you go and see" someone replied teasingly, while the others rolled their eyes and waited quietly

"There really is a passage" Cook kept digging, and finally after digging two places, the third place was only a dozen centimeters deep, and he saw a dark hole.

"I'm still smart." When a channel with a height of one meter and five meters and a width of one meter appeared in front of Cook's eyes, Cook was finally relieved. You must know that there are hundreds of forts here. One is like the first one, I'm afraid I will be exhausted

When Cook came to the top, he saw that there was no magic pattern link in this fort. Cook thought of the outer armor of the magic puppet, then these forts would not use this method, as expected, Cook's speculation

"Zizizi" But when Cook was excited, several red shots shot directly at Cook

"Boom!" Cook fell directly from a height of 100 meters.

"Automatic maintenance puppet" Cook looked at his scorched arm and screamed. At this time, the turret on the support column next to him was aimed at Cook

With a bang, Cook just jumped up, and the turret above the support column next to it attacked. Cook could feel the attacked gravel hit his back, and then Cook climbed up the support column again

Cook watched the hole above the hole continuously crawling out of the maintenance puppets. Cook finally understood why these turrets could still attack.These maintenance puppets were constantly repairing the hole he had just dug, and the hot rays continued to melt and cut. Open metal

"Kaka, go!" Not only was Cook not irritated, but very excited. This maintenance puppet is so good, there are so many

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