A Unique Hunter

Chapter 827: Ice Elemental Elf

In the next few days, Cook cooperated with West Asia, working overtime, and finally drove out thousands of magic-weave equipment. Heads, breastplates, and weapons on the coast have priority. In these few days, the entire plane Very peaceful, of course, it does not count as the Bright Empire's massive invasion of the Dark Empire.

With the support of the Plane Alliance, the Bright Empire has greatly increased its strength. Although it is said that the legend cannot participate in the war, Cook has finally seen what is called a loophole. The soldiers of the Bright Empire are at least released several kinds of buffing magic before fighting. And carry a large number of high-level scrolls.

In half a day, the dark empire was broken by the light empire, and the light empire drove straight in. Although the dark empire realized afterwards, it also dispatched a legendary level of buffing magic, but the five-level thought, there are hundreds of magic crystal cannons. Much.

Cook just kept the soldiers on guard, and several countries around the Dark Empire sent out distress signals to Cook, because wars inevitably interfere with the development of the surrounding empires.

Cook has nothing to do with this. The current pope is a crazy believer. Besides, Cook estimates that it has something to do with the fifth-level empire. Everyone is in charge of the dark empire in the plane alliance, but cough cough, now This plane...

The pope must have raised his eyebrows, Nima, Lao Tzu has long seen you not pleasing to your eyes. The big one can't do anything with you, the small one can't do it, yuck, if you don't destroy you, I'll be in vain.

Of course, Cook will not ignore these distress signals and directly tell Sofia and others. Anyway, if you hit you, don't harass the empire next to him, and then Cook will leave it alone.

No one dared to ignore Cook’s words, even the mad pope. After understanding, the degree of his master’s obedient towards Cook is almost unbelievable.

The mad pope really stopped, but the dark empire has been occupied for a fraction of the time. Now the Holy See of Light is brainwashing the people of the dark empire. These Cooks don’t care, because Cook received news that the three golden dragons have gathered one. Batch the dragon and prepare to go to the Demon Seal.

There are many types of giant dragons, and giant dragons are very greedy for money. It is unknown what is in the demon god, but it is precisely because of this unknown that these giant dragons are moved.

Cook stepped up to repair the magicweave equipment, but the number was too much. It was Cook and West Asia, and the others had become helpers. After a week, Lina returned. At this time, the dragon was already It began to gather like a demon seal.

Cook watched Lina's return, and immediately held an alliance meeting. This time there were more than 700 people participating in the meeting, and the lunatic pope of the Bright Empire would also attend.

"Everyone, this time the Demon Seal is a cooperation of our alliance, but it is impossible for us to go to so many people. Unknown places have unknown dangers, so I only bring fifty people. Of course, the rest will also. You have the right to distribute the spoils. The rest of you have to guard it outside. The main study below is the distribution problem. This time I will give you all the supplies for free. The distribution of the spoils will be re-distributed, and we can also learn from mercenaries. The regiment’s points system, and not only for combat occupations, but for alchemists like Mori, everyone is not required to pay for repairing equipment, and points are given directly. There are also medicines and equipment that can be exchanged with points." Cook directly. Said, of course, Cook sought the opinions of these people in advance.

Cook applied the mercenary regiment system very simply. In fact, the mercenary regiment has developed to the present, the system has been very suitable, and everyone present has no objection. After all, everyone has the opportunity.

"Next, I will appoint a general manager to manage the affairs of the alliance. He is His Excellency Kokorov. As for the combatants this time, everyone should go to him to sign up, and then His Excellency Kokorov will be screened. We must use it this time. The strongest lineup, okay, everyone can sign up." Cook threw the stall to Kokorov next, joking, would it be exhausting to do this by himself.

Cook didn't wait for Kokorov's refusal and left quickly. After Cook returned to the Baron's Mansion, Lina and others had already been waiting there.

Cook looked at a few people and said, "Lina, Sia, the two of you don't go this time. The main thing is to pick up from the outside. After all, the ancient magic circle is our only way out."

"Okay." Lina and Xia thought about it, but they were blocked by Cook's words.

"This time Ka Ka, Big Mouth will follow me, Er Fat is no longer needed, and Xiao Meili will be taken care of by you." Cook thought about it and said again.

"Huh." Just after Cook finished speaking, Cook suddenly felt a strange spatial fluctuation in the ring of space.

When Cook opened the Space Ring, a shadow rushed out, and Windsor rushed out and said to Cook anxiously: "Quick, quickly, that big guy is coming out."

"Big guy." Cook didn't understand, and rushed into the natural ring.

Then Cook took out a big blue egg, and Lina and the others understood at a glance, what kind of egg is there, but the unknown product formed by the last time those elemental fruits swallowed each other and condensed.

The blue light on the huge egg gradually dimmed, and it continued to shrink, gradually becoming transparent.

"Elemental Elf." In ten minutes, the huge egg disappeared, leaving a villain not much older than Windsor. The villain was covered in blue light. Cook and the others hadn't recognized it, and Barry fell. Ran out first.

"Elemental Elf." Cook and the others were also surprised. The legend of Elemental Elf is a bit illusory.

What is the elemental spirit, that is the king of elemental creatures, but the elemental spirit has a characteristic, that is, the entire plane, whether it is the gods or other worlds, there is only one.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that elemental spirits are born with powerful abilities and are immune to all other magical attacks in this department. Just like this ice elemental spirit, the ice element is useless for his attacks, even if it is forbidden. Level.

In addition, elemental elves can directly mobilize other elements of this system as a means of attack, and elemental elves have the primary strength of the sanctuary at the beginning of their birth, and they are born with elemental domains.

"How is this possible?" Cook's mind hardly believed that it was true.

"Huh, what do you know." Windsor replied grimly.

Cook didn't know why. Hearing Windsor was like having trouble with Windsor. Cook replied in an annoyed manner: "You know, you say."

"You idiot, trash, idiot, what kind of thing is your natural ring? Can the things grow in it be ordinary, and where does this ice element come from." Windsor immediately roared.

"It turns out that it is, Windsor, you mean that the level of this elemental spirit is still very high." Lina also vaguely knew what level of Cook's natural ring was, and asked.

"Of course, I guess it is at least a high-level sanctuary." Windsor said after thinking about it.

"Great, if a few more elemental elves can be cultivated in the demon **** this time." Cook thought that these little guys were born as Sanctuary horses drooling.

"Don't be whimsical, go, this guy is going to wake up." Windsor said disdainfully.

"Little baby." Cook quickly reached out and picked up the little guy, but then Cook was dumbfounded.

"This is a man or a woman." Cook asked when he saw the little guy on his legs.

"Bah." Everyone next to him croaked.

"Ignorant guys, there is no distinction between men and women in elemental spirits. As for the specifics, they will only be known when they become adults." Windsor once again buried Cook.

"Oh." Cook quickly took out the small clothes made of khaka silk.

"How can it have wings." Cook found out when he put on his clothes.

"Puff." Lina couldn't help but smile.

"Cook, it is said that this is because you can't control your own ability." Xia also said.

Cook understood that no one knew what was going on with the elemental elves, so Cook took out a little pants and a little vest for the baby-sized elves.

The Elemental Elf stared at Cook with wide eyes, looking very puzzled. After Cook put on the little guy, he was puzzled: "This little guy can't speak."

"You think it's a god, there must be a learning process for everything." Lina watched the little guy's blue gradually disappearing into her body, revealing her white skin, and said to Cook angrily.

"Ahem, what does this little guy want to eat." Cook was almost choked by Lina's words.

"Try this." Windsor replied with a sneer.

Cook felt something was wrong, and Windsor's appearance was so unusual. Lina immediately said the answer: "What else do you expect to eat from the elemental spirit, of course it is the magic crystal core."

"No, there is already a guy who eats magic crystal coins, and he is here again." Cook immediately called.

"In fact, Element Fruit is the best choice~www.novelmtl.com~ Barry spoke up.

"Elemental Fruit, I hope the little guy doesn't eat too much." Cook breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there are at least hundreds of thousands of ice elements in the Elemental Fruit's natural ring.

When Cook saw that the little guy had eaten twenty of them, Cook's face turned pale, and it is said that the growth period of the elemental spirits is at least several hundred years.

"Ya-yah, I have time to go to the Arctic Icefield to grow mushrooms." Cook finally gritted his teeth and said, while the little guy was occupied by Lina, Xia and others.

Barry looked at Cook's dissatisfaction and said with contempt: "You are so happy in your heart."

"Who said that, but since it's here, we can't lose it, right? There are a lot of good things under the Arctic Ice Sheet." Cook denied, but the subsequent words exposed Cook's most true thoughts.

Barry rolled his eyes at Cook, and Barry admired him. He thought of those things so quickly, the pathogens of the extreme north, and there might be something good under the thousand-meter-thick snow and ice.

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